(too old to reply)
2003-12-05 00:17:59 UTC
...I have stumbled apon this thing - industrial music, while on the
internet... not entirely sure what it is supposed to sound like, came
across that industrial 101 site and it said roadworks - but... some
other site told me Kompressor is industrial... and that doesn't sound
at all like road works :p.

I have not heard of most of the bands I have seen mentioned under the
heading industrial, and the ones I have heard of (skinny puppy,
ministry... nine inch nails?...) I have only heard a few songs of
(except NIN because in my nin phase a few years back I got practically
every cd of theirs I could find... I think I prefer the remix ones now
I have gotton rather bored with the main albums).

Someone said to me Kraftwerk was industrial - but I don't beleive that
for a second (I love Kraftwerk... but I don't see it fitting in with
that other stuff - well maybe Kompressor - but in a far less fun way).

So... what is it supposed to sound like?
I would download some only the only download machine I actually know
the name of is Kazza and since I got rid of spyware it doesn't work (I
found another one but it charges) and Kazza lite seems to have
dissapeared from the internet (I had that on my old computer and
inability to find it was why I was using Kazza).

Also I have some credit at my home towns record store (very small town
only one store but orders are quite reliable) due to some insurance
fraud... (is claming for AOL disks fraud? seriously those things have
a use during housefires!...and when u want to decorate stuff) so I am
not to bothered bying stuff I might not like - so any suggestions for
cds or whatever to get would be welcomed.

P.S. In case it is not entirely obvious I have never ever posted on
usenet/newsgroups/whatever they are called before because I could
never be bothered with it, but there doesn't seem to be many websites
about this so I thought what the hell.

Zoviet Squid
2003-12-05 03:41:51 UTC
Post by ambienoise
...I have stumbled apon this thing - industrial music, while on the
internet... not entirely sure what it is supposed to sound like, came
across that industrial 101 site and it said roadworks - but... some
other site told me Kompressor is industrial... and that doesn't sound
at all like road works :p.
I have not heard of most of the bands I have seen mentioned under the
heading industrial, and the ones I have heard of (skinny puppy,
ministry... nine inch nails?...) I have only heard a few songs of
None of those bands are traditionally classified as industrial, though.
Post by ambienoise
Someone said to me Kraftwerk was industrial - but I don't beleive that
for a second (I love Kraftwerk... but I don't see it fitting in with
that other stuff - well maybe Kompressor - but in a far less fun way).
You're right, it's not industrial.
Post by ambienoise
So... what is it supposed to sound like?
That's a tough one, since industrial was never really meant to be a musical
genre with a particular sound. In fact, it was conceived to oppose such
conventions. Now it's arguable that industrial has (unintentionally) evolved
into another definition, but even then no one can agree what it's supposed to
sound like.

Your best bet is to buy anything by Throbbing Gristle, the band that started it
all, and then do a websearch for interviews and writings they've done. Also,
search for any information on Industrial Records. After that, seek out other
bands such as Coil, which contains members of Throbbing Gristle, early
Einsturzende Neubauten (strategies against architecture albums would be a good
start), early SPK, NON, etc...all of them bands that provide different sounds.
This way you'll get an idea of what industrial was supposed to have meant,
instead of the convoluted definition and sound it has become.



"shit...everything shits until it dies."--Bukowski
Marian Try Slaughter
2003-12-05 07:10:30 UTC
On 4 Dec 2003 16:17:59 -0800, ***@hotmail.com (ambienoise)


I'm not even going to touch on Zoviet Squid's reccomendations, but I will
point you in a different direction. While not strictly Industrial (well,
not at all Industrial), the following acts who have in some way evolved
from that style/sound/whatever might be of interest:

Snog: Can't reccomend this guy enough. He does a damn fine mix of
electronic pop and spaghetti western samples and stylings. You'll get a lot
of different views on what would be a good album to pick up; If you're
looking for more straight forward type songs, go for the Dear Valued
Customer/Lies Incorporated 2cd. I tend to prefer 'Buy me... I'll change
your life', which is a bit more playful and quirky and has a much stronger
western-ish influence. Fairly wide discography though.

Foetus: Jim Thirwell is a hell of a songwriter, but a pretty bad producer.
Either which way, there's bound to be at least a CD or two or three in his
long line of albums that will likely catch your attention; Gash is a pretty
good start at least for a good sampling of the variety of his musical
stylings. Nail is a much more consistant album, and probably one of my
favorites, but the new disk Flow is also growing on me really strongly. Try
'em out. They're pretty much all good.

Lassigue Bendthaus: More in the electronic pop sort of vein, but generally
excellent bits o' music from this guy. Render is probably a really good
album to start with. Also see: Atom heart, Senor Coconut, Los Samplers.

I'll leave this for starters. Other people will either disagree with me, or
offer more suggestions of their own, so hopefully this can give you at
least some ideas of where to look at.

"It's like that old saying: A conservative is a liberal who's been attacked
by aliens."
Simon - mhm27x5
Delameko Stone
2003-12-05 14:53:43 UTC
Post by ambienoise
...I have stumbled apon this thing - industrial music, while on the
internet... not entirely sure what it is supposed to sound like, came
across that industrial 101 site and it said roadworks - but... some
other site told me Kompressor is industrial... and that doesn't sound
at all like road works :p.
I have not heard of most of the bands I have seen mentioned under the
heading industrial, and the ones I have heard of (skinny puppy,
ministry... nine inch nails?...) I have only heard a few songs of
(except NIN because in my nin phase a few years back I got practically
every cd of theirs I could find... I think I prefer the remix ones now
I have gotton rather bored with the main albums).
Someone said to me Kraftwerk was industrial - but I don't beleive that
for a second (I love Kraftwerk... but I don't see it fitting in with
that other stuff - well maybe Kompressor - but in a far less fun way).
So... what is it supposed to sound like?
I would download some only the only download machine I actually know
the name of is Kazza and since I got rid of spyware it doesn't work (I
found another one but it charges) and Kazza lite seems to have
dissapeared from the internet (I had that on my old computer and
inability to find it was why I was using Kazza).
Also I have some credit at my home towns record store (very small town
only one store but orders are quite reliable) due to some insurance
fraud... (is claming for AOL disks fraud? seriously those things have
a use during housefires!...and when u want to decorate stuff) so I am
not to bothered bying stuff I might not like - so any suggestions for
cds or whatever to get would be welcomed.
P.S. In case it is not entirely obvious I have never ever posted on
usenet/newsgroups/whatever they are called before because I could
never be bothered with it, but there doesn't seem to be many websites
about this so I thought what the hell.
To me, these days, industrial has become this catch all for any bands that
have noisy elements in their music/use synthesizers _and_ guitars/generally
don't fit into any other genre.

So then you've got the subgenres (many of which aren't industrial, but have
evolved out of industrial, and are still seen as part of the scene):
electro-industrial, EBM, IDM, elektro, darkwave, coldwave,
techno-industrial, powernoise, ambient noise, futurepop (don't shoot
me!!!)... and a million others that are created daily. And even these are
constantly being argued over what should be in each category...

The classics are a good place to start (that have already been mentioned -
Neubauten, Gristle, Coil, early-Swans).

Best idea is to look for online radio stations, although there's only one I
listen to:
http://www.cyberage.cx (which plays mostly electro-industrial and EBM)

If anyone can add to this with decent stations - please do...
2003-12-05 19:07:47 UTC
Post by ambienoise
...I have stumbled apon this thing - industrial music, while on the
internet... not entirely sure what it is supposed to sound like, came
across that industrial 101 site and it said roadworks - but... some
other site told me Kompressor is industrial... and that doesn't sound
at all like road works :p.
I have not heard of most of the bands I have seen mentioned under the
heading industrial, and the ones I have heard of (skinny puppy,
ministry... nine inch nails?...) I have only heard a few songs of
(except NIN because in my nin phase a few years back I got practically
every cd of theirs I could find... I think I prefer the remix ones now
I have gotton rather bored with the main albums).
Someone said to me Kraftwerk was industrial - but I don't beleive that
for a second (I love Kraftwerk... but I don't see it fitting in with
that other stuff - well maybe Kompressor - but in a far less fun way).
So... what is it supposed to sound like?
I would download some only the only download machine I actually know
the name of is Kazza and since I got rid of spyware it doesn't work (I
found another one but it charges) and Kazza lite seems to have
dissapeared from the internet (I had that on my old computer and
inability to find it was why I was using Kazza).
Also I have some credit at my home towns record store (very small town
only one store but orders are quite reliable) due to some insurance
fraud... (is claming for AOL disks fraud? seriously those things have
a use during housefires!...and when u want to decorate stuff) so I am
not to bothered bying stuff I might not like - so any suggestions for
cds or whatever to get would be welcomed.
"Industrial", "electro", "Electronic Body Music (EBM)" are overlapping
genres, more or less (and indeed overlap with "electronic", "ambient",
etc.-- you can always find a group with a transitional or intermediate

"Industrial" was supposed to feature harsh mechanic sounds and rhythms
from the start, "EBM" tends to feature throbbing and danceable
rhythms, and "electro" is pretty much any rock- like electronic music,
is about as far as I can define the things.

Kraftwerk is ancestral, sure; I would also invoke Devo and even Lou
Reed's _Machine Music_ or whatever it was called . . . .

See my post here called "mimus Core IEEE Song Blocks" for a list of
what I would call for the most part "electro- EBM" blocks and albums,
little of which might be called "industrial" here, or at best "late
industrial", but most of which would be called "industrial" by the
general musical public (most of whom probably have never heard of
"electro" or "EBM") . . . .
Post by ambienoise
P.S. In case it is not entirely obvious I have never ever posted on
usenet/newsgroups/whatever they are called before because I could
never be bothered with it, but there doesn't seem to be many websites
about this so I thought what the hell.
Usenet's a Helluva lotta fun. And can be useful. And even both at

np: Mark 13/Kinetic (yeah, right)
np for real: Haujobb/Polarity, Vertical Theory

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 100,000 Newsgroups - 19 Different Servers! =-----
2003-12-05 19:37:34 UTC
Post by ambienoise
...I have stumbled apon this thing - industrial music, while on the
internet... not entirely sure what it is supposed to sound like, came
across that industrial 101 site and it said roadworks - but... some
other site told me Kompressor is industrial... and that doesn't sound
at all like road works :p.
I have not heard of most of the bands I have seen mentioned under the
heading industrial, and the ones I have heard of (skinny puppy,
ministry... nine inch nails?...) I have only heard a few songs of
(except NIN because in my nin phase a few years back I got practically
every cd of theirs I could find... I think I prefer the remix ones now
I have gotton rather bored with the main albums).
Someone said to me Kraftwerk was industrial - but I don't beleive that
for a second (I love Kraftwerk... but I don't see it fitting in with
that other stuff - well maybe Kompressor - but in a far less fun way).
So... what is it supposed to sound like?
I would download some only the only download machine I actually know
the name of is Kazza and since I got rid of spyware it doesn't work (I
found another one but it charges) and Kazza lite seems to have
dissapeared from the internet (I had that on my old computer and
inability to find it was why I was using Kazza).
Also I have some credit at my home towns record store (very small town
only one store but orders are quite reliable) due to some insurance
fraud... (is claming for AOL disks fraud? seriously those things have
a use during housefires!...and when u want to decorate stuff) so I am
not to bothered bying stuff I might not like - so any suggestions for
cds or whatever to get would be welcomed.
P.S. In case it is not entirely obvious I have never ever posted on
usenet/newsgroups/whatever they are called before because I could
never be bothered with it, but there doesn't seem to be many websites
about this so I thought what the hell.
Hi :)

The term 'industrial' is used to describe very many bands.. deserving or
not. The term 'industrial' is more frequently used to describe a broad
range of music related more by common interest in the listeners than any
specific musical element. Hence if you go to a club advertising itself as
an 'industrial club', at least a better one, you might hear a wide range of
music played there.

Of course, as most clubs are for dancing, you'll hear mostly music that's
dancey. If you like to dance, you'll probably hear some stuff you like and
some stuff you don't, as with anything.

Don't worry too much about trying to find this elusive industrial music.
Pick up some Neubauten, Esplendor Geometrico, Throbbing Gristle, Coil, etc.
Over time you'll come to identify many of the bands that are associated -
associated not by musical style necessarily, but by the likes/dislikes of
the listeners. Since you're looking for some album names, I'll throw out a
few.. just a few! Just as many people will disagree with this list as will
agree, and I list them in no particular order. I'm just listing some discs
that are 'associated' with the term industrial, correct or not. Some are
synthpop, some are ebm, some are power noise, etc etc.. You could hear
songs from any/all of the following discs in one night at an 'industrial'

v/a: tonal destruction 2
this is a new 3-cd compilation that i feel does a very good job
representing a lot of the artists in the underground of the underground of
this scene. This compilation covers powernoise (think techno run through a
distortion pedal), dark ambient (dreary, dronings and soundscapes) and harsh
powerelectronics (not much of a beat here, can be very violent and
confrontational) as well as glitchy stuff (broken beats, minimal beats,
etc). There are countless bands I could recommend, but it is too hard to
get into it - best to listen to a couple compilations and then choose your
own path ;)

front line assembly - tactical neural implant
this was my introduction to electronic music. i picked it up because i
had just finished reading Neuromancer and liked the album title. I had no
idea who FLA was, or any other band like them for that matter. Still an
amazing disc.

covenant - europa
i feel covenant is the best of the 'synthpop' bands.. they have a
certain command over the composition of their music and vocal melodies that
is unmatched.

ministry - twitch
here is ministry like not many know them, and possibly my favorite
Ministry album. Beware - no guitars!

nitzer ebb - that total age
Half the songs on this album remind me of my favorite club-going
moments. *wipes a tear*

front 242 - official version
Yes, the Front242 classic 'headhunter' isn't on here... but I feel this
album is stronger.

snog - buy me, i'll change your life
Snog ... just get the CD ;)

skinny puppy - the singles collect
There's something to be said about owning all the albums and skipping
the anthologies, but if you don't have any SP albums, you might as well get
this one.

atari teenage riot - 60 second wipeout
ATR :) I'm not even sure what to say here.

vnv nation - empires
many find fault with VNV for their VERY accessible electronics -- it's
just basically trance with vocals. VNV is a force though, and I feel this
disc is strong enough to recommend, and distills the essence of what VNV is

das ich - re_kapitulation
another anthology here .. very good, dark, gothic, dancey, electronic...

haujobb - penetration, solutions for a small planet
very different albums here by the same artist, i like them both, for
completely different reasons.

Look here for information:

Look here for buying discs. Remember you can also use half.com and ebay to
try to save money.

Look here for web radio:

take care,
