Feedback For my works
(too old to reply)
2003-07-11 23:53:59 UTC
I am in a industrial/noise band. Only 2 of us, and i would like some
feedback from anyone who cares to listen to it. We don't have a label, and
really we just write music for ourselves. Because we are sick of listening
to bands that sound the same.
Should this be called death-industrial (like death metal)?
Will then black-industrial come out? And someday gothic-industrial :))
now this is getting funny.

2003-07-13 19:03:45 UTC
Post by Soterro
I am in a industrial/noise band. Only 2 of us, and i would like some
feedback from anyone who cares to listen to it. We don't have a label, and
really we just write music for ourselves. Because we are sick of listening
to bands that sound the same.
Should this be called death-industrial (like death metal)?
Will then black-industrial come out? And someday gothic-industrial :))
now this is getting funny.
"death-industrial" has been used as name for righter death nows music
for quite some years now and MZ412 has been calling their music
"black-industrial" for some years now.
"gothic-industrial" is german for "guys-with-makeup-making-bad-techno".

There is of course a chance that your post was ironic and I apologise if
that is the case, I am very tired.

"doggystyle isn't just for americans, doggystyle is for everyone!"
2003-07-15 08:13:13 UTC
Post by Crudbreeder
Post by Soterro
Should this be called death-industrial (like death metal)?
Will then black-industrial come out? And someday gothic-industrial :))
now this is getting funny.
"death-industrial" has been used as name for righter death nows music
for quite some years now and MZ412 has been calling their music
"black-industrial" for some years now.
"gothic-industrial" is german for "guys-with-makeup-making-bad-techno".
There is of course a chance that your post was ironic and I apologise if
that is the case, I am very tired.
Actually neither one :)
I really meant the simmilarity to the metal genres in the music
composition. Not that X or Y is called or is calling themselves this
or that, but really using the same techniques in the electro music,
and making a genre out of it not merely a couple of bands. MZ.412
doesn't sound yet like black metal to me, neither BDN like death. But
this guy's music sounded death-ish indeed (or better said, like
Would industrial innovation mean walking on the metal paths? Anyway,
there's a whole new world opening for headbanging :D

and again...
Post by Crudbreeder
"gothic-industrial" is german for "guys-with-makeup-making-bad-techno".
What??? I thought that's EBM :))
The closest match to the convergence of those two terms would be music
like Das Ich, Kirlian Camera or Deine Lakaien, I think...


np: J.B.O. - Always look on the dark side of life
2003-07-15 14:48:26 UTC
Post by Soterro
Actually neither one :)
I really meant the simmilarity to the metal genres in the music
composition. Not that X or Y is called or is calling themselves this
or that, but really using the same techniques in the electro music,
and making a genre out of it not merely a couple of bands. MZ.412
doesn't sound yet like black metal to me, neither BDN like death. But
this guy's music sounded death-ish indeed (or better said, like
Well, AFAIK MZ.412 call their music "black industrial" because they
claim it to be industrial music with black metal leanings. But I don't
care much for neither MZ nor black metal so I may be completely
Post by Soterro
Would industrial innovation mean walking on the metal paths? Anyway,
there's a whole new world opening for headbanging :D
That has being going on since Al Jourgensen started playing guitar again
some time in the late 80's. :p
Unfortunately, that seems to have only lead to the creation of hordes of
nu-metal bands, but then again, k0rn are the grandfathers of industrial,
so what do I know?
Post by Soterro
and again...
Post by Crudbreeder
"gothic-industrial" is german for "guys-with-makeup-making-bad-techno".
What??? I thought that's EBM :))
The closest match to the convergence of those two terms would be music
like Das Ich, Kirlian Camera or Deine Lakaien, I think...
Something like that yes. The subgenres of EBM seem to be defined mainly
by the amount of techno or guitars in the music and what kind of makeup
they wear.

np: Berliner Express - The russians are coming
"doggystyle isn't just for americans, doggystyle is for everyone!"
Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
2003-07-15 09:40:49 UTC
Post by Crudbreeder
"gothic-industrial" is german for "guys-with-makeup-making-bad-techno".
mr. crudbreeder,

please bill the latest Proper Guidance songs ase "gothic-industrial"
until someone figures out that it's a scam.

btw, those songs rule, because they are eating my brain.
np: nothin'

AIM: WhoKilledtheJAMs
dukncovr at kmfdm dot com

g4sm4sk: oh yes, according to the brb site,
you are going to be in the Electronic Music
Hall of Fame in Tamaqua, PA
2003-07-15 14:37:39 UTC
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
Post by Crudbreeder
"gothic-industrial" is german for "guys-with-makeup-making-bad-techno".
mr. crudbreeder,
please bill the latest Proper Guidance songs ase "gothic-industrial"
until someone figures out that it's a scam.
No, it's happy music, and "gothic-industrial" is depressive.
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
btw, those songs rule, because they are eating my brain.
But you are very happy now.

"doggystyle isn't just for americans, doggystyle is for everyone!"
2003-07-15 22:32:02 UTC
I am in a industrial/noise band. Only 2 of us, and i would like some
feedback from anyone who cares to listen to it. We don't have a label, and
really we just write music for ourselves. Because we are sick of listening
to bands that sound the same.
That was pretty cool, you have some other stuff? You might want to
try getting signed if you're into that sort of thing. If I had my
label up I would definitely consider signing you. I like your
attitude that you're just doing it for yourself; that's a great place
to start. Where are you from?

Theo Vermeulen
2003-07-16 07:45:28 UTC
Yes we have 1 and a1/2 cd. or 18 full and finished songs. If not more.
can we hear them too?



NP. Shakira - Oyos osty
Theo Vermeulen

One wizard is suspicious, two are a complot
Nothing Nocturn
2003-07-17 00:10:37 UTC
If anyone wants ot download any of those songs from me then i'm on irc. I
use efnet mainly and can be found in #industrialnation. Just want there and
i'll be on after i get home from work. But i'm always there. NothingNo is my
Nothing Nocturn
2003-07-21 01:52:23 UTC
Hello all. I have put this little site up. Its not much, but it will
have to do for right now. http://disect.iuma.com I have four
songs on it as of right now and maybe more to come. If you like the songs
then please feel free to email me to let me know. My personal email is
***@cox.net. Or you can use the email throught that site itself.
thanx for your time.
2006-04-26 18:31:10 UTC
Post by Soterro
I am in a industrial/noise band. Only 2 of us, and i would like some
feedback from anyone who cares to listen to it. We don't have a label, and
really we just write music for ourselves. Because we are sick of listening
to bands that sound the same.
Should this be called death-industrial (like death metal)?
Will then black-industrial come out? And someday gothic-industrial :))
now this is getting funny.
Mark 13/ Survival (1994) (Linear)/ "Neuritis", "Strategem", "Cyber
Christ", "Turbulence" and "Instability" (22:17)

for your gothic-industrial.