F 9/11 - Amazing Flick !!!
(too old to reply)
2004-06-28 15:11:26 UTC
This is the most important film you can see before November's elections!!!


Mostly footage of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld all in their own words, with the
'dots' then connected by the brilliant Mr. Moore (via official Government
Documentation) ... as well as the heartbreaking and tragic story ov one
Military Mom; with a son in the "Bush's Iraq War" AND footage ov Bush's
inauguration you HAVE GOT to see to believe (amazing, intense footage the
so-called "Liberal Media" has never shown!)

ANOTHER DEPRESSING yet INTENSE LINK - Pay your respects...

-- DAMn!
X Collide
2004-06-29 01:34:47 UTC
Post by DAMnet
This is the most important film you can see before November's elections!!!
<A HREF="http://www.fahrenheit911.com/">http://www.fahrenheit911.com/</A>

Yes... run don't walk. This is a documentary that everyone should see.

Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
2004-06-29 17:31:37 UTC
Post by DAMnet
This is the most important film you can see before November's elections!!!
Mostly footage of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld all in their own words, with the
'dots' then connected by the brilliant Mr. Moore (via official Government
Documentation) ... as well as the heartbreaking and tragic story ov one
Military Mom; with a son in the "Bush's Iraq War" AND footage ov Bush's
inauguration you HAVE GOT to see to believe (amazing, intense footage the
so-called "Liberal Media" has never shown!)
If by "connecting the dots" you mean "erasing some dots, creating new
ones, putting some together and making the general audience assume some
dots are really other dots without actually telling them," then you may
be right.

Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to
push his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be
overlooked by those with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather
than believe some hollywood filth.
Loki Ambrodious von Esling
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Semper Paratus / / /
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2004-06-29 18:45:05 UTC
Post by Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
If by "connecting the dots" you mean "erasing some dots, creating new
ones, putting some together and making the general audience assume some
dots are really other dots without actually telling them," then you may
be right.
Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to
push his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be
overlooked by those with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather
than believe some hollywood filth.
Is it really that boring in the coast guard?
Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
2004-06-29 23:26:15 UTC
Post by Crudbreeder
Post by Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
If by "connecting the dots" you mean "erasing some dots, creating new
ones, putting some together and making the general audience assume some
dots are really other dots without actually telling them," then you may
be right.
Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to
push his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be
overlooked by those with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather
than believe some hollywood filth.
Is it really that boring in the coast guard?
Bah, I'm on leave; nothing better to do.
Loki Ambrodious von Esling
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Semper Paratus / / /
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Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
2004-06-29 23:37:56 UTC
Post by Crudbreeder
Post by Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
If by "connecting the dots" you mean "erasing some dots, creating new
ones, putting some together and making the general audience assume some
dots are really other dots without actually telling them," then you may
be right.
Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to
push his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be
overlooked by those with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather
than believe some hollywood filth.
Is it really that boring in the coast guard?
coast guard = the lazy man's military service

loki = average conservative conspiracy theorist
np: Nothin'

AIM: WhoKilledtheJAMs
e23topy at yahoo dot commmmm

"if his pupils dialate when having a 1 of weed hell fuckin die on herion
as i told hi he has he tolerence of a retarded 3 year old" -Eric u.
Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
2004-06-29 23:46:14 UTC
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
Post by Crudbreeder
Post by Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
If by "connecting the dots" you mean "erasing some dots, creating new
ones, putting some together and making the general audience assume some
dots are really other dots without actually telling them," then you may
be right.
Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to
push his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be
overlooked by those with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather
than believe some hollywood filth.
Is it really that boring in the coast guard?
coast guard = the lazy man's military service
Not exactly, I actually do work instead of train all day
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
loki = average conservative conspiracy theorist
Er, that'd be more so if I said Moore released this film in partnership
with Democrat money in hopes of generating more votes for the left wing.

Oh wait, that just might be true. Time will tell.
Loki Ambrodious von Esling
/ / /
Semper Paratus / / /
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2004-06-29 20:21:13 UTC
Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to push
his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be overlooked by those
with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather than believe some hollywood
filth. <<

You are sooo far off-base: the Official Government Documents and Massive
Amounts ov rarely-seen Film Footage truly tell their own story in F 9/11(did
you not even read my brief 'overview' ov the film - at all?)

Michael Moore may have (in your / ie: the right wing's / eyes) "cut the
footage together in a 'suggestive' way," but if you have ANY knowledge ov THE
CARSLYLE GROUP*, or HALIBURTON** and just who works for them, owns stocks, gets
and benefits from them you can surely draw your own conclusions to these ends
as well. (!)

And so sorry to inform you "this piece of trash" (as you so ignorantly call
it); will NOT be "overlooked" by ANY stretch - considering that F911 was the
top grossing movie opening weekend (and already the #1 All Time Money Making
Documentary Film ever in just one weekend)...as a side note i wonder if you
even saw the film you seem to think you have figured out to be a "lie" (again
*your* interpretation of factual original film documentation direct from the
mouths ov Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al.)


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Additional Facts:
President Bush on Sept. 17, 2003: "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein
was involved with Sept. 11... There's no question that [he] had al-Qaida ties."

From the 9/11 Commission Report:
"There have been reports that contacts between Iraq and al-Qaida also occurred
after bin Laden had returned to Afghanistan, but they do not appear to have
resulted in a collaborative relationship. Two senior bin Laden associates have
adamantly denied that any ties existed between al-Qaida and Iraq. We have no
credible evidence that Iraq and al-Qaida cooperated on attacks against the
United States."

Sources: AP, 9-11commission.gov, CNN, Cox News Service
2004-06-30 14:10:08 UTC
Post by Oh shit, what are we gonna necco now?
Michael Moore is a liar in every sense, using nothing by propoganda to
push his retarded agenda. This piece of trash will hopefully be
overlooked by those with enough sense to make up thier own minds rather
than believe some hollywood filth.
We should just take your word for it, right? This is the same thing people
do with Chomsky (not that I'm putting them on the same level)- they
character assasinate without dealing with the arguments. What makes his
agenda "retarded"? Where are the "lies" in this movie? There were a couple
of inaccuracies in Moore's film (how much Saudi money is in the US economy,
for ex, was informed conjecture Moore used to draw a conclusion), but
there's also a lot of stuff people need to see, like the Representatives
protesting the systematic denial of vote to black voters in Florida. The
media covered that story like anyone who believed it was insane (literally,
they called ran quote after quote of republicans calling people insane), but
you officials elected to national office raising their voices about it, so
didn't it at least warrant some form of coverage by the mainstream media?

As far as Iraq and 9/11 goes, Moore nailed it dead on. The pres went to
war- he'd wanted to go into Iraq from day one (Powell was on CNN in Feb '01
talking about it), and 9/11 gave him an excuse. NONE of his reasons for the
war were justified in retrospect, everything the left said would go wrong
has, and he still has a job. How? The media and the dems have been way too
soft on him. WMD? None. Link to 9/11? None. Improved life for Iraqis?
Ummmmm.... Nucular weapons programs? Blatant lie, caught red-handed, and
they've let him lie his way out of it. Bush has run this country into the
ground, the $287 B+ spent on this war could've solved any domestic problem,
probably could cure cancer if you dump that much money into it, and somehow
he's gotten a free pass. I'm not Moore's biggest fan, but he's saying
things that need to be said at a time when no one else with a national stage
will say them.

And there's an actual discussion on RMI :>
