New XORCIST song
(too old to reply)
DJ Bat
2005-12-01 21:09:49 UTC
Finished a remix for a friend of mine - His band is Zeitmahl. The song is
called Don't Be Afraid.

You can download the remix off the Xorcist site: http://www.xorcist.com/ in
the releases section. It's listed at the top.

There's a link there as well to the original.

2005-12-01 21:14:39 UTC
so is this an Xorcist orginal or just a remix of someone else? The
subject and body clash
Wayne Redick
2005-12-02 13:13:51 UTC
Post by c_death
so is this an Xorcist orginal or just a remix of someone else? The
subject and body clash
It appears to be a remix only.
No reason to go on tour.would be nice but........
DJ Bat
2005-12-02 17:45:34 UTC
Post by c_death
so is this an Xorcist orginal or just a remix of someone else? The
subject and body clash
ha ha - made you look. Oh isn't that so the Internet l447 thing to do these

kidding aside, I can understand the "just a remix of someone else" attitude
as I have heard one too many 'remixes' of songs that are nothing more then
the original song or pieces of it spit through an effects processor or other
similar simple process that can be done almost automatically with various
audio effect plug-ins yielding painfully boring and drab results.

This mix however is not that - Listen to the original and you'll see. I have
a problem in sometimes when I remix a song, it tangents off into something
that differs enough from the original to the point of it becoming, well, a
bit original here and there. This does happen a bit in this remix but in the
end, credit wise, it's Zeitmahl - and Shok is one bad mutha who will no
doubt beat me for implying elsewise.

Brent Colflesh
2005-12-05 20:43:43 UTC
Post by DJ Bat
Finished a remix for a friend of mine - His band is Zeitmahl. The song is
called Don't Be Afraid.
You can download the remix off the Xorcist site: http://www.xorcist.com/ in
the releases section. It's listed at the top.
There's a link there as well to the original.
Whenever I see your project name, I think of the Bad Mojo soundtrack,
that is an all-time classic, I hope you've gotten appropriate kudos for
it over the years...
DJ Bat
2005-12-14 13:22:39 UTC
Post by DJ Bat
Finished a remix for a friend of mine - His band is Zeitmahl. The song is
called Don't Be Afraid.
You can download the remix off the Xorcist site: http://www.xorcist.com/
in the releases section. It's listed at the top.
There's a link there as well to the original.
Whenever I see your project name, I think of the Bad Mojo soundtrack, that
is an all-time classic, I hope you've gotten appropriate kudos for it over
the years...
Thanks - There was a time where it was legally available via mp3.com while I
was working with said company that I wrote soundtrack for but after they
laid everyone off because of 9/11, the soundtrack got locked up in red-tape
hell, forever it seems.

