Falling into Wreckage (was Re: [OT] Worrisome Indeed: Multi-Drug-Resistant HIV Discovered
(too old to reply)
Tiny Human Ferret
2005-02-12 21:56:33 UTC
Tiny Human Ferret wrote:
This has been a public service health messages from your Tiny Human Ferret.
Sorry to follow myself up, but I followed the link to NYC.Gov and found
something really odd but somehow not too surprising at

<quote in-part>

- Meth often causes impaired sexual functioning in men,
including temporary erectile dysfunction or
delayed ejaculation.

- Because of these effects, MSM meth users are
more likely to engage in receptive anal sex.

- They are also more likely to use Viagra* or
similar drugs. Recreational Viagra use
increases HIV risk factors, including
greater numbers of sex partners and
a higher incidence of unprotected sex.


Okay, the first thing that comes to mind when I think about the
combination of Meth and Viagra was "now _there_ is the fastest route to
personal destruction I could imagine". But one also starts to wonder
what -- aside from increased risk of HIV proliferation -- social effects
there might be.

Searching around, I found a rather disquieting website at

Do please go take a look at it. The site itself is really very well
done, if you don't mind the pictures of people turned into scarecrow
zombies by the addictive power of methedrine and the destruction wreaked
by the crap chemicals in smokable bathtub meth.

First, I was rather surprised to find that meth had made any significant
inroads into the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic States, but there you are.

When you read the site, you'll see a link to "the US Club Scene". Read
it. There's the "pots and pans" section which I thought was particularly
condemnatory of the club scene. "Pots and pans" is the author's term for
"doof doof" music, I suppose.

<quote in-part>

The depressive, bass-heavy, pounding beat of loud, discordant music in a
party environment inhibits the effect of 'fun drugs" like ecstasy,
pulling the genuine fun-seekers down while encouraging the use of the
moodier, edgier, and anti-social crystal meth. As the music consumed the
crystal users those who are less grounded and emotionally insecure
become depressiove and agitated as tina [crystal, crystina, tina] preys
on their current fears. Others are transported into the darker recesses
of the mind where deep-rooted, painful memories are locked away,
effectively unleashing a Pandora's box of nightmares into the
environment. Former abusers have described such disorienting experiences
as "demons being released from within them" turning them, quite
literally, into zombies, or "walking dead".

[ ... ] As crystal became the drug-du-jour, and with one of the
biggest-name DJs known to be using tina himelf, others followed suit and
insidiously began spinning pots-and-pans and other unmelodic repressive
banging sounds that reflected their aggressive mindsets, effectively
anaesthtising their crowds emotionally and turning the environments
hostile with the sterile "crystal vibe".


The date given for the peak of this irrupting into the NYC club scene is

If I recall correctly, that's when doof-doof started taking over Goth

The author goes on to attempt to promote the idea that the circuit-DJs
that promote pots-and-pans (I guess he means "Industrial") versus Trance
or Ambient in gay clubs is setting them up to be turned into zombie
wastelands ripe for targeting by the Feds under the 2003 Illicit Drug
Anti-Proliferation Act.

Meanwhile, there's a link from _the Guardian_ at

<quote in-part>

[ ... ]

Seven mice forced to listen to the pulsating music after taking a strong
form of amphetamine or "speed" died, while others suffered brain damage
as a result of research animal rights campaigners have branded
"tasteless and horrific".

Of a total of 238 mice being used in the experiment, half were injected
with the drug methamphetamine and half with salt water.

The mice were then exposed to silence, white noise - a "rushing" sound
made from a combination of different frequencies - or loud music. The
music played was from The Prodigy or Bach's Violin Concerto in A Minor.

Animals injected with salt fell asleep when the music was played. But
the sounds dramatically affected the drugged mice, who appeared to
jiggle backwards and forwards and move their noses from side to side as
the music pounded in their ears. Four of the mice made to listen to Bach
also died during the experiment.

Jenny Morton, leading the research, insisted the study was justified and
conducted responsibly. The experiment was part of a wider study looking
at the affect of amphetamine on the striatum, a brain region which
degenerates in Huntingdon's disease.

The findings suggested that loud pulsating noise - the kind young people
are subjected to in clubs - could enhance the drug's toxic effects. She
said the volume used, 95 decibels, was equivalent to listening to a
personal stereo turned up reasonably loud.

[ ... ]


According to the LifeorMeth site writer, who I might point out appears
to be rather a fan of X and Special K,

<quote in-part>

[ ... ]

Blair, of course, neglected to mention how Rosy has provided a fertile
breeding ground for the spread of crystal meth among his patrons,
effectively facilitating, perpetuating and ecnouraging its use on his
premises. Around late-2001, Roxy's dance floor began resembling a
no-man's land by midnight, where crashing tweakers would sway and grind
like zombies to the psychologically depressive, anxiety-inducing
pots-and-pans sound.

[ ... ]

To this day ... [ DJs ] religiously adhere to Roxy's apparent policy of
hard,banging pots-and-pans, upping the ante as the night progresses
until only a sketchy, tweaked crowd of tina users remains. [ ... ]

Last year a former abuser ... since 1995, remarked, "It started out
everyone was snorting, and if you smoked it you were an addict. Then
everyone was smoking it and if you shot it you were an addict. The last
time I went out, everyone was shooting."


LifeorMeth appears to be a valuable resource, mostly aimed at gay men
but useful to all, which might be given all due consideration and attention.

Their slogan is "Huge Sale! Buy Crystal! Get HIV free!"
The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
2005-02-13 18:35:37 UTC
Methedrine increases the desire to squirt death into another man's
butthole. Right?

Tiny Human Ferret
2005-02-13 19:23:06 UTC
Post by C***@BRICK.NET
Methedrine increases the desire to squirt death into another man's
butthole. Right?
No, Viagra does that.

Methedrine makes DJs play crap music in gay bars.
The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
2005-02-13 19:45:45 UTC
What makes DJs play crap music in straight bars?

Oh, I liked the DJ last night. He also ran the sound, and not only did
he do a fine job, but he was NICE, yes NICE, not surly or grumpy, NICE.
My drummer said to me, "This guy must be new at this." Later on the
guy told us that this was his first time running live sound, but that
he co-owns a recording studio. What makes these guys so foul tempered?
Do you think it's having to listen to lots of music, most of which
they dislike?


Tiny Human Ferret
2005-02-13 22:39:00 UTC
Post by C***@BRICK.NET
What makes DJs play crap music in straight bars?
They hate their clientele, who must be made to suffer.

Oh, and too much Viagra and Meth.
Post by C***@BRICK.NET
Oh, I liked the DJ last night. He also ran the sound, and not only did
he do a fine job, but he was NICE, yes NICE, not surly or grumpy, NICE.
My drummer said to me, "This guy must be new at this." Later on the
guy told us that this was his first time running live sound, but that
he co-owns a recording studio. What makes these guys so foul tempered?
Do you think it's having to listen to lots of music, most of which
they dislike?
It's the 40,000th time they've had to tell someone there's no way
they're playing "Beat Box" by Art of Noise again. Ever.
The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
2005-02-15 16:04:36 UTC
Hey, I love that song and I've never heard it in a club....ever.

I think the reason DJs might get surly is the constant barrage of early
twenty somethings calling them "awful" or playing "crap music" because
they didn't play the EXACT set that the complainer would.

Very Much an Art of Noise fan, I even have Paranomia on Vinyl.
Tiny Human Ferret
2005-02-15 16:30:36 UTC
Post by H***@gmail.com
Hey, I love that song and I've never heard it in a club....ever.
I think the reason DJs might get surly is the constant barrage of early
twenty somethings calling them "awful" or playing "crap music" because
they didn't play the EXACT set that the complainer would.
Very Much an Art of Noise fan, I even have Paranomia on Vinyl.
You must demand that they play this on Goth Nite(tm).

Only the (many) One True Non Poseurs in the club will even recognize it.
The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
2005-02-15 17:40:57 UTC
Tiny Human Ferret wrote:
Post by Tiny Human Ferret
You must demand that they play this on Goth Nite(tm).
Only the (many) One True Non Poseurs in the club will even recognize it.
Actually I think fewer would recognize it than you might expect.
Furthermore, only true non-Poseurs would recognize the remix from the
seduction of Claude Debussy. ;)

Tiny Human Ferret
2005-02-15 22:53:07 UTC
Post by H***@gmail.com
Post by Tiny Human Ferret
You must demand that they play this on Goth Nite(tm).
Only the (many) One True Non Poseurs in the club will even recognize
Actually I think fewer would recognize it than you might expect.
Furthermore, only true non-Poseurs would recognize the remix from the
seduction of Claude Debussy. ;)
I've always wanted to be the guy who manages to talk the DJ into playing
"Numbers" by Kraftwerk, just to watch the expression on the dancers'
faces when the DJ announces that it came out in 1979 or so.
The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
stevie seven
2005-02-16 00:40:23 UTC
.......so people play music just to get a reaction?
fucking emotional whores
get a life and listen to what you like and
not to what you think that others will think about it

In Summa: if the floor is completely empty for you DJs, save for one
lone pioneer in free thought, enjoying him/herself totally in the bliss
of not being conscious of oneself or anyone else something good is
industrial music, as well as homsexual anal penetration, is more about
sastisfying a need than pleasure or social acceptance.
Thus, let the chemicals flow and therefore, the weak-minded sheep weed
themselves out of the genetic pool and die from overdose.

stevie seven
"music IS the drug + im a junkie"
Tiny Human Ferret
2005-02-16 03:26:45 UTC
Post by stevie seven
.......so people play music just to get a reaction?
fucking emotional whores
get a life and listen to what you like and
not to what you think that others will think about it
If you will bother to re-read, and perhaps to reflect upon it for a few
moments, you'll perhaps notice that what I would have been doing would
have been to turn people onto a masterpiece really quite formative of
all synth/sequencer music that came after, and also turning them on to
how early on it was done.

I happen to still like that song, 25 years later. Other people, hearing
it for the first time, also often like it very much.
Post by stevie seven
In Summa: if the floor is completely empty for you DJs,
I'm not a DJ. The idea of me being a DJ is ludicrous in the extreme.
Post by stevie seven
save for one
lone pioneer in free thought, enjoying him/herself totally in the bliss
of not being conscious of oneself or anyone else something good is
industrial music, as well as homsexual anal penetration, is more about
sastisfying a need than pleasure or social acceptance.
Yeah, so is smoking cigarettes or banging an "8-ball". "There's a fine
line between pleasure and pain", as the song says.
Post by stevie seven
Thus, let the chemicals flow and therefore, the weak-minded sheep weed
themselves out of the genetic pool and die from overdose.
The problem is that they don't exactly die. You keep seeing them around,
getting more and more sad, and I don't mean "sad" in terms of "not happy".
The incapacity of a weak and distracted government may
often assume the appearance, and produce the effects,
of a treasonable correspondence with the public enemy.
--Gibbon, "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
"Sometimes, Evil drives a mini-van."
--Desperate Housewives
2005-02-14 17:53:59 UTC
Viagra doesn't increase desire so much as ability. The willingness to
"squirt death into" another human being is not something we can blame
on any drug.

Btw, does any of the press on this indicate whether this person
continued to go to his "bareback parties" after he was diagnosed, and
if so, is he going to be prosecuted for attempted murder?
