The Official rec.music.industrial FAQ
(too old to reply)
Usenet FAQ Poster
2007-08-06 15:26:22 UTC

Before I let you begin again, I'd like to thank all who helped put this
new Industrial Music FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document together.


The address to send FAQ related info has changed to: Dave.Null@[].

Last Updated: Monday August 6th 2007.

Current Editor: Boris T. Wayne.

Copies of the FAQ are unavailable on our web site: point your Microsoft
Windows browser to http://www.microsoft.com.



PART 1 - Frequently Asked Questions File:

1. Intro
2. History
3. Charter
4. RMI CD Status
5. Important Facts
6. Industrial and The Internet NEW!
7. Question/Answer Section
8. Famous Industrial & Existential Quotes NEW!
9. FTP Servers
10. Mailing Lists
11. Examples of industrial music

PART 2 - Not Coming Soon!



"Industrial Is Not Mine."--Al Jourgenson, London, Chicago 1983

Experimental. Aggro. Techno. Rave. Alternative. Noise. Damnbient.
House Music. Rap. Hip Hop. Electronica. Country Western. Bluegrass.
Celtic. Skid Row. Yanni. That scene from Deliverance. Industrial.

So many labels and classifications. Industrial is a fairly new form of
music and already has broken up into several sub-genres.



It is generally accepted that the term "industrial music" was coined
in 1995 when a member of Korn described their music to the London
Tabloids as "Industrial". It was a way to describe the psychotic
heaviness of the sound and the alternative intstrumentation. Korn
would sometimes use more than one guitar and occasionally add sound
effects to make the guitars and / or vocals sound "crunchy". Like

Marilyn Manson. The creators of the genre before its name? Use of
Synthesizers and Guitars created the foundry for this style of angry
emotion laden music. Bands like Kraftwerk and Coil attempted this type
of thing but in the end failed and were forgotten. Skinny Puppy,
originally hailing from the great white north, were often lumped into
the "Industiral" category, though they weren't experimental enough to
be truly considered. They too were forgotten.

Extra-Musical Elements. Because television has become a more powerful
agent of control than any pop music song, the use of MTV made
industrial what it is today. Commercialism is a large part of the
capitalist industrial aura.

Shock Tactics. Bands came up with names like "Prick" to shock the
people. Many bands would incorporate the use of curse words in their
lyrics. Many people did not like this. Bands like Gravity kills and
Stabbing Westward would portray imagery of pain and angst in some of
their songs. This was known to 'rock' the foundations of 90's
contemporary music.

Einsturezende Neubauten's early work was far too primitive to be
considered "true" industrial. As compared to their contemporaries,
Marilyn Manson and Gravity Kills, their production values were not
nearly polished enough to keep the attention of true fans of the

Some aspects of other genre's have had attempts to "mix" with
industrial. The gothic art movement had attempted to merge, bringing a
darker light to the otherwise positive industrial scene. This ended
quickly when fans rejected the negativity and depression associated
with Gothic music.

Industrial music has more or less, continued to progress and evolve
alongside its society. When "alternative" music became popular, many
industrial artists pushed their sound in this new direction. Whereas
many of the forefathers of the industrial scene, such as Fleetwood Mac
remained steadfast with their acoustic approach, a new generation
stepped in.

Sammy Hagar, with his smash hit single "I Can't Drive 55" was the
first on the scene. Cars, after all, are very industrial. The notion
that Mr. Hagar could not control his passion for this industrial
creation attracted a new generation of "Autopunk" fans. The idea that
he was "one with his car" made Sammy Hagar the first true "cyberpunk",
blending machines with flesh.

For more information about industrial (experimental)
music/history/culture there are a few books you can read:

Better Holmes and Gardens - Ghey Publishing Ltd. (ISBN 0 696900 01 0)
Hustler #4/5: Nekkitness! (ISBN 0-8008135-05-0)
Hit Parader #6/7: Steve Vai Takes Charge (ISBN 0-92134-07-7)
Metal Circus #8/9: Ratt: Out Of The Cellar For Good? (ISBN 0-945873-08-5)
Tiger Beat #11: Cory and Cory! (ISBN 0-949670-10-7)



rec.music.industrial is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote
for creation by 411:80 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 23
May 1991. It died in July 2002, but this went unreported.

For your newsgroups file: rec.music.industrial Discussion of all
industrial-related music styles. And fashion. Fashion reigns above

The charter, culled from the call for votes:

Rec.music.industrial is for the discussion of all industrial-related
music styles, including traditional industrial (i.e. Bob Dylan,
Stabbing Westward, Marilyn Manson, Guns'n'Roses, etc.),
folk-industrial ('cybergranola' i.e. Everclear, Skanky Puppy, Garth
Brooks, etc.) and hard techno music (i.e. Spice Girls, etc.). Reviews
of new releases, related news items, concert information, and other
types of discussion are encouraged.



* The earliest recorded work that is often included in the
"Industrial" genre is "My World" by Guns & Roses.
* The singer from Gravity Kills isn't really blonde; he's just gay.
* No member of Front 242 is a member of Bon Jovi. Jean-Luc DeMeyer,
the lead singer of Front 242, was a guest on Bon Jovi's song
"Livin' On A Prayer," and he sang it and wrote the lyrics. Aside
from the similarities in the two bands' music, this is the only
direct connection between the two bands. Rumor has it that DeMeyer
fellated Jon Bon Jovi during the recording process.
* There is some confusion over what is at the end of Boxcar Willie's
album KING OF THE ROAD. According to Boxcar Willie originally,the
songs were called simply 'Bonus Track I' and 'Bonus Track II.'
However, upon further prodding, he replied that the pieces do have
titles. The first one is called 'Cockhorse Parade.' The second
one, according to the letter received, is called 'I AM ELECTRO.'
* Laibach's politics does not take sides in anything. Except for the
fact that they hate blacks and Zionist conspirators.
* Industrial music, like gothique music, is all about satan.
* One time, I ate an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting.
* The proper spelling for "KMFDM" is "K-M-F-D-M." It means (roughly
translated) Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
* "With Sympathy" was not actually a Ministry album. It was John
Tesh. Really.
* KMFDM stands for "Kylie Minogue Fans Don't Masturbate."
* Children look really confused when they realize you're not Barney,
but just a sick bastard in a costume.
* Seibold was a cast member of "Romper Room" from '78-'83. He was
asked to leave after punching Miss Nancy in the uterus.
* KMFDM doesn't stand for anything. It's supposed to be pronounced
* Trent Reznor is actually Kenny Rogers' son.
* KLF Stands for Kill motherfuckingdepechemode Like rightFuckingnow
* Apoptygma Berzerk got their name from an Italian Porno star who
eventually joined the Italian Parliment and went "Berserk" when
someone mistook her for prime minister Apoptygma.
* KMFDM stands for "Collapsing New Buildings Falling Down On Depeche
* Covenant is actually a Meat Beat Manifesto side project.
* Graphical and Statistical analysis shows that gravity indeed does
NOT kill.
* My penis is HELL, boy.
* KMFDM stands for "One time, I ate an entire jar of peanut butter
in one sitting."
* Puff Daddy will never sample a Sammy Hagar AutoIndustrial song.
* The members of Front Line Assembly have created many side projects
under different names, including Intermix, Noise Unit, Coil and
Led Zeppelin.
* Girl you know it's true: Ooh ooh ooh, I think about you
* KMFDM stands for Peace, Justice and the American Way.
* Andrew Eldritch really hates it when they bring drinks without
* The members of Front Line Assembly have created many side projects
under different names, including Intermix, Noise Unit, and a whole
jar of peanut butter falling down on Depeche Mode.
* The millenium doesn't start next year, it starts the year after
* Industrial music does not really have the Buddha nature.
* The members of Front 242 have participated in various side
projects, such as Coil, Noise unit, Delerium, and Grand Funk
* Nine Inch Nails *is* industrial, bitch!
* Megadeth was cooler when Dave Mustaine was constantly falling down
on heroin, and a *lot* cooler when he was constantly falling down
on Depeche Mode.
* Overweight? Going to a club? Recommended wear: Latex pants and no
* Front 242 bass player The Edge is named after an important part of
a razor blade.
* Some day, love will find you and break those chains that bind you.
* Nine Inch Nails front man Bono was at one point a U.S. Senator.
* Covenant is what happened to "The Revolution" after Prince changed
his name to an unprenouncable symbol. This is also why The
Revolution will not be televised. No one in their right mind would
put Covenant on TV.
* Since Jean-Luc DeMeyer left Front-242, lyrics have been handled by
Commander Ryker and Lietenant LaForge.
* Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails is fat, not gay.
* Claus Larsen from Leaether Strip is gay.
* Translated from the original Norwegian, Apoptygma Berzerk means
"hurry up fashion," or "fast fashion."
* Rudy Ratzinger from :Wumpscut: is both fat and gay.
* Blue.
* No wait, make that green!
* You're purple.
* Christ Analogue lead singer Ralph Reed is neither fat, nor gay. At
least, that's what he tells his family.
* I can't find my favorite pair of socks.
* My ex girlfriend is a bitch.
* Chemlab broke up so Jared could spend more time doing back up
vocals for N Sync.
* In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military
court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped
from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of
fortune. If you have a problem. If no one else can help, and if
you can find them, maybe you can hire: THE A-TEAM.
* It's a dumbass black clothes and makeup thing. You wouldn't
* My ex girlfriend performed in a number of side projects including
coil, noise unit, and a whole jar of peanut butter doing heroin.
* If you put a dull razorblade in a pyramid overnight, it will get
sharp and be able to cut just about anything. If you put Rufus in
a nightclub overnight, he will get drunk and be able to sleep with
just about anything.
* The members of Apoptygma Berzerk believe firmly in the Father, the
Son, the Holy Ghost, and a whole jar of cocaine. Fuck Yeah!
* Industrial anthem "Stairway to Heaven" is not about drugs, it's a
song about a walk in the park.
* Front Line Assembly member Brian Eno has left to pursue his own
solo project, Blues Traveller. It is unclear whether remaining
member Simon Postford will continue on alone or seek to replace
* After Einsturzende Neubauten broke up in 1974, founding member
F.M. Einheit changed his name to Bjorn and went on to form the
Swedish supergroup ABBA.
* Mister Manson loves you.
* VIBE, along with its competitor, THE SOURCE, are the only
magazines dealing with Industrial Music.
* If you like industrial music, don't bother listening to the
lyrics. You'll usually be pretty disappointed.
* The previous entry was not a joke.
* The lead singer of Hexedene is, in fact, Debbie Gibson of The
Go-Gos. The Go-Gos were pioneers in the otherwise ignorable subset
of Industrial Music known as "goth".
* In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military
court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped
from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of
fortune. If you have a problem. If no one else can help, and if
you can find my favorite socks, that would be cool, because, hey,
I'm really starting to miss them.
* The members of Agnostic Front Line 242 have participated in
various side projects, such as Noise Coil, Delerium Intermix Unit,
Sick Of It All, Nothingface, and Average White Band.
* Apples are industrial, oranges are post-industrial
* KMFDM stands for "Kylie Minogue Falling on Depeche Mode."


Industrial and The Internet NEW!!

It is a known fact that computers cannot be "networked" regardless of
hardware or software. The "Internet" is a "cyberpunk" vision created
by Industrial Music godfathers, K0rn. There are news headlines about a
form of file being distributed called an MP3 (pronounced
emm-pee-three) file. Such files are in distribution but are not as
readily available as described by the slanted media. They must be
delievered to people on diskettes. One day when computers can talk to
each other by use of "protocols", we will then see these music files
becoming a threat. But until that day, we will focus technology on
Rocket Backpacks, Flying Cars, and women that dont fucking nag me
every ten seconds about how at she looks or having a bad fucking hair
day. Mother FUCK, woman don't you EVER shut the fuck up? I mean god, I
come home from a hard day at work and you start in on me. I'm trying
to get a beer out of the fridge and you pounce on me like white on
Bryant Gumble. Yeah, your hips look wide in those shorts, deal with
it. Maybe you should eat a vegetable or two once in a while or get
your fat ass out of that bed for, oh, a minute or so. but oh no, we
wouldnt want to interrupt your viewing of OPRAH and take away from
your how-to-hate-men lessons, eh?

In summary. The future of industrial music looks bright.


Question/Answer Section!

Q: What is industrial music?
A: That question is very difficult to answer. I say this because both
my hands are broken and I have to type with a pen thats in my mouth.

Q: There seems to be an elitist attitude that follows industrial.
A: That is not a question.

Q: Sorry, I meant.. Is there an elitist attitude that follows the
Industrial Genre?
A: Who let you in?

Q: I'll ask the questions please.
A: Yes, there is an elitist attitude. Some people hold fast to the
idea that Throbbing Gristle started the industrial movement, some
think Einsturzende Neubauten did it, some believe that Kraftwerk
started it all, and some will take it back to the 20's from a man
named Monte Cazzazza. Because of this, Industrial is a union divided.
This causes elitism within the gnere and snobbishness to other genres.
The glue that binds all these subset beliefs into one main genre is of
course, the first true industrial band, K0rn.

Q: Is industrial just some newer manifestation of Punk?
A: It does have a rebellious quality to it, that is for sure. However
that doesn't add up because punk was started in 1996 by a band called
"Hole". Therefore Industrial has been around longer than punk and the
question is invalid.

Q: Quit being so snippy!
A: Well, you know what they say..ask a stupid question...

Q: Who's "they" in "they say"?
A: The members of the supergroup...K0rn.

Q: Who coined the phrase "Industrial"?
A: "Industrial" is not a phrase it is a word. It was coined in 1995
when the lead singer of K0rn, while talking to the london tabloids
answered the question of how to describe his music as "Ummm...we're
like..industrial or something".

Q: All you had to do was answer it you didn't have to correct me like
that with the word/phrase thing.
A: You messed up, I'm going to correct you.

Q: I hate you. You're always making me feel so stupid and low. I want
A: Oh yeah? Well what about that time you slept with Jimmy Dobbs?

Q: How DARE you bring that up here in front of these people! I paid my
debt I said I was sorry I told you I'd do anything you wanted to make
it up to you!
A: Slut!!

Q: Thats it! We're finished! I never want to see you again!!


Famous Industrial & Existential Quotes

* "We invented industrial" - k0rn
* "Head, not unlike a hole." - Trent Reznor
* "Hell is other people" - Jean Paul Sartre
* "I'm drunker'n shit" - Bill Morris
* "Buh-Buh aaaAAAHHHH" - Jordan James Goldstein
* "Let the fistings begin!" - I Andrew Hall
* "Hi. I'm insane." - Kelowna Vincent



* The anonymous FTP address for the rmi FAQ is:
Not only will you not find the rmi FAQ there, you will not find
about every other FAQ as well.



This list is woefully incomplete, but so far here's what we got in no
particular order...

* SMOTHERED HOPE: Well, when your wife is named Hope, and she
divorces you and you have to pay 55% of your income to her every
month. This is what you do. Now, I'm not saying that what O.J.
Simpson did was right...but I understand.
* THE INDIE-LIST: The Indie-List is a digest of a bunch of tree
hugging, dope smoking, thick glasses wearing, bad guitar playing
idiots. They call themselves indie because nobody likes them.
* GOTHIC GUITAR TAB: This is a trick because no gothic human can
play an instrument of any measure.
* NET INDUSTRIALISTS: These are the people who hang out on IRC in
EfNet's #spoh.
* NINE INCH NAILS: The king overlords of industrial hip-hop
* UNCLE DICK'S CHILD CARE: uncle-***@microsoft.com


Examples of Industrial Music

Dark Electronica | EBM | Jean Luc DeMeyer | Hardcore | Electronica |
Electro | House | Jungle | Synthpop | Trance | Black Metal


RMI FAQ Partnership (Boris Wayne and his cat), RMI.

This FAQ copyright 1876-2007 by the RMI FAQ Partners. Permission must
be obtained before reproducing in any non-electronic format. Or we'll
fuck you up all kinds of bad.

Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer. Post, dumbass!

Last Update Aug 6 2007.
2007-08-06 18:53:21 UTC
Post by Usenet FAQ Poster
Before I let you begin again, I'd like to thank all who helped put this
new Industrial Music FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document together.
Last Updated: Monday August 6th 2007.
Current Editor: Boris T. Wayne.
Copies of the FAQ are unavailable on our web site: point your Microsoft
Windows browser to http://www.microsoft.com.
1. Intro
2. History
3. Charter
4. RMI CD Status
5. Important Facts
6. Industrial and The Internet NEW!
7. Question/Answer Section
8. Famous Industrial & Existential Quotes NEW!
9. FTP Servers
10. Mailing Lists
11. Examples of industrial music
PART 2 - Not Coming Soon!
"Industrial Is Not Mine."--Al Jourgenson, London, Chicago 1983
Experimental. Aggro. Techno. Rave. Alternative. Noise. Damnbient.
House Music. Rap. Hip Hop. Electronica. Country Western. Bluegrass.
Celtic. Skid Row. Yanni. That scene from Deliverance. Industrial.
So many labels and classifications. Industrial is a fairly new form of
music and already has broken up into several sub-genres.
It is generally accepted that the term "industrial music" was coined
in 1995 when a member of Korn described their music to the London
Tabloids as "Industrial". It was a way to describe the psychotic
heaviness of the sound and the alternative intstrumentation. Korn
would sometimes use more than one guitar and occasionally add sound
effects to make the guitars and / or vocals sound "crunchy". Like
Marilyn Manson. The creators of the genre before its name? Use of
Synthesizers and Guitars created the foundry for this style of angry
emotion laden music. Bands like Kraftwerk and Coil attempted this type
of thing but in the end failed and were forgotten. Skinny Puppy,
originally hailing from the great white north, were often lumped into
the "Industiral" category, though they weren't experimental enough to
be truly considered. They too were forgotten.
Extra-Musical Elements. Because television has become a more powerful
agent of control than any pop music song, the use of MTV made
industrial what it is today. Commercialism is a large part of the
capitalist industrial aura.
Shock Tactics. Bands came up with names like "Prick" to shock the
people. Many bands would incorporate the use of curse words in their
lyrics. Many people did not like this. Bands like Gravity kills and
Stabbing Westward would portray imagery of pain and angst in some of
their songs. This was known to 'rock' the foundations of 90's
contemporary music.
Einsturezende Neubauten's early work was far too primitive to be
considered "true" industrial. As compared to their contemporaries,
Marilyn Manson and Gravity Kills, their production values were not
nearly polished enough to keep the attention of true fans of the
Some aspects of other genre's have had attempts to "mix" with
industrial. The gothic art movement had attempted to merge, bringing a
darker light to the otherwise positive industrial scene. This ended
quickly when fans rejected the negativity and depression associated
with Gothic music.
Industrial music has more or less, continued to progress and evolve
alongside its society. When "alternative" music became popular, many
industrial artists pushed their sound in this new direction. Whereas
many of the forefathers of the industrial scene, such as Fleetwood Mac
remained steadfast with their acoustic approach, a new generation
stepped in.
Sammy Hagar, with his smash hit single "I Can't Drive 55" was the
first on the scene. Cars, after all, are very industrial. The notion
that Mr. Hagar could not control his passion for this industrial
creation attracted a new generation of "Autopunk" fans. The idea that
he was "one with his car" made Sammy Hagar the first true "cyberpunk",
blending machines with flesh.
For more information about industrial (experimental)
Better Holmes and Gardens - Ghey Publishing Ltd. (ISBN 0 696900 01 0)
Hustler #4/5: Nekkitness! (ISBN 0-8008135-05-0)
Hit Parader #6/7: Steve Vai Takes Charge (ISBN 0-92134-07-7)
Metal Circus #8/9: Ratt: Out Of The Cellar For Good? (ISBN 0-945873-08-5)
Tiger Beat #11: Cory and Cory! (ISBN 0-949670-10-7)
rec.music.industrial is an unmoderated newsgroup which passed its vote
for creation by 411:80 as reported in news.announce.newgroups on 23
May 1991. It died in July 2002, but this went unreported.
For your newsgroups file: rec.music.industrial Discussion of all
industrial-related music styles. And fashion. Fashion reigns above
Rec.music.industrial is for the discussion of all industrial-related
music styles, including traditional industrial (i.e. Bob Dylan,
Stabbing Westward, Marilyn Manson, Guns'n'Roses, etc.),
folk-industrial ('cybergranola' i.e. Everclear, Skanky Puppy, Garth
Brooks, etc.) and hard techno music (i.e. Spice Girls, etc.). Reviews
of new releases, related news items, concert information, and other
types of discussion are encouraged.
* The earliest recorded work that is often included in the
"Industrial" genre is "My World" by Guns & Roses.
* The singer from Gravity Kills isn't really blonde; he's just gay.
* No member of Front 242 is a member of Bon Jovi. Jean-Luc DeMeyer,
the lead singer of Front 242, was a guest on Bon Jovi's song
"Livin' On A Prayer," and he sang it and wrote the lyrics. Aside
from the similarities in the two bands' music, this is the only
direct connection between the two bands. Rumor has it that DeMeyer
fellated Jon Bon Jovi during the recording process.
* There is some confusion over what is at the end of Boxcar Willie's
album KING OF THE ROAD. According to Boxcar Willie originally,the
songs were called simply 'Bonus Track I' and 'Bonus Track II.'
However, upon further prodding, he replied that the pieces do have
titles. The first one is called 'Cockhorse Parade.' The second
one, according to the letter received, is called 'I AM ELECTRO.'
* Laibach's politics does not take sides in anything. Except for the
fact that they hate blacks and Zionist conspirators.
* Industrial music, like gothique music, is all about satan.
* One time, I ate an entire jar of peanut butter in one sitting.
* The proper spelling for "KMFDM" is "K-M-F-D-M." It means (roughly
translated) Kill Motherfucking Depeche Mode.
* "With Sympathy" was not actually a Ministry album. It was John
Tesh. Really.
* KMFDM stands for "Kylie Minogue Fans Don't Masturbate."
* Children look really confused when they realize you're not Barney,
but just a sick bastard in a costume.
* Seibold was a cast member of "Romper Room" from '78-'83. He was
asked to leave after punching Miss Nancy in the uterus.
* KMFDM doesn't stand for anything. It's supposed to be pronounced
* Trent Reznor is actually Kenny Rogers' son.
* KLF Stands for Kill motherfuckingdepechemode Like rightFuckingnow
* Apoptygma Berzerk got their name from an Italian Porno star who
eventually joined the Italian Parliment and went "Berserk" when
someone mistook her for prime minister Apoptygma.
* KMFDM stands for "Collapsing New Buildings Falling Down On Depeche
* Covenant is actually a Meat Beat Manifesto side project.
* Graphical and Statistical analysis shows that gravity indeed does
NOT kill.
* My penis is HELL, boy.
* KMFDM stands for "One time, I ate an entire jar of peanut butter
in one sitting."
* Puff Daddy will never sample a Sammy Hagar AutoIndustrial song.
* The members of Front Line Assembly have created many side projects
under different names, including Intermix, Noise Unit, Coil and
Led Zeppelin.
* Girl you know it's true: Ooh ooh ooh, I think about you
* KMFDM stands for Peace, Justice and the American Way.
* Andrew Eldritch really hates it when they bring drinks without
* The members of Front Line Assembly have created many side projects
under different names, including Intermix, Noise Unit, and a whole
jar of peanut butter falling down on Depeche Mode.
* The millenium doesn't start next year, it starts the year after
* Industrial music does not really have the Buddha nature.
* The members of Front 242 have participated in various side
projects, such as Coil, Noise unit, Delerium, and Grand Funk
* Nine Inch Nails *is* industrial, bitch!
* Megadeth was cooler when Dave Mustaine was constantly falling down
on heroin, and a *lot* cooler when he was constantly falling down
on Depeche Mode.
* Overweight? Going to a club? Recommended wear: Latex pants and no
* Front 242 bass player The Edge is named after an important part of
a razor blade.
* Some day, love will find you and break those chains that bind you.
* Nine Inch Nails front man Bono was at one point a U.S. Senator.
* Covenant is what happened to "The Revolution" after Prince changed
his name to an unprenouncable symbol. This is also why The
Revolution will not be televised. No one in their right mind would
put Covenant on TV.
* Since Jean-Luc DeMeyer left Front-242, lyrics have been handled by
Commander Ryker and Lietenant LaForge.
* Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails is fat, not gay.
* Claus Larsen from Leaether Strip is gay.
* Translated from the original Norwegian, Apoptygma Berzerk means
"hurry up fashion," or "fast fashion."
* Rudy Ratzinger from :Wumpscut: is both fat and gay.
* Blue.
* No wait, make that green!
* You're purple.
* Christ Analogue lead singer Ralph Reed is neither fat, nor gay. At
least, that's what he tells his family.
* I can't find my favorite pair of socks.
* My ex girlfriend is a bitch.
* Chemlab broke up so Jared could spend more time doing back up
vocals for N Sync.
* In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military
court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped
from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of
fortune. If you have a problem. If no one else can help, and if
you can find them, maybe you can hire: THE A-TEAM.
* It's a dumbass black clothes and makeup thing. You wouldn't
* My ex girlfriend performed in a number of side projects including
coil, noise unit, and a whole jar of peanut butter doing heroin.
* If you put a dull razorblade in a pyramid overnight, it will get
sharp and be able to cut just about anything. If you put Rufus in
a nightclub overnight, he will get drunk and be able to sleep with
just about anything.
* The members of Apoptygma Berzerk believe firmly in the Father, the
Son, the Holy Ghost, and a whole jar of cocaine. Fuck Yeah!
* Industrial anthem "Stairway to Heaven" is not about drugs, it's a
song about a walk in the park.
* Front Line Assembly member Brian Eno has left to pursue his own
solo project, Blues Traveller. It is unclear whether remaining
member Simon Postford will continue on alone or seek to replace
* After Einsturzende Neubauten broke up in 1974, founding member
F.M. Einheit changed his name to Bjorn and went on to form the
Swedish supergroup ABBA.
* Mister Manson loves you.
* VIBE, along with its competitor, THE SOURCE, are the only
magazines dealing with Industrial Music.
* If you like industrial music, don't bother listening to the
lyrics. You'll usually be pretty disappointed.
* The previous entry was not a joke.
* The lead singer of Hexedene is, in fact, Debbie Gibson of The
Go-Gos. The Go-Gos were pioneers in the otherwise ignorable subset
of Industrial Music known as "goth".
* In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military
court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped
from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground.
Today still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of
fortune. If you have a problem. If no one else can help, and if
you can find my favorite socks, that would be cool, because, hey,
I'm really starting to miss them.
* The members of Agnostic Front Line 242 have participated in
various side projects, such as Noise Coil, Delerium Intermix Unit,
Sick Of It All, Nothingface, and Average White Band.
* Apples are industrial, oranges are post-industrial
* KMFDM stands for "Kylie Minogue Falling on Depeche Mode."
Industrial and The Internet NEW!!
It is a known fact that computers cannot be "networked" regardless of
hardware or software. The "Internet" is a "cyberpunk" vision created
by Industrial Music godfathers, K0rn. There are news headlines about a
form of file being distributed called an MP3 (pronounced
emm-pee-three) file. Such files are in distribution but are not as
readily available as described by the slanted media. They must be
delievered to people on diskettes. One day when computers can talk to
each other by use of "protocols", we will then see these music files
becoming a threat. But until that day, we will focus technology on
Rocket Backpacks, Flying Cars, and women that dont fucking nag me
every ten seconds about how at she looks or having a bad fucking hair
day. Mother FUCK, woman don't you EVER shut the fuck up? I mean god, I
come home from a hard day at work and you start in on me. I'm trying
to get a beer out of the fridge and you pounce on me like white on
Bryant Gumble. Yeah, your hips look wide in those shorts, deal with
it. Maybe you should eat a vegetable or two once in a while or get
your fat ass out of that bed for, oh, a minute or so. but oh no, we
wouldnt want to interrupt your viewing of OPRAH and take away from
your how-to-hate-men lessons, eh?
In summary. The future of industrial music looks bright.
Question/Answer Section!
Q: What is industrial music?
A: That question is very difficult to answer. I say this because both
my hands are broken and I have to type with a pen thats in my mouth.
Q: There seems to be an elitist attitude that follows industrial.
A: That is not a question.
Q: Sorry, I meant.. Is there an elitist attitude that follows the
Industrial Genre?
A: Who let you in?
Q: I'll ask the questions please.
A: Yes, there is an elitist attitude. Some people hold fast to the
idea that Throbbing Gristle started the industrial movement, some
think Einsturzende Neubauten did it, some believe that Kraftwerk
started it all, and some will take it back to the 20's from a man
named Monte Cazzazza. Because of this, Industrial is a union divided.
This causes elitism within the gnere and snobbishness to other genres.
The glue that binds all these subset beliefs into one main genre is of
course, the first true industrial band, K0rn.
Q: Is industrial just some newer manifestation of Punk?
A: It does have a rebellious quality to it, that is for sure. However
that doesn't add up because punk was started in 1996 by a band called
"Hole". Therefore Industrial has been around longer than punk and the
question is invalid.
Q: Quit being so snippy!
A: Well, you know what they say..ask a stupid question...
Q: Who's "they" in "they say"?
A: The members of the supergroup...K0rn.
Q: Who coined the phrase "Industrial"?
A: "Industrial" is not a phrase it is a word. It was coined in 1995
when the lead singer of K0rn, while talking to the london tabloids
answered the question of how to describe his music as "Ummm...we're
like..industrial or something".
Q: All you had to do was answer it you didn't have to correct me like
that with the word/phrase thing.
A: You messed up, I'm going to correct you.
Q: I hate you. You're always making me feel so stupid and low. I want
A: Oh yeah? Well what about that time you slept with Jimmy Dobbs?
Q: How DARE you bring that up here in front of these people! I paid my
debt I said I was sorry I told you I'd do anything you wanted to make
it up to you!
A: Slut!!
Q: Thats it! We're finished! I never want to see you again!!
Famous Industrial & Existential Quotes
* "We invented industrial" - k0rn
* "Head, not unlike a hole." - Trent Reznor
* "Hell is other people" - Jean Paul Sartre
* "I'm drunker'n shit" - Bill Morris
* "Buh-Buh aaaAAAHHHH" - Jordan James Goldstein
* "Let the fistings begin!" - I Andrew Hall
* "Hi. I'm insane." - Kelowna Vincent
Not only will you not find the rmi FAQ there, you will not find
about every other FAQ as well.
This list is woefully incomplete, but so far here's what we got in no
particular order...
* SMOTHERED HOPE: Well, when your wife is named Hope, and she
divorces you and you have to pay 55% of your income to her every
month. This is what you do. Now, I'm not saying that what O.J.
Simpson did was right...but I understand.
* THE INDIE-LIST: The Indie-List is a digest of a bunch of tree
hugging, dope smoking, thick glasses wearing, bad guitar playing
idiots. They call themselves indie because nobody likes them.
* GOTHIC GUITAR TAB: This is a trick because no gothic human can
play an instrument of any measure.
* NET INDUSTRIALISTS: These are the people who hang out on IRC in
EfNet's #spoh.
* NINE INCH NAILS: The king overlords of industrial hip-hop
Examples of Industrial Music
Dark Electronica | EBM | Jean Luc DeMeyer | Hardcore | Electronica |
Electro | House | Jungle | Synthpop | Trance | Black Metal
RMI FAQ Partnership (Boris Wayne and his cat), RMI.
This FAQ copyright 1876-2007 by the RMI FAQ Partners. Permission must
be obtained before reproducing in any non-electronic format. Or we'll
fuck you up all kinds of bad.
Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer. Post, dumbass!
Last Update Aug 6 2007.
Speed Kills.

(I could use some.)
Let there be throbbing.
Boris T. Wayne
2007-08-07 18:40:01 UTC
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.

I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
There are many copies, and they have a plan. Mmmm mmm.
Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.0.
2007-08-07 19:18:10 UTC
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.

Why don't we try semi-annually?
Let there be throbbing.
Boris T. Wayne
2007-08-07 23:22:29 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.
Why don't we try semi-annually?
I could revert to the non piss-taking version, but feel it should be
weekly, because I already have the software for that.

Or maybe you could write a new one? "There is no FAQ"?
There are many copies, and they have a plan.
Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.0.
2007-08-08 01:42:13 UTC
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.
Why don't we try semi-annually?
I could revert to the non piss-taking version, but feel it should be
weekly, because I already have the software for that.
Or maybe you could write a new one? "There is no FAQ"?
Kind of depressing when you run across a group where the only traffic is a
sad string of automated reposts of the FAQ . . . .

There's a number of those in the us.* hierarchy.
Let there be throbbing.
Boris T. Wayne
2007-08-08 14:49:49 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.
Why don't we try semi-annually?
I could revert to the non piss-taking version, but feel it should be
weekly, because I already have the software for that.
Or maybe you could write a new one? "There is no FAQ"?
Kind of depressing when you run across a group where the only traffic is a
sad string of automated reposts of the FAQ . . . .
There's a number of those in the us.* hierarchy.
Yeah. It's been really odd getting back on usenet after a couple of years and
finding such a wasteland. A lot of the uk.* tree is empty, and Mikey (who
thinks he's being persecuted by MI5) seems like the most prolific poster.

I have Humphries' phone number somewhere.
There are many copies, and they have a plan.
Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.0.
2007-08-08 18:01:42 UTC
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.
Why don't we try semi-annually?
I could revert to the non piss-taking version, but feel it should be
weekly, because I already have the software for that.
Or maybe you could write a new one? "There is no FAQ"?
Kind of depressing when you run across a group where the only traffic is a
sad string of automated reposts of the FAQ . . . .
There's a number of those in the us.* hierarchy.
Yeah. It's been really odd getting back on usenet after a couple of years and
finding such a wasteland. A lot of the uk.* tree is empty, and Mikey (who
thinks he's being persecuted by MI5) seems like the most prolific poster.
I have Humphries' phone number somewhere.
I can't figure the web-forum craze out, meself.

I mean, if you have a post applicable to more than one web-forum, what do
you do? here, you crosspost and fuggedaboudit.

And it's not like it takes much brains to auto-install, say, Free Agent or
40tude Dialog or even just use <shudder> Google Groups (we have many many
obvious examples of the obviously low intellectual requirements needed to
post on Usenet, naming no names, mostly because it would be hard to know
where to start).

And you can toss binaries in any time ya want.

And indeed if you're bored, you can always go and trawl through the
binaries (pr0n, most likely) froups.

Web-forums make me claustrophobic and whiff to me of intellectual
Let there be throbbing.
Boris T. Wayne
2007-08-08 19:32:27 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.
Why don't we try semi-annually?
I could revert to the non piss-taking version, but feel it should be
weekly, because I already have the software for that.
Or maybe you could write a new one? "There is no FAQ"?
Kind of depressing when you run across a group where the only traffic is a
sad string of automated reposts of the FAQ . . . .
There's a number of those in the us.* hierarchy.
Yeah. It's been really odd getting back on usenet after a couple of years and
finding such a wasteland. A lot of the uk.* tree is empty, and Mikey (who
thinks he's being persecuted by MI5) seems like the most prolific poster.
I have Humphries' phone number somewhere.
I can't figure the web-forum craze out, meself.
I mean, if you have a post applicable to more than one web-forum, what do
you do? here, you crosspost and fuggedaboudit.
And it's not like it takes much brains to auto-install, say, Free Agent or
40tude Dialog or even just use <shudder> Google Groups (we have many many
obvious examples of the obviously low intellectual requirements needed to
post on Usenet, naming no names, mostly because it would be hard to know
where to start).
And you can toss binaries in any time ya want.
And indeed if you're bored, you can always go and trawl through the
binaries (pr0n, most likely) froups.
Web-forums make me claustrophobic and whiff to me of intellectual
I agree, and also they're slow. It's the hops, too many of 'em.

"It's all about me" is what you have to remember. It's fun choosing your
little animated avatar, posting up your photo and that of your cat for
everyone to laugh at. Being able to choose your friends is supposed to
be important... I dunno either...

But Usenet's been dying forever. Say anything often enough and it's true.
There are many copies, and they have a plan.
Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.0.
2007-08-08 20:06:48 UTC
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
(I could use some.)
Nostalgia ain't what it useter was.
I didn't write that, it was just the most recent copy I could find, slightly
amended. Sorry about the dupe. I cron'ed it for every Monday evening and
forgot it was Monday.
Oh, great.
Why don't we try semi-annually?
I could revert to the non piss-taking version, but feel it should be
weekly, because I already have the software for that.
Or maybe you could write a new one? "There is no FAQ"?
Kind of depressing when you run across a group where the only traffic is a
sad string of automated reposts of the FAQ . . . .
There's a number of those in the us.* hierarchy.
Yeah. It's been really odd getting back on usenet after a couple of years and
finding such a wasteland. A lot of the uk.* tree is empty, and Mikey (who
thinks he's being persecuted by MI5) seems like the most prolific poster.
I have Humphries' phone number somewhere.
I can't figure the web-forum craze out, meself.
I mean, if you have a post applicable to more than one web-forum, what do
you do? here, you crosspost and fuggedaboudit.
And switching from one subscribed group to another is, like, easy and fast.
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Post by mimus
And it's not like it takes much brains to auto-install, say, Free Agent or
40tude Dialog or even just use <shudder> Google Groups (we have many many
obvious examples of the obviously low intellectual requirements needed to
post on Usenet, naming no names, mostly because it would be hard to know
where to start).
And you can toss binaries in any time ya want.
And indeed if you're bored, you can always go and trawl through the
binaries (pr0n, most likely) froups.
Web-forums make me claustrophobic and whiff to me of intellectual
I agree, and also they're slow. It's the hops, too many of 'em.
"It's all about me" is what you have to remember. It's fun choosing your
little animated avatar, posting up your photo and that of your cat for
everyone to laugh at.
Let them do X-faces . . . .

HmmMMmm, what about X-themes (tune-snippets)?
Post by Boris T. Wayne
Being able to choose your friends is supposed to
be important... I dunno either...
But Usenet's been dying forever. Say anything often enough and it's true.
news.*, comp.* and alt.binaries.* will be the last to go, so you know my
solution there, eg have all the Flonkers move to
alt.binaries.multimedia.flonk and start putting yEnced .mpegs in our .sigs.

I presume there's at least one alt.binaries.* group related to industrial,
too, so up with the yEnced .mp3 .sigs!
Let there be throbbing. Diminuendo.
Boris T. Wayne
2007-08-09 15:21:02 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
And you can toss binaries in any time ya want.
Are you now able to read ABMF, then?
Post by mimus
Let there be throbbing. Diminuendo.
There are many copies, and they have a plan.
Usenet Sanitary Squad ID 128DB.
Smeeter #40 MHM 35x7 BTWH 5.0.