Mythmaker Observations
(too old to reply)
2007-02-01 20:30:51 UTC
Again, nothing groundbreaking. But not bad at all on first listenings.

Musically, _The Greater Wrong of the Right_ with more power, cleaner and
simpler in many passages.

I suspect from my own case that one effect of the slowly-accepted _TGWotR_
will be the throwing off of "_The Process_ Syndrome", and that longtime
fans will be much less leery of picking this one up fairly quickly (I
grabbed my copy only two days after the offishul release date).

There doesn't seem to be a theme to the release, although it's hard to
judge since the lyrics weren't included.

We have, unfortunately, still more neologisms as song titles (I guess Ogre
and/or Key can't help himself or themselves by now), with "Ambiantz" and
"Ugli" seeming especially jejune, but I kinda like "Pasturn", although I
think it should've ended with an "e", and I suspect "Pedafly" will
initially suggest to others as it did to me "Pedofly", which the song
doesn't sound to be about . . . .

I noticed some criticism in recent weeks, after the initial sample
releases, of the vocoder use here, and don't understand that criticism,
since (a) the vocoder sounds cool, (b) it's traditional in the genre, and
(c) it's, say, a perfectly acceptable musical/vocal underlining of a
lyrical/vocal extra- or non-human (or stranger, such as non- human-
become- or- in- the- process- of- becoming- human) viewpoint . . . .

(Guitar warning, for instrumental fascists like me:) There seems to be a
fair bit of guitar on the release, relatively inoffensive rhythm stuff
added at punchy moments.

Right now, I find

Skinny Puppy/Mythmaker (2007)(Synthetic Symphony/SPV)/ "Magnifishit",
"Dal", "Pedafly", "Ambiantz", "Pasturn" and "Haze" (28:39)

to be a quite listenable block, "Pedafly" and "Ambiantz" being especially

I don't understand the cover art at all . . . what's with the d00d with
the serious anatomical problem, or the map of (I think) Australia?

Are the damned lyrics posted anywhere yet?
Let there be throbbing.
2007-02-04 05:12:10 UTC
Post by mimus
(Guitar warning, for instrumental fascists like me:) There seems to be a
fair bit of guitar on the release, relatively inoffensive rhythm stuff
added at punchy moments.
Rhythm and power-chording.
Post by mimus
Right now, I find
Skinny Puppy/Mythmaker (2007)(Synthetic Symphony/SPV)/ "Magnifishit",
"Dal", "Pedafly", "Ambiantz", "Pasturn" and "Haze" (28:39)
to be a quite listenable block, "Pedafly" and "Ambiantz" being especially
The more I listen to that first track, the more I think we're seeing a
little clever-clever sucking up to the DJs here . . . .

I mean, nice opener, huh?
Let there be throbbing.
2007-02-04 07:10:01 UTC
Post by mimus
Again, nothing groundbreaking. But not bad at all on first listenings.
Musically, _The Greater Wrong of the Right_ with more power, cleaner and
simpler in many passages.
I suspect from my own case that one effect of the slowly-accepted _TGWotR_
will be the throwing off of "_The Process_ Syndrome", and that longtime
fans will be much less leery of picking this one up fairly quickly (I
grabbed my copy only two days after the offishul release date).
There doesn't seem to be a theme to the release, although it's hard to
judge since the lyrics weren't included.
We have, unfortunately, still more neologisms as song titles (I guess Ogre
and/or Key can't help himself or themselves by now), with "Ambiantz" and
"Ugli" seeming especially jejune, but I kinda like "Pasturn", although I
think it should've ended with an "e", and I suspect "Pedafly" will
initially suggest to others as it did to me "Pedofly", which the song
doesn't sound to be about . . . .
I noticed some criticism in recent weeks, after the initial sample
releases, of the vocoder use here, and don't understand that criticism,
since (a) the vocoder sounds cool, (b) it's traditional in the genre, and
(c) it's, say, a perfectly acceptable musical/vocal underlining of a
lyrical/vocal extra- or non-human (or stranger, such as non- human-
become- or- in- the- process- of- becoming- human) viewpoint . . . .
(Guitar warning, for instrumental fascists like me:) There seems to be a
fair bit of guitar on the release, relatively inoffensive rhythm stuff
added at punchy moments.
Right now, I find
Skinny Puppy/Mythmaker (2007)(Synthetic Symphony/SPV)/ "Magnifishit",
"Dal", "Pedafly", "Ambiantz", "Pasturn" and "Haze" (28:39)
to be a quite listenable block, "Pedafly" and "Ambiantz" being especially
I don't understand the cover art at all . . . what's with the d00d with
the serious anatomical problem, or the map of (I think) Australia?
Are the damned lyrics posted anywhere yet?
Let there be throbbing.
i actually liked 'the process'

.... and guitars.... but then again, i understand that i'm quite the
minority in the industrial community and have accepted the smug looks
of my peers while i enjoy a good coldwave record....

i refuse to run for cover:)

and when has skinny puppy made a habit of printing lyrics while their
cds? god, i'm showing my age....
2007-02-04 17:44:14 UTC
Post by tortureresponse
Post by mimus
Again, nothing groundbreaking. But not bad at all on first listenings.
Musically, _The Greater Wrong of the Right_ with more power, cleaner and
simpler in many passages.
I suspect from my own case that one effect of the slowly-accepted _TGWotR_
will be the throwing off of "_The Process_ Syndrome", and that longtime
fans will be much less leery of picking this one up fairly quickly (I
grabbed my copy only two days after the offishul release date).
There doesn't seem to be a theme to the release, although it's hard to
judge since the lyrics weren't included.
We have, unfortunately, still more neologisms as song titles (I guess Ogre
and/or Key can't help himself or themselves by now), with "Ambiantz" and
"Ugli" seeming especially jejune, but I kinda like "Pasturn", although I
think it should've ended with an "e", and I suspect "Pedafly" will
initially suggest to others as it did to me "Pedofly", which the song
doesn't sound to be about . . . .
I noticed some criticism in recent weeks, after the initial sample
releases, of the vocoder use here, and don't understand that criticism,
since (a) the vocoder sounds cool, (b) it's traditional in the genre, and
(c) it's, say, a perfectly acceptable musical/vocal underlining of a
lyrical/vocal extra- or non-human (or stranger, such as non- human-
become- or- in- the- process- of- becoming- human) viewpoint . . . .
(Guitar warning, for instrumental fascists like me:) There seems to be a
fair bit of guitar on the release, relatively inoffensive rhythm stuff
added at punchy moments.
Right now, I find
Skinny Puppy/Mythmaker (2007)(Synthetic Symphony/SPV)/ "Magnifishit",
"Dal", "Pedafly", "Ambiantz", "Pasturn" and "Haze" (28:39)
to be a quite listenable block, "Pedafly" and "Ambiantz" being especially
Yep, that block's really settlin' in.
Post by tortureresponse
Post by mimus
I don't understand the cover art at all . . . what's with the d00d with
the serious anatomical problem, or the map of (I think) Australia?
Are the damned lyrics posted anywhere yet?
i actually liked 'the process'
I could only get three listenable tracks out of it, the title track, which
was nonetheless disastrously musically static considering its subject;
"Death" (IIRC-- I don't at present have a copy, but need to get one, I
guess), which is so overamped compared to the other songs that it's
annoying _en bloc_; and that boingy little piece "Blue Suede" (again IIRC).

Not much of a haul, from an SP release.

(Although that was better than _viviSectvi_, wot I had a copy of for
years, and never found anything other than murky and rackety and without
Post by tortureresponse
.... and
guitars.... but then again, i understand that i'm quite the
Post by tortureresponse
minority in the industrial community and have accepted the smug looks of
my peers while i enjoy a good coldwave record....
i refuse to run for cover:)
I decided sometime in the early '70s that there are too many dam' guitars
in the world (excluding basses), and not enough keyboards and woodwinds.
Post by tortureresponse
and when has skinny puppy made a habit of printing lyrics while their
cds? god, i'm showing my age....
Hmmm, of the six SP CDs I have, all US or Canadian editions, half have
lyrics-- _Rabies_, _Too Dark Park_ and _The Greater Wrong of the Right_--
and half don't-- _Mind_: The Perpetual Intercourse_, _Last Rights_ and

_Rabies_ is missing the lyric to "Two-Time Grime", which is a dam' shame,
but gives you two bonus lyrics without songs to go with them, "Storyeye"
and "No Regrets" . . . .
Let there be throbbing.
2007-02-06 09:05:13 UTC
(Although that [re:TP] was better than _viviSectvi_, wot I had a copy of for
years, and never found anything other than murky and rackety and without
Hmmm, of the six SP CDs I have, all US or Canadian editions, half have
lyrics-- _Rabies_, _Too Dark Park_ and _The Greater Wrong of the Right_--
and half don't-- _Mind_: The Perpetual Intercourse_, _Last Rights_ and
CF+M and VIVIsectVI were released with lyrics, while Bites, Remission
and Process weren't. Someone believed to be Ogre made a posting
online of the lyrics to Love in Vein, also, but I can't think of
anything else att.
2007-02-06 19:13:39 UTC
Post by mimus
annoying _en bloc_; and that boingy little piece "Blue Suede" (again IIRC).
I think it is Blue Surge, and that's my favorite on the album
Post by mimus
(Although that was better than _viviSectvi_, wot I had a copy of for
years, and never found anything other than murky and rackety and without
Boo! Depending on mood, VIVIVI is often my favorite of the bunch
(there are times when I prefer Rabies, and others when I prefer TDP
but usually VIVIVI is my favorite.)
2007-02-06 23:35:35 UTC
Post by j***@hexduxhmp.org
Post by mimus
annoying _en bloc_; and that boingy little piece "Blue Suede" (again IIRC).
I think it is Blue Surge, and that's my favorite on the album
"Serge". "Serge". That's it . . . .
Post by j***@hexduxhmp.org
Post by mimus
(Although that was better than _viviSectvi_, wot I had a copy of for
years, and never found anything other than murky and rackety and without
Boo! Depending on mood, VIVIVI is often my favorite of the bunch
(there are times when I prefer Rabies, and others when I prefer TDP
but usually VIVIVI is my favorite.)

Here's my faves:

Skinny Puppy/ Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse (Capitol) (1986)/ "One Time
One Place", "Burnt with Water", "200 Years", "Deepdown Trama Hounds" and
"Antagonism" (30:44) (Just recently came to terms with this one, which I
think I had confused with another of their early ones which I haven't yet
to this day heard but the once, which there's only two possibilities now,
I think, _Bites_ and _Remission_ or something like that-- _viviSectvi_ had
discouraged me from exploring the earlier stuff.)

Skinny Puppy/ Rabies (1989) (Nettwerk)/ "Rodent", "Hexonxonx", "Amputate",
"Rivers", "Worlock" and "Two Time Grime" (30:50)

Skinny Puppy/ Too Dark Park (1990) (Nettwerk)/ "Tormentor", "Grave
Wisdom", "Rash Reflection", "Shore Lined Poison" and "Nature's Revenge"

Skinny Puppy/ Last Rights (1991) (Nettwerk)/ "Love in Vein", "Riverzend",
"Knowhere", "Circustance" and "Mirror Saw" (25:02)

And I'd put these blocks up against any music by any group or composer of
any era.

Which is why I've been so disturbed over 'em for, er, the last sixteen
years or so (has it really been that long since _Last Rights_?).
Let there be throbbing.
2007-02-07 21:57:24 UTC
Post by mimus
"Serge". "Serge". That's it . . . .
Heh, speaking of them trying to be cute w/ wordplay ...
Post by mimus
I suppose that I should note that pretty much all of the puppy
albums (not all, but most) will have their moments for me - it is
very heavily mood driven. It is just that VVV tends to be my
basis point.
Post by mimus
One Place", "Burnt with Water", "200 Years", "Deepdown Trama Hounds" and
Deepdown Trauma Hounds is my favorite song by far, however. At least
for the last couple of years. I like the 'love' track on there a lot
for some reason as well. Chainsaw (or whatever it is) is the only song
to quite literally give me a nightmare. Addiction I really like as well.
Post by mimus
Skinny Puppy/ Rabies (1989) (Nettwerk)/ "Rodent", "Hexonxonx", "Amputate",
"Rivers", "Worlock" and "Two Time Grime" (30:50)
I love this album up through the track after Tin Omen. I'm mez-mez on
the rest. I do have to generally be in a pretty revved up mood for this
album though.
Post by mimus
Skinny Puppy/ Too Dark Park (1990) (Nettwerk)/ "Tormentor", "Grave
Wisdom", "Rash Reflection", "Shore Lined Poison" and "Nature's Revenge"
This was an old favorite. I love the textures in it. Not really sure
why it lost out to VVV for me. I pretty much enjoy the entire album
(which isn't true of VVV). Very solid.
Post by mimus
Skinny Puppy/ Last Rights (1991) (Nettwerk)/ "Love in Vein", "Riverzend",
"Knowhere", "Circustance" and "Mirror Saw" (25:02)
This one is very similar to TDP for me (in terms of the way I absorb
the music)
Post by mimus
Which is why I've been so disturbed over 'em for, er, the last sixteen
years or so (has it really been that long since _Last Rights_?).
Sadly, yah :( I'm old
2007-02-14 09:25:14 UTC
Post by mimus
Skinny Puppy/ Mind: The Perpetual Intercourse (Capitol) (1986)/ "One Time
One Place", "Burnt with Water", "200 Years", "Deepdown Trama Hounds" and
"Antagonism" (30:44) (Just recently came to terms with this one, which I
think I had confused with another of their early ones which I haven't yet
to this day heard but the once, which there's only two possibilities now,
I think, _Bites_ and _Remission_ or something like that-- _viviSectvi_ had
discouraged me from exploring the earlier stuff.)
deep down Trauma Hounds was originally on Cleanse Fold and Manipulate.
Remixes of it and Addiction were added the the M:TPI cd later. The remix
of Addiction is my favorite track of theirs. Maybe of anyones.

CF&M is my favorite, all the rest are a close second. Sometimes I think
ViViVi is 'better', but I think CF&M catches them at a transition period
that is just fantastic.

Haven't heard the new one yet. Hopefully tomorrow.
2007-02-28 15:47:02 UTC
Post by mimus
Musically, _The Greater Wrong of the Right_ with more power, cleaner and
simpler in many passages.
I finally got a copy of Mythmaker. My impression after a couple of
listens was that a) there's a somewhat logical progression (musically)
from The Process -> TGWotR -> Mythmaker. Yesterday I took a listen to
the previous two to see if I agree w/ this. (Actually, I ended up liking
TP much more than I remembered, either my tastes have changed/mellowed
or Mythmaker & TGWOTR have tempered me). Not sure if I still agree w/
including the Process in that statement, but Mythmaker is certainly
what you describe above.

If they added in just a modicum of 'darkness' and some of the cool
samply stuff from back in the day, I'd think this was a fairly solid
"skinny puppy" album. Instead, I find it to be an extremely solid
"something else" album, if that makes sense. I don't dislike it, but
I'm still not completely sold on the new direction.

So far, my favorite song is Pedafly.
