Wrong about Slovenia
(too old to reply)
2005-07-16 20:31:43 UTC
Interview with Von Thronstahl Rubrique : Alternative culture
July 8th, 2005

Interview with Athenaeum from Russia

1) First of all could you tell us a brief history of Von Thronstahl?
Why did you decide to start this project?

After a long time, hard years and lots of lessons it was time to
return to the treasures of our Occidental Culture. Hardcore,
Rock’n'Roll, Gothic - a real adventure, almost an odyssey - but my
longing for light was answered by a voice which came from the very
source of the European heritage. The words and thoughts of Stefan
George, Julius Evola and other European thinkers found a resonance
deep inside of me and suddenly I knew that all this Rock’n'Roll, all
this sickness of the alleged progressive modern way of pop/rock
business is more backwards and a part of the (literary) past than the
often said-to-be-forgotten, but truly eternal spirit of those old
philosophers. To me it seemed that a RETURN to our roots has got more
potential future than all the triviality of the modern world

But in the end the aforementioned odyssey was important; if you have
to find your way back home after roaming for so long you learn to
appreciate home even more. And to be precise on that imagery :
returning home does not imply absence of change. Everything will
change, that’s for surebut we will change the world, the world won’t
change us. It’ll be a process of cleansing. And there’s a real pig-sty
to be cleaned. That’s a classical theme; and Von Thronstahl started
out with the feeling that the boys are coming home"just to find their
home occupied and desecrated.

2) Josef what’s going on with your band Forthcoming fire? It has been
announced that Forthcoming Fire will play on VAWS festival in Austria
in July.

To be blunt : Forthcoming Fire belongs to the past. I’m just releasing
some material which was left and just didn’t come out (for various
reasons). It’s the completion of a story; I truly love the material
and it would be a shame not to release it. So far, Forthcoming Fire
(as a part of my life) was not complete; the end of the story was
still missing and nobody should leave a story like that (i.e.
unfinished). I want to finish this beautiful (but dead) chapter with
releasing the rest and playing some shows; to give us and the fans
something worthy to remember Forthcoming Fire by. This implies more
nostalgia than using World War samples with Von Thronstahl.
Rock’n'Roll has something of a living dead but in the end it’s really
something to ENJOY. It does not go as deep as true culture, it may be
art, but the future for me lies in the pursuit of the Occidental
Culture; which is more attached to the soul than Rock’n'Roll.

3) And Marcel tells us about your project The Days Of The Trumpet
call? This project has been inspired by subject of Apocalypse. Why do
you have such a big interest in eschatology?

First of all I have to say that the project The Days Of The Trumpet
Call is Raymond P. Period. I (Marcel) have done both vocals and guitar
on stage but the VISION is that of Raymond; he’s the composer and the
sole member of the project. I felt truly honoured to have been asked
to join both Von Thronstahl and The Days Of The Trumpet Call for this
tour and the fact that both protagonists were so taken in by my input
that they’ve asked me to join them on further live shows and studio
recordings fills me with pride.

As for Raymond’s vision : The Apocalypse as such has always been a
topic Forthcoming Fire dealt with; and even before in the 80ies when
Josef and Raymond were in punk bands like Aus 98? and Circle Of
Sig-Tiu together. A lot of inspiration is drawn from old Catholicism,
orthodox teachings, prophesies and mysticism. References should be
Jakob Bohme, Meister Eckehardt, Hildegard von Bingen and several

4) Your last CD was Bellum sacrum bellum". What is the concept of this
album? What is the difference between this album and your previous

Bellum Sacrum Bellum !? was inspired by the US - war on Iraq; a very
martial piece of work. Further releases will be more in the vein of
neo folk. If you listen closely to the album you will actually hear a
lot of punk roots, which were very personal to me. Like Joy Division
or the UK Subs. I like the energy of Punk; the early, authentic years.
A lot of the punk and wave musicians were very much into fascism
actually. Left-wingers worked hard to change this, but acts like
Rammstein, Laibach, Death In June and others will re-conquer the old
territory while being more into style than in actual politics. I’d
like to remind you of an old statement Rod Stewart once made about
rock music : Rock music is fascism - I love rock music!".

5) What feelings, emotions and thoughts are you going to evoke from
Von Thronstahl’s listeners?

Everybody got his or her own way of understanding the music; the
feeling will surely differ from person to person, but the main aspect
behind the musical works of Von Thronstahl is that the SPIRIT of the
people should be reached and may be changed, or at least the people
can be made AWARE; at least a bit. To a lot of listeners the music was
a point from which they started to explore art, literature and the
cultural heritage and customs of their people.

To make this clear : We do see ourselves as the legitimate heirs of
the REICH! And as long as people come to follow theses causes, nothing
is lost although these days we do feel like knights without a king (or
even more to the point : kings without a land"). But it is necessary
to carry the flame onward to another time; if we don’t do it then who
will? It’s the fate of the men against time to do so. We (meaning the
group and the devoted audience) may only be few, but the best. We hold
the people who are into our music in high value; they’re not just
music - fans, they’re dedicated, they’re aware. And that deserves
respect in times like these; one could also speak of some kind of
bonding between the people who follow the same way an eternal

All of this exists apart from the world of the managers, the bosses of
the economy. It’s the Reich in the minds, more the sheer proclamation
of change than the actual change itself. We’re talking in terms of
philosophy and spiritual guidance and the ones who listen closely will

6) Recently you played in Moscow and St.Petersburg. What are you
impressions from Russian tour?

We came as GUESTS, we greeted as FRIENDS and left as COMRADES; it was
a great experience and the feelings of each one of us were hard to
describe when we sat foot on historical places like the Red Square,
which we only knew from pictures or from the television. We’ll never
forget the feeling of being welcome that was present all the time. We
love your country and hope to return some day. Besides, it’s not a
secret that the Russian and the German soul maybe a bit different, but
they are deeply connected.

7) So how do you think is Russia a part of European civilization or it
is different type of civilization? What is the difference between
Western Europeans and Russians?

Although there are a lot of interconnections it definitely IS
different; a fact you should be proud of. Under the influence of the
(let’s call them that way) driving forces behind the winners of WWII
most of the European countries and especially Germany lost much of the
cultural identity. With Russia it’s not like that; we witnessed it
when we were in your country. A lot of first hand experiences showed
us that there is more resistance against the change to a
multi-cultural, America - oriented society in the common Russian
people than e.g. in Germany or other European countries. To answer the
question regarding the difference(s) more accurately we would have
needed more time to observe.

To conclude the thought : Russia shouldn’t try to be a part of
European civilization"; a strong partnership (and friendship) would do
more for both sides than Russia trying to emulate European
civilization and the latter exists only in the Underground, the states
and the systems themselves are (as one could say) occupied". We don’t
want to involve the theories about who actually occupies the
Europeans, a lot of people who are in the leading positions surely are
not even aware of the fact that they’re being manipulated. Regarding
our own country we could say that too much American sugar made the
German eagle fat and tired. Beware of the western sugar, beware of the
western sugar-coated democracy (i.e. no real democracy at all!). It
may taste sweet; like root-beer and donuts, but it slowly kills

8) Why did you decide to create a special Von Thronstahl/The Day of
Trumpet call split-CD dedicated to Russian tour? Tell us about
compositions from this album?

Basically the CD was created to give a special honour to Russia; to
underline the spiritual connection and to give the fans something
special. The compositions themselves evolved organically; more from
intuition than from a plan. My girlfriend Rada is Russian and one time
in the car she sung this Russian folksong; it was a moment of
enlightenment; I felt thunderstruck and it takes a lot to get such a
reaction from me. It’s a real pity that she was a bit shy in the
recording studio and did not sing it like she did without a
microphone, but one can still feel the soul behind the vocals. About
the track Wlassow : If Hitler wouldn’t have treated General Wlassow
like that. And the war shouldn’t have cut such deep wounds…but Stalin
on one side and Hitler on the other, it was just bound to happen.

9) Von Thronstahl took part on compilations dedicated to Leni
Riefenstahl, Julius Evola, Josef Thorak, Codreanu, Hermann Hendrich,
and Arno Breker. But who are your favourite writers, artists and
thinkers? What historical persons inspire you?

All of these almost forgotten (or just secret?) philosophers,
thinkers, revolutionaries, musicians, artists and politicians and many

I (Marcel) could name writers like Ernst Junger and composers like
Richard Wagner. Inspiration can be drawn from a lot of people; they do
not necessarily need to come from the old days; I like a lot of
contemporary artists as well; to name but one there’s Robert N. Taylor
from America (!) who’s a composer & singer (his group is called
Changes"), poet, painter, writer, former political activist and Asatru
priest this is a person whose works I can recommend to anyone without

I (Josef) also enjoy Napoleon and Dimitri Mereschkowsky seems to have
been the man with the view a capability to see things beyond the sight
of others, to describe the nature of Napoleon as it should be.

10) What do you think about modern Europe of EU and NATO? What future
for Europe would you like to see?

All I see is ECONOMY, betrayal, Golden Calves and idiots dancing
around them, celebrating the decline. It bears a lot of resemblance to
the Weimarer Republik". There is no future for Europa (we do prefer
this version although the current state of the continent does not live
up to the name) like this; it’s money lender’s paradise all over again
the only things that’s alive at all is the European underground. But
let the people play Europe for a while. Change will come.

11) What is the meaning of your band’s motto Return your revolt into
style"? Every great political and spiritual movement has its own
style. What revolt and style are you speaking about?

It’s our style against time, a style of struggle. We are between
times", like between worlds and we’re struggling to reach the new
world. But we’re firmly sure that we won’t reach it ourselves, but
those who will be our heirs. We are but the fertilizer for the soil
from which the new seed will arise. Our style is both nostalgic and
futuristic, with a lot of potential and controversy. It is neo -
classicism"; a hybrid. Classicism is forever; it will outlive the
contemporary systems but we created a new form of it that will stand
the test of time as well.

12) Are there any repressions and boycotts from the side of
mass-media, police and antifa? Do you have any problems with
distribution of your music and playing concerts in Germany?

Yes, indeed. But we’ve managed to live with it and sell records as
well as hold concerts nonetheless. Regarding the distributors in
Germany : There are some who boycott us, but that’s not a real
problem, we don’t care. It’s just takes a bit longer. And concerts
only need more preparation; you have to put more effort in
organisation and security, but it is possible and we’ve done it
successfully. The so-called Antifa is but a sickness, not a
counterpart. It’s a symptom of a much greater illness, to be more
accurate. Even though we share a lot of visions and thoughts the
musicians to have different opinions regarding some aspects. Regarding
the fake-democracy we’re living I (Josef) could be labelled
anti-democratic. I despise it. Although I’m not a national-socialist I
do see myself as a fascist in my own kind of way. I (Marcel) do see
fascism more from the original philosophical point : Reaching a goal
in joined effort (if necessary) by struggle/force. This does not imply
any form of leader- or dictatorship, but could also be combined with a
real (i.e. free) democracy. Over the years I have witnessed a lot of
awakening among the European youth; they’re beginning to ask questions
and don’t take the indoctrination of the masses without resistance
anymore. Also the infra-structure is growing continuously; both within
the countries as well as internationally (you, meaning the reader, are
holding the proof of it right in your hands!).

13) Is it possible to create now a New Culture of the New Europe,
culture based on European blood, soil and spirit in modern world of
neo-liberalism and globalism? Is it possible to win the cultural war
with the New World Order?

The New World Order is nothing but an American way of dictatorship.
The true ORDER is neither old nor new, it’s ETERNAL. But ideas and
thoughts of people that are connected to the Eternal Order do not seem
to be popular these days (who might have guessed that). It all takes
time; the sickness has to spread further and further before the
general public realizes what’s going on. So far they’re asleep or
(literally) dancing on the volcano and no political party or leading
power seems to be determined to stop this process. It’s DECLINE NOW
instead of APOCALYPSE NOW". That should remind us of the words of Boyd
Rice, spoken a long time ago : The end of the world is an ongoing
process", it truly is. But in the end we are still confident that a
rebirth will come; and this goes for both Europa and Russia which will
both rise from the ashes of cultural contamination and stop the
decline of civilization.

14) What are your future plans?

Plans for what future? These days it’s hard to keep enough energy for
the living of today; here in the present, so it’s hard to think about
plans for the future. But although the future may be dark, cloudy and
far away we think we do have sufficient energy as well as plans and
concepts for (musical) actions. The next Von Thronstahl concerts will
be held in Austria and Portugal (both already confirmed) plus another
one in Belgium is being planed these days.

15) And now some final words to Athenaeum readers?

Let us be ready and let us wait for our time to come, because all
actions are futile if the time is not right. We do not want something
like a reservation for our thoughts and ideas to dwell in, no hiding
place for our actions; we want EVERYTHING. A complete Reich of
freedom. Everything in time

Iain x http://18hz.com

Is there no help for the widow's son?
2005-07-17 20:49:18 UTC
Please let me quote 18hz...
|Interview with Von Thronstahl Rubrique [...]

Any reason why you posted this piece of Nazi propaganda under the subject
of "Wrong about Slovenia"?


NP: Sentimentale Jugend "Borsigwerke"
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2005-07-17 22:09:46 UTC
Post by Locke
Please let me quote 18hz...
|Interview with Von Thronstahl Rubrique [...]
Any reason why you posted this piece of Nazi propaganda under the subject
of "Wrong about Slovenia"?
Because I thought the whole thing was bollocks..? Especially when the
muppet ropes in Laibach and Rammstein as his leading fascist
Iain x http://18hz.com

I see houses burning I'm ashamed
before you close your eyes denyingly
you'd better ask yourself
did I choose something I could regret
