Yet another ping gdm thread!
(too old to reply)
2007-08-24 16:14:04 UTC
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
Loading Image...
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

Let there be throbbing.
2007-08-24 19:00:27 UTC
Post by mimus
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.

i like the blinded me with science video with profesor pike in it. i
always though he was quite entertaining and barking mad.
2007-08-24 19:18:35 UTC
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
Skinny Puppy.
Post by metro-golden-meower
i like the blinded me with science video with profesor pike in it. i
always though he was quite entertaining and barking mad.
It was cute.

Maybe some FLA remixes? Leeb has turned out a couple of dozen albums a
year at times, seemingly, so he should be able to cough up a nice powerful
Dolby-remix set in a coupla weeks.

I liked the Dolby concert-video he did with Lena Lovich ("New Toy" just
wouldn't be the same without her).


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

Let there be throbbing.
2007-08-24 20:15:35 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
Skinny Puppy.
Post by metro-golden-meower
i like the blinded me with science video with profesor pike in it. i
always though he was quite entertaining and barking mad.
It was cute.
Maybe some FLA remixes? Leeb has turned out a couple of dozen albums a
year at times, seemingly, so he should be able to cough up a nice powerful
Dolby-remix set in a coupla weeks.
i don't know who leb is so i'd have no idea about that.
Post by mimus
I liked the Dolby concert-video he did with Lena Lovich ("New Toy" just
wouldn't be the same without her).
all i remember her for was that lucky number single she did back in
the late 70's. i never minded dolby as some of his stuff wasn't to bad
though as you said, it wasn't exactly powerfull and full of attitude.
etymological overload
2007-08-24 23:27:55 UTC
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
Skinny Puppy.
Post by metro-golden-meower
i like the blinded me with science video with profesor pike in it. i
always though he was quite entertaining and barking mad.
It was cute.
Maybe some FLA remixes? Leeb has turned out a couple of dozen albums a
year at times, seemingly, so he should be able to cough up a nice powerful
Dolby-remix set in a coupla weeks.
i don't know who leb is so i'd have no idea about that.
Post by mimus
I liked the Dolby concert-video he did with Lena Lovich ("New Toy" just
wouldn't be the same without her).
all i remember her for was that lucky number single she did back in
the late 70's. i never minded dolby as some of his stuff wasn't to bad
though as you said, it wasn't exactly powerfull and full of attitude.
wtf? thomas dolby invented the cassette tape and stfu
2007-08-25 00:42:00 UTC
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 23:27:55 +0000, etymological overload
Post by etymological overload
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
Skinny Puppy.
Post by metro-golden-meower
i like the blinded me with science video with profesor pike in it. i
always though he was quite entertaining and barking mad.
It was cute.
Maybe some FLA remixes? Leeb has turned out a couple of dozen albums a
year at times, seemingly, so he should be able to cough up a nice powerful
Dolby-remix set in a coupla weeks.
i don't know who leb is so i'd have no idea about that.
Post by mimus
I liked the Dolby concert-video he did with Lena Lovich ("New Toy" just
wouldn't be the same without her).
all i remember her for was that lucky number single she did back in
the late 70's. i never minded dolby as some of his stuff wasn't to bad
though as you said, it wasn't exactly powerfull and full of attitude.
wtf? thomas dolby invented the cassette tape and stfu
that's one way to confirm the biological entity you where ejected from
had syphilis while it was pregnant with you.
2007-08-25 00:13:51 UTC
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
On Tue, 21 Aug 2007 16:48:18 +0000 (UTC), Boris Wayne
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 15:04:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 22:10:15 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:10:53 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 12:10:08 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called
: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:18:36 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::: On Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:55:44 +0000 (UTC), Boris T. Wayne
::::::::: I found you the perfect woman.
::::::::: http://shorterlink.com/?YEIMQO
:::::::: Tut, as if. Sheila moved in with me.
::::::: So that's where she went. Did she bring the dildo with her?
:::::: She bought the whole collection. It was conditional.
::::: I bet it's a really impressive collection.
:::: She has a really big box.
::: *snort* i'm sure you know how i read _that_
:: Twins, too.
: she's certainly equiped well enough to breast feed them with no
: problem.
its a real shame she's not in series 4 of shameless. hopefully 4 will
make a series 5 and she'll be back.
She's not coming back except maybe as a cameo, or so says Maggie O'Neill.
i know matey who plays frank said he'd do another series if the
scripts are good. i didn't know it looked like it will go ahead. knoxy
spent ages the other day reading the characters my space pages!
The whole cast broke off filming to collect money for flood victims
in south east asia. Big local publicity, but they only got 500 quid.
well. people are dirt poor up north or is that just how the media
portrays it oop there?
You've heard of Cheshire, I presume. Ever watch "Gold Plated"? I didn't.
There's more millionaires in Cheshire than anywhere else in the country
except London.
funny. i read bucks was suppossed to be the richest county in england.
Isn't that somewhere near London?
40 mins away.
You're probably right. Means London's third.
london is the shittiest and dirtiest place i have ever been in my
entire life. i refuze to go there unless its to go to the way cheap pc
market off the totenam court road.
I suspect the locals assumed Frank was just after cash for a fix. "Fuck
off, parasite".
when isn't he?
I mean, FFS, would you give money to Frank?
i don't get frank. he's druggie, alchie arsehole, yet they pay him to
do the ask frank drugs help line. what the fuck is that all about?
beyond telling kids how to take drugs what use is he?
None of these esteemed public services address the only drug problem which
I have, which is where to get them.
grow your own.
The insects out-compete me. Anyway, the Vietnamese seem to be doing a sterling
years ago i got a bollocking from my boss because in teh bottom of a
pc case box was a huge dead roach. this thing was fuckin' masive. all
i said was something like 'don't tell the asians, they'll think
dinners has arrived.'
Maybe we should mount a campaign, or something.
a good idea. i'l let you do the web page and i'll do the usenet
You'd need to wait a while. I haven't updated my web site for about 5
i've never had a web page and i never will.
Since Steve L mentioned it I've been thinking about setting up some kind
of music streaming thing.
that's one way to abuse the colleges bandwidth.
It'd get lost in the rest of the noise.
if its to loud, you are to old - thomas dolby.
Like his music wasn't far too soft, thin and underpowered.
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
Skinny Puppy.
Post by metro-golden-meower
i like the blinded me with science video with profesor pike in it. i
always though he was quite entertaining and barking mad.
It was cute.
Maybe some FLA remixes? Leeb has turned out a couple of dozen albums a
year at times, seemingly, so he should be able to cough up a nice powerful
Dolby-remix set in a coupla weeks.
i don't know who leb is so i'd have no idea about that.
Main d00d of Front Line Assembly and a handful of side-projects.
Post by metro-golden-meower
Post by mimus
I liked the Dolby concert-video he did with Lena Lovich ("New Toy" just
wouldn't be the same without her).
all i remember her for was that lucky number single she did back in
the late 70's. i never minded dolby as some of his stuff wasn't to bad
though as you said, it wasn't exactly powerfull and full of attitude.
"Europa and the Pirate Twins", "One of Our Submarines is Missing", "Radio
Silence" and "Science" could all use some power-arrangements.


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

I have a job for you.

< _The Fire-Eater_
etymological overload
2007-08-24 23:24:53 UTC
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
2007-08-25 00:30:34 UTC
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
Like there's any traffic or regulars in rmi.


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

You want a job and a lizard to ride?

< _The Einstein Intersection_
Boris Wayne
2007-08-25 23:41:23 UTC
Stalking me again (in article
Post by mimus
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
Like there's any traffic or regulars in rmi.
Ahem! I'm regular.

Right, that's it. Next time I review a CD, I'm xposting.
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.1 GWS 1.1. Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
You're obsolete. Nobody wants to talk to you, irrelevant muppet.
Setting bots on people is abusive. It's pure white noise.
I am an astronaut.
2007-08-27 17:28:13 UTC
Post by Boris Wayne
Stalking me again (in article
Post by mimus
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
Like there's any traffic or regulars in rmi.
Ahem! I'm regular.
Then I must be the other.

Let's make Per moderator.
Post by Boris Wayne
Right, that's it. Next time I review a CD, I'm xposting.
Send it off to rec.music.progressive.

They seem to really enjoy that.


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

Let there be throbbing, other than in rmp.
Boris Wayne
2007-08-29 22:46:26 UTC
Stalking me again (in article
Post by mimus
Post by Boris Wayne
Stalking me again (in article
Post by mimus
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
Like there's any traffic or regulars in rmi.
Ahem! I'm regular.
Then I must be the other.
Let's make Per moderator.
Post by Boris Wayne
Right, that's it. Next time I review a CD, I'm xposting.
Send it off to rec.music.progressive.
They seem to really enjoy that.
There are other music froups?

Of course there are.

Any that are still alive?
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.1 GWS 1.1. Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
You're obsolete. Nobody wants to talk to you, irrelevant muppet.
Setting bots on people is abusive. It's pure white noise.
I am an astronaut.
2007-08-25 00:44:27 UTC
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 23:24:53 +0000, etymological overload
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
no and or what will you do if we don't stop xposting, i added some
ng's for the hell of it, to your shitehole of an ng? you'll bitch like
a poor upset ickle girly about it again?
2007-08-25 04:22:58 UTC
Post by metro-golden-meower
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 23:24:53 +0000, etymological overload
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
no and or what will you do if we don't stop xposting, i added some
ng's for the hell of it, to your shitehole of an ng? you'll bitch like
a poor upset ickle girly about it again?
Are you fLaming yourself?


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

You want a job and a lizard to ride?

< _The Einstein Intersection_
2007-08-26 15:54:26 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by metro-golden-meower
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 23:24:53 +0000, etymological overload
Post by etymological overload
Post by mimus
that doesn't mean he wasn't right.
SP should do a cover of Dolby tunes. It would be awesome. And they might
as well.
quit xposting your flonker crap to rmi and learn to trim
no and or what will you do if we don't stop xposting, i added some
ng's for the hell of it, to your shitehole of an ng? you'll bitch like
a poor upset ickle girly about it again?
Are you fLaming yourself?
have to give matey a chance, ya know?