Has Any Previous Fan Assessed the Post-Split Dassing Brothers?
(too old to reply)
2007-05-15 04:32:07 UTC
My main block from them is

Mentallo and the Fixer/ Burnt beyond Recognition (1997)(Metropolis)/
"Abandon All Hope", "Other World Technology", "Mother of Harlots" and
"False Prophets" (30:14)

which I cherish and is _titanic_-- electro-EBM "Apocalypto"?

But I've never sat down and assessed any of the earlier stuff.

And I see now that there's a fair amount of post-split stuff out.
Let there be throbbing.
2007-05-27 15:00:53 UTC
Post by mimus
My main block from them is
Mentallo and the Fixer/ Burnt beyond Recognition (1997)(Metropolis)/
"Abandon All Hope", "Other World Technology", "Mother of Harlots" and
"False Prophets" (30:14)
which I cherish and is _titanic_-- electro-EBM "Apocalypto"?
But I've never sat down and assessed any of the earlier stuff.
And I see now that there's a fair amount of post-split stuff out.
Let there be throbbing.
Two words regarding most of the post-split material: Don't Bother.
With one caveat, the latest album Gary's released (which you can pay
to download via Gary's myspace page) sounds rather promising. There's
a handful of decent tracks on Algorythum [sic] but the majority has
never really grabbed me.

If you've never assessed the earlier stuff, that's where you've gone
wrong. BBR was essentially the end; you need to buy Revelations 23 and
Where Angels Fear To Tread, stat. It's been a number of years since
I've actively listened to this here "industrial musick" but those two
albums have stuck with me. Rev23 is more uniform in sound than WAFTT,
it's a fairly brutal album and the production is bad, but that's part
of the charm (there's a lot more going on in the mix than first meets
the ear). WAFTT is far more polished and is their best work, by far.
Get it now. That is all.

2007-05-27 18:13:24 UTC
Post by aphonik
Post by mimus
My main block from them is
Mentallo and the Fixer/ Burnt beyond Recognition (1997)(Metropolis)/
"Abandon All Hope", "Other World Technology", "Mother of Harlots" and
"False Prophets" (30:14)
which I cherish and is _titanic_-- electro-EBM "Apocalypto"?
But I've never sat down and assessed any of the earlier stuff.
And I see now that there's a fair amount of post-split stuff out.
Two words regarding most of the post-split material: Don't Bother.
With one caveat, the latest album Gary's released (which you can pay
to download via Gary's myspace page) sounds rather promising. There's
a handful of decent tracks on Algorythum [sic] but the majority has
never really grabbed me.
If you've never assessed the earlier stuff, that's where you've gone
wrong. BBR was essentially the end; you need to buy Revelations 23 and
Where Angels Fear To Tread, stat. It's been a number of years since
I've actively listened to this here "industrial musick" but those two
albums have stuck with me. Rev23 is more uniform in sound than WAFTT,
it's a fairly brutal album and the production is bad, but that's part
of the charm (there's a lot more going on in the mix than first meets
the ear). WAFTT is far more polished and is their best work, by far.
Get it now. That is all.
Thank you!

OK fine, two releases on list, _WAFtT_ and _Algoryth(u)m_ . . . .

(I'm brooding over "fairly brutal" and "production is bad" . . . .)
Let there be throbbing.
2007-06-01 21:55:23 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by aphonik
Post by mimus
My main block from them is
Mentallo and the Fixer/ Burnt beyond Recognition (1997)(Metropolis)/
"Abandon All Hope", "Other World Technology", "Mother of Harlots" and
"False Prophets" (30:14)
which I cherish and is _titanic_-- electro-EBM "Apocalypto"?
But I've never sat down and assessed any of the earlier stuff.
And I see now that there's a fair amount of post-split stuff out.
Two words regarding most of the post-split material: Don't Bother.
With one caveat, the latest album Gary's released (which you can pay
to download via Gary's myspace page) sounds rather promising. There's
a handful of decent tracks on Algorythum [sic] but the majority has
never really grabbed me.
If you've never assessed the earlier stuff, that's where you've gone
wrong. BBR was essentially the end; you need to buy Revelations 23 and
Where Angels Fear To Tread, stat. It's been a number of years since
I've actively listened to this here "industrial musick" but those two
albums have stuck with me. Rev23 is more uniform in sound than WAFTT,
it's a fairly brutal album and the production is bad, but that's part
of the charm (there's a lot more going on in the mix than first meets
the ear). WAFTT is far more polished and is their best work, by far.
Get it now. That is all.
Thank you!
OK fine, two releases on list, _WAFtT_ and _Algoryth(u)m_ . . . .
(I'm brooding over "fairly brutal" and "production is bad" . . . .)
Ordered them and two Assemblage23 releases, _Storm_ and _Meta_.

God bless Metropolis!
Let there be throbbing.
2007-06-07 23:50:27 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by aphonik
Post by mimus
My main block from them is
Mentallo and the Fixer/ Burnt beyond Recognition (1997)(Metropolis)/
"Abandon All Hope", "Other World Technology", "Mother of Harlots" and
"False Prophets" (30:14)
which I cherish and is _titanic_-- electro-EBM "Apocalypto"?
But I've never sat down and assessed any of the earlier stuff.
And I see now that there's a fair amount of post-split stuff out.
Two words regarding most of the post-split material: Don't Bother.
With one caveat, the latest album Gary's released (which you can pay
to download via Gary's myspace page) sounds rather promising. There's
a handful of decent tracks on Algorythum [sic] but the majority has
never really grabbed me.
If you've never assessed the earlier stuff, that's where you've gone
wrong. BBR was essentially the end; you need to buy Revelations 23 and
Where Angels Fear To Tread, stat. It's been a number of years since
I've actively listened to this here "industrial musick" but those two
albums have stuck with me. Rev23 is more uniform in sound than WAFTT,
it's a fairly brutal album and the production is bad, but that's part
of the charm (there's a lot more going on in the mix than first meets
the ear). WAFTT is far more polished and is their best work, by far.
Get it now. That is all.
Thank you!
OK fine, two releases on list, _WAFtT_ and _Algoryth(u)m_ . . . .
(I'm brooding over "fairly brutal" and "production is bad" . . . .)
Ordered them and two Assemblage23 releases, _Storm_ and _Meta_.
God bless Metropolis!
Hmm, yes, OK, I see, on _Algorythum_, there's a definite drop in MQ, shall
we say, from _BbR_, simpler structures and less fire by far, a sort of
electro-EBM-'n'-roll, reminiscent a little of but less powerful than,
say, Electric Hellfire Club . . . .

So, where'd the other Dassing go?

(Haven't got around to assessing _WAFtT_ or the A23 releases yet, and had
to go to Second Spin for _R23_ . . . .)
Let there be throbbing.
2007-06-22 20:37:33 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by aphonik
Post by mimus
My main block from them is
Mentallo and the Fixer/ Burnt beyond Recognition (1997)(Metropolis)/
"Abandon All Hope", "Other World Technology", "Mother of Harlots" and
"False Prophets" (30:14)
which I cherish and is _titanic_-- electro-EBM "Apocalypto"?
But I've never sat down and assessed any of the earlier stuff.
And I see now that there's a fair amount of post-split stuff out.
Two words regarding most of the post-split material: Don't Bother.
With one caveat, the latest album Gary's released (which you can pay
to download via Gary's myspace page) sounds rather promising. There's
a handful of decent tracks on Algorythum [sic] but the majority has
never really grabbed me.
If you've never assessed the earlier stuff, that's where you've gone
wrong. BBR was essentially the end; you need to buy Revelations 23 and
Where Angels Fear To Tread, stat. It's been a number of years since
I've actively listened to this here "industrial musick" but those two
albums have stuck with me. Rev23 is more uniform in sound than WAFTT,
it's a fairly brutal album and the production is bad, but that's part
of the charm (there's a lot more going on in the mix than first meets
the ear). WAFTT is far more polished and is their best work, by far.
Get it now. That is all.
Thank you!
OK fine, two releases on list, _WAFtT_ and _Algoryth(u)m_ . . . .
(I'm brooding over "fairly brutal" and "production is bad" . . . .)
Ordered them and two Assemblage23 releases, _Storm_ and _Meta_.
God bless Metropolis!
Hmm, yes, OK, I see, on _Algorythum_, there's a definite drop in MQ, shall
we say, from _BbR_, simpler structures and less fire by far, a sort of
electro-EBM-'n'-roll, reminiscent a little of but less powerful than,
say, Electric Hellfire Club . . . .
So, where'd the other Dassing go?
(Haven't got around to assessing _WAFtT_ or the A23 releases yet, and had
to go to Second Spin for _R23_ . . . .)

Mentallo and the Fixer/ Where Angels Fear to Tread (no date)(Zoth Ommog/
Metropolis)/ "Power Struggle", "Abominations Unleashed", "Decomposed",
"Atom Smasher", "Bring to a Boil" and "Sacrilege (Grimpen Ward)" (35:47)

gets an A from _me_.
Let there be throbbing.