Premature Ejaculation
(too old to reply)
Chris Scott
2003-07-25 18:01:32 UTC
I feel kind of naked delurking in such a heavy NG. Well, hmm, I'm
interested in more PE albums because I only have Estimating the Time
of Death and PE's very last release (2CDs). I have Heltir's release,
Involution, EXP. First request is for PE's other stuff if anyone has
them in serviceable condition. Second, I'm ready to try someone else
in a similar vein. What new albums might I enjoy?

I'm not a musician and just enjoy working through the disturbing
sounds of the work to the point where it is relaxing to listen to late
at night. PE is fun because I like Rozz and can always hear 'him'
through the music and although so much of RW's music was pretentious
and tongue and cheek?, I was lured in before I figured that out.
Bands that I suspect produce similar sound would be Legendary Pink
Dots, Tear Garden (I have most of it), Muslimgauze?, PAL. Really
appreciate it if you have the time.

PS: I have the impression PE is considered amateurish or
uninfluential. Which Ant Zen releases compare to their records?
Thanks a lot.
Veni Vidi Exii
2003-07-25 19:46:53 UTC
Post by Chris Scott
I feel kind of naked delurking in such a heavy NG.
Heavy? What, like, big heavy beats and fruity lead synths?
Post by Chris Scott
Second, I'm ready to try someone
else in a similar vein. What new albums might I enjoy?
that I suspect produce similar sound would be ...
Your comments re: Legendary Pink Dots are more or less close,
depending upon the record (they have a huge back catalog in
varying styles), but I wouldn't look to Tear Garden,
Muslimgauze, or PAL for similar sounds. Tear Garden is more
song-based whereas Muslimgauze and PAL are essentially hybrids
of dance music and noise - Muslimgauze using traditional
Arabic music and PAL using acid house.
Post by Chris Scott
PS: I have the impression PE is considered amateurish or
uninfluential. Which Ant Zen releases compare to their
I've never really enjoyed much PE work. I think you hit
things pretty much on the head as far as it being considered
uninfluential. I don't know if I'd call it amateurish ...
I've certainly heard worse.

For the most part, I wouldn't say its anything like Ant Zen
releases at all. Some labels you might be interested in
Cold Meat Industries, Beta-Lactam Ring, Tone Casualties,
Manifold Records.

np: Moka Only - Lowdown Suite
"The 80s sucked in the 80s, and they still suck now."
-Shakey Mo Collier
Chris Scott
2003-07-25 21:26:13 UTC
Oops. I didn't mean to drag along that old thread. Sorry.

