I Just Can't Do It
(too old to reply)
2006-08-01 23:20:00 UTC
I can't bring myself to buy a Kraftwerk album. Even used.

Let there be throbbing.
Dave Watson
2006-08-02 04:22:18 UTC
Post by mimus
I can't bring myself to buy a Kraftwerk album. Even used.
Stop being a pussy and get over yourself. Grab _The Man Machine_ on
sight, play it and hear the music that influenced a lot of what people
here listen to.
Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Stretcher CD-R--sevcom.com)
Frezier Balzoff (aka Ottawa), Ontario, Canada Email--shlf[at]ncf[dot]ca
(Remember to remove the spamtrap word before E-mailing a reply.)
My music and anime webpage: http://eyevocal.ottawa-anime.org/
Yvette Watson, 1942-2002--You will be greatly missed and always loved.
Craig Hall, 1975-2005--Good friend and kindred wild spirit.
Kill worms!! http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/
Albino Leviathan
2006-08-03 03:24:23 UTC
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
I can't bring myself to buy a Kraftwerk album. Even used.
Stop being a pussy and get over yourself. Grab _The Man Machine_ on
sight, play it and hear the music that influenced a lot of what people
here listen to.
Albino Leviathan
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
2006-08-03 18:51:54 UTC
Post by Albino Leviathan
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
I can't bring myself to buy a Kraftwerk album. Even used.
Stop being a pussy and get over yourself. Grab _The Man Machine_ on
sight, play it and hear the music that influenced a lot of what people
here listen to.

We're trying to overcome about a thirty-year-old antipathy here.

And that title is hardly calculated to be reassuring . . . .

I'll do it . . . I will do it . . . I'll do it . . . I will . . . .
Let there be throbbing.
Albino Leviathan
2006-08-03 19:18:15 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Albino Leviathan
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
I can't bring myself to buy a Kraftwerk album. Even used.
Stop being a pussy and get over yourself. Grab _The Man Machine_ on
sight, play it and hear the music that influenced a lot of what people
here listen to.
We're trying to overcome about a thirty-year-old antipathy here.
And that title is hardly calculated to be reassuring . . . .
I'll do it . . . I will do it . . . I'll do it . . . I will . . . .
LOL. Cool. I had to look up antipathy. No pressure. No pressure.
Albino Leviathan
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA