is anybody Out there?
(too old to reply)
stevie seven
2005-02-06 04:41:01 UTC
yeah i am the guy that peruses RMI for years and still wont give up.
because it was industrial music that spoke to me.
industrial is: being persecuted by your own.
back in 2001, i was giving away DIY music in the face of techno-pop
spinoffs that were littering the NG such as VNV Nation and whomover
didnt get it.
It was not about getting laid or paid, it was strictly about existing
as a creative entity and maybe connecting to a few others.
after 10+ years of various self-experimentation and recording the
results thereof, it still stands to reason that the classics never go
out of style and "industrial music" (for whatever that means), is a
pseudonym for the undying psychotic dribbling that still spews forth
from the dark abyss of creativity; that the pop culture and those that
rely on the mass consensus to supply one's need for "fitting in" is
completely insane; for it goes against our primal nature to be
The results of which are already before us: a new skinny puppy album
that in every way lives up to the spiritual conflict and war-like
nature of becoming a whole entity despite all of our pre-programmed
deficiencies...and Al Jourgensen, who seems to become immortal through
the realization that the music never dies, even though we may. That it
is the music that, at the end of the day, matters above all else- even
our preconceived notions of what is deemed "acceptable".
Perhaps it was William Burroughs who first made conscious a
absolute antithesis of popularity, and thus, the framework of cut-up
creative process and ego loss...but I can see as an artist that beyond
our own value judgements the undescribable voices of the underworld
make their mark on a superfical world of images and words- that, every
day become more meaningless as the price tag that is applied to them.
So, in closing, I say that "Industrial" is simply the act of surviving-
in spite of one's environment, one's better judgement and one's self.
It is, in fact, the very process of existence that we hate.

stevie seven
.2 .05 2005
2005-02-07 08:59:49 UTC
Post by stevie seven
It was not about getting laid or paid
Well. You got at least that part right.
2006-07-09 22:35:37 UTC
Post by ...
Post by stevie seven
It was not about getting laid or paid
Well. You got at least that part right.
Do you get the impression this group's slowed down a bit in recent years?
Let there be throbbing.
2006-07-10 14:27:25 UTC
Yeah, people gave up on fighting about what was 'industrial' and what was
Post by mimus
Post by ...
Post by stevie seven
It was not about getting laid or paid
Well. You got at least that part right.
Do you get the impression this group's slowed down a bit in recent years?
Let there be throbbing.
2006-07-10 16:48:49 UTC
Post by SpongeBobFL
Post by mimus
Post by ...
Post by stevie seven
It was not about getting laid or paid
Well. You got at least that part right.
Do you get the impression this group's slowed down a bit in recent years?
Yeah, people gave up on fighting about what was 'industrial' and what was
I'd even welcome some noise reviews at this point.

And where are the Laether Strip reviews? Damet.
Let there be throbbing.
Albino Leviathan
2006-07-10 19:58:46 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by ...
Post by stevie seven
It was not about getting laid or paid
Well. You got at least that part right.
Do you get the impression this group's slowed down a bit in recent years?
It seems like almost all newsgroups have. At least the ones I used to
read. People are more into php message boards and MySpace now. Web
based stuff. The only newsgroup that is alive and well and VERY busy is
rec.music.hiphop... however, I could care less about anything that is
posted in there. Plus too much to read. People must monitor that group
like 24/7.
Albino Leviathan
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
2006-07-10 22:20:19 UTC
Post by Albino Leviathan
Post by mimus
Post by ...
Post by stevie seven
It was not about getting laid or paid
Well. You got at least that part right.
Do you get the impression this group's slowed down a bit in recent years?
It seems like almost all newsgroups have. At least the ones I used to
read. People are more into php message boards and MySpace now. Web
based stuff. The only newsgroup that is alive and well and VERY busy is
rec.music.hiphop... however, I could care less about anything that is
posted in there. Plus too much to read. People must monitor that group
like 24/7.
Oh, well, just leaves more Usenet for me.
Let there be throbbing.