PING Dachar
(too old to reply)
2006-04-26 18:29:30 UTC
Just rummaged through


looking at some old faves and also with an eye toward works I've not heard
by favorite groups.

I wonder if you still have the reviews from the earlier IB? Stick 'em up,
if you do. Or is that the "Old Testament"?

For example, until I realized that you were posting for the most part at
least more recent reviews only, even in your "Old Testament", I was going
to <slap> you around a bit here for no Electro Assassin, eg, their
_Bioculture_ being the closest thing I've ever heard in sound (voices and
rhythms and arrangements) to _Front by Front_, including of any of the
other F242 albums, although harsher and rawer, and more science-fictiony in
the lyrics, than _FbF_; and, of course,

Electro Assassin/ The Divine Invasion (1995) (Cyber-Tec/ SPV/
Synthetic Symphony)/ "Bodyhammer", "Voyager", "Dreamweb" and "Beyond
Salvation" (26:35)

is gigantic (lots of instrumentals to play around with on the album, too).

Still, though, why no review of F242's _Pulse_? I would've thought that
would be recent and impo'tant enough.

You've settled me on picking up the more recent _Android Lust_-- I was
already shaken by the Metropolis reviews (perhaps Shikhee might be most
usefully compared to Kate Bush?).

Not to mention _X-Marks'_ _Drawback_;

X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (1995) (Cleopatra)/ "Dependence",
"Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and "Abortion"

is an old and cherished electro-EBM block to me.

And it's interesting how two people can like the same release for different
reasons; for example, _I_ love the block

Heavy Water Factory/Author of Pain (1997)/"Alone", "Strange", "Connected",
"The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)

for its stunningly polished and mellow power and rhythms and beauty.

2006-04-26 21:53:55 UTC
Post by mimus
Electro Assassin, eg, their
_Bioculture_ being the closest thing I've ever heard in sound (voices and
rhythms and arrangements) to _Front by Front_, including of any of the
other F242 albums, although harsher and rawer, and more science-fictiony in
the lyrics, than _FbF_
Hah, just picked up a used copy of _Bioculture_ from Second Spin for $3.99.
Let there be throbbing.
2006-04-27 13:19:27 UTC
The 'Old Testament does contain SOME of my older (mid to late 90's) reviews.
I still have a ton more to post, along with older interviews, etc., but I am
more focused on getting the newwer stuff up first. I think all of the
Electro Assassin CDs were released prior to my starting to publish IB in
1995, so that's why there are no reviews up for them.
Post by mimus
Just rummaged through
looking at some old faves and also with an eye toward works I've not heard
by favorite groups.
I wonder if you still have the reviews from the earlier IB? Stick 'em up,
if you do. Or is that the "Old Testament"?
For example, until I realized that you were posting for the most part at
least more recent reviews only, even in your "Old Testament", I was going
to <slap> you around a bit here for no Electro Assassin, eg, their
_Bioculture_ being the closest thing I've ever heard in sound (voices and
rhythms and arrangements) to _Front by Front_, including of any of the
other F242 albums, although harsher and rawer, and more science-fictiony in
the lyrics, than _FbF_; and, of course,
Electro Assassin/ The Divine Invasion (1995) (Cyber-Tec/ SPV/
Synthetic Symphony)/ "Bodyhammer", "Voyager", "Dreamweb" and "Beyond
Salvation" (26:35)
is gigantic (lots of instrumentals to play around with on the album, too).
Still, though, why no review of F242's _Pulse_? I would've thought that
would be recent and impo'tant enough.
You've settled me on picking up the more recent _Android Lust_-- I was
already shaken by the Metropolis reviews (perhaps Shikhee might be most
usefully compared to Kate Bush?).
Not to mention _X-Marks'_ _Drawback_;
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (1995) (Cleopatra)/ "Dependence",
"Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and "Abortion"
is an old and cherished electro-EBM block to me.
And it's interesting how two people can like the same release for different
reasons; for example, _I_ love the block
Heavy Water Factory/Author of Pain (1997)/"Alone", "Strange", "Connected",
"The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
for its stunningly polished and mellow power and rhythms and beauty.
2006-04-27 17:19:01 UTC
Post by Dachar
The 'Old Testament does contain SOME of my older (mid to late 90's) reviews.
I still have a ton more to post, along with older interviews, etc., but I am
more focused on getting the newwer stuff up first. I think all of the
Electro Assassin CDs were released prior to my starting to publish IB in
1995, so that's why there are no reviews up for them.

Like, strive for definitive, man!

Don't forget Lou Reed's double LP _Metal Machine Music_ (1975) <snort>.

Actually, _I_ could use a nice guide to all the more-or-less closely
related or overlapping genres 'round here . . . .

I just generally call what I like "electronic rock" or "electro-EBM".
Let there be throbbing.
2006-04-27 18:07:16 UTC
Post by mimus
Don't forget Lou Reed's double LP _Metal Machine Music_ (1975) <snort>.

If nothing else, _MMM_ may have spawned the greatest rock review of all
time, a twenty-fifth anniversary retrospective:


(It's a two-parter, and hilarious throughout, clear through to the
reference to _MMM_ being played in Japanese airports and "the
insanely-prolific Merzbow".)
Let there be throbbing.