equipment for recording shows
(too old to reply)
2005-04-03 21:13:08 UTC
I'm looking into upgrading my rig for bootlegging shows. I just came
across the new sony minidisc's that apparently let you actually upload
a recorded show onto the computer and then burn to cd all digitally...
so it seems that you then have a perfect digital copy of exactly what
the microphones heard at the show? Anyone know anything about this?

Here is the one I am looking at, should I get it?

From searching the web it looks like this model has not even been
released yet in the united states. And the stores that have it on
pre-order are charging about $250 plus shipping, so this seems like a
great deal.

But is this the best unit to buy... or am I better off with a
technology other than minidisc?

Your comments and suggestions are welcomed... thanks!
2005-04-05 13:52:47 UTC
Post by uskidsknow
I'm looking into upgrading my rig for bootlegging shows. I just came
across the new sony minidisc's that apparently let you actually upload
a recorded show onto the computer and then burn to cd all digitally...
so it seems that you then have a perfect digital copy of exactly what
the microphones heard at the show? Anyone know anything about this?
If that's the level of your grasp on current technology you shouldn't
be bootlegging shows... sorry.

Yes, it´s a Minidisc. They've been around for ages. It's actually the
microphone that matters the most, and its placement. Having it
"all-digital" matters squat if the source material is of low quality
itself. (Note: this also means one shouldn't attempt to bootleg most
Metropolis bands' shows)
2005-04-11 04:36:52 UTC
Post by ...
Post by uskidsknow
I'm looking into upgrading my rig for bootlegging shows. I just came
across the new sony minidisc's that apparently let you actually upload
a recorded show onto the computer and then burn to cd all digitally...
so it seems that you then have a perfect digital copy of exactly what
the microphones heard at the show? Anyone know anything about this?
If that's the level of your grasp on current technology you shouldn't
be bootlegging shows... sorry.
Yes, itŽs a Minidisc. They've been around for ages. It's actually the
What I find funny is how so many people think these are new and that they're
so hard pressed to find one that actually RECORDS.

I remember when those things were a dime a dozen and they all recorded,
albiet most at the time only up to 32Khz but for bootlegging, hello, that
was plenty. Now apparently a lot of bands use them live on stage as backing
track devices...
