Songs That Are Too Short
(too old to reply)
2006-08-01 02:26:42 UTC
Haujobb's "Clockwise".

Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
Let there be throbbing.
2006-08-03 21:07:04 UTC
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
What about "ALL" by the Descendents?
2006-08-03 21:24:12 UTC
Post by j***@hexduxhmp.org
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
What about "ALL" by the Descendents?
Is that the name of a song, or do you mean every song?
Let there be throbbing.
Dave Watson
2006-08-04 05:40:03 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by j***@hexduxhmp.org
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
What about "ALL" by the Descendents?
Is that the name of a song, or do you mean every song?
Name of a song. One word, one chord, one crashing beat, over in three
seconds. Niiiice.
Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Stretcher CD-R--sevcom.com)
Frezier Balzoff (aka Ottawa), Ontario, Canada Email--shlf[at]ncf[dot]ca
(Remember to remove the spamtrap word before E-mailing a reply.)
My music and anime webpage: http://eyevocal.ottawa-anime.org/
Yvette Watson, 1942-2002--You will be greatly missed and always loved.
Craig Hall, 1975-2005--Good friend and kindred wild spirit.
Kill worms!! http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/
2006-08-04 15:26:43 UTC
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by j***@hexduxhmp.org
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
What about "ALL" by the Descendents?
Is that the name of a song, or do you mean every song?
Name of a song. One word, one chord, one crashing beat, over in three
seconds. Niiiice.
Shades of _Escape from Noise_!
Let there be throbbing.
2006-08-04 18:06:10 UTC
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by j***@hexduxhmp.org
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
What about "ALL" by the Descendents?
Is that the name of a song, or do you mean every song?
Name of a song. One word, one chord, one crashing beat, over in three
seconds. Niiiice.
Doesn't sound like it's too short. It sounds like it is the optimal length
to get the intended point across.
2006-09-15 18:46:28 UTC
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
Skinny Puppy's "Circustance".
Let there be throbbing.
Dave Watson
2006-09-15 19:40:18 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
Skinny Puppy's "Circustance".
All of Boredoms side band Destroy 2's songs. They once released a 3" CD
with 48 "songs" in 10 minutes.
Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Stretcher CD-R--sevcom.com)
Frezier Balzoff (aka Ottawa), Ontario, Canada Email--shlf[at]ncf[dot]ca
(Remember to remove the spamtrap word before E-mailing a reply.)
My music and anime webpage: http://eyevocal.ottawa-anime.org/
Yvette Watson, 1942-2002--You will be greatly missed and always loved.
Craig Hall, 1975-2005--Good friend and kindred wild spirit.
Kill worms!! http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/
2006-09-15 21:28:51 UTC
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Haujobb's "Clockwise".
Android Lust's "Heathen (A Thousand Thoughts)" (already remixed once!) and
"Fall into Fragments".
Skinny Puppy's "Circustance".
All of Boredoms side band Destroy 2's songs. They once released a 3" CD
with 48 "songs" in 10 minutes.
Too short, or not short enough?
Let there be throbbing.
Dave Watson
2006-09-15 22:55:39 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Dave Watson
All of Boredoms side band Destroy 2's songs. They once released a 3" CD
with 48 "songs" in 10 minutes.
Too short, or not short enough?
Too short, obviously. The longest songs are the first and last, because
they include the fading in and out of the crowd noise. A short set of
them which feature the drummer picking up or putting down a stick, only
last as long as the "1234" countoff. They apparently were trying to
work out 100 songs in 10 minutes since that time, until the drummer left
due to problems in a related side band.
Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Stretcher CD-R--sevcom.com)
Frezier Balzoff (aka Ottawa), Ontario, Canada Email--shlf[at]ncf[dot]ca
(Remember to remove the spamtrap word before E-mailing a reply.)
My music and anime webpage: http://eyevocal.ottawa-anime.org/
Yvette Watson, 1942-2002--You will be greatly missed and always loved.
Craig Hall, 1975-2005--Good friend and kindred wild spirit.
Kill worms!! http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/
2006-09-16 01:09:43 UTC
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by Dave Watson
All of Boredoms side band Destroy 2's songs. They once released a 3" CD
with 48 "songs" in 10 minutes.
Too short, or not short enough?
Too short, obviously. The longest songs are the first and last, because
they include the fading in and out of the crowd noise. A short set of
them which feature the drummer picking up or putting down a stick, only
last as long as the "1234" countoff. They apparently were trying to
work out 100 songs in 10 minutes since that time, until the drummer left
due to problems in a related side band.
<shakes head sadly>

I'm a Mahler fan, meself (to drag in a relevant artist from another genre).

I want gorgeous complex driving music and lots of it.

And to Hell with the "Too many notes" crowd.
Let there be throbbing.
Dave Watson
2006-09-16 01:15:35 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by Dave Watson
All of Boredoms side band Destroy 2's songs. They once released a 3" CD
with 48 "songs" in 10 minutes.
Too short, or not short enough?
Too short, obviously. The longest songs are the first and last, because
they include the fading in and out of the crowd noise. A short set of
them which feature the drummer picking up or putting down a stick, only
last as long as the "1234" countoff. They apparently were trying to
work out 100 songs in 10 minutes since that time, until the drummer left
due to problems in a related side band.
<shakes head sadly>
I'm a Mahler fan, meself (to drag in a relevant artist from another genre).
I want gorgeous complex driving music and lots of it.
And to Hell with the "Too many notes" crowd.
It's performance art, basically. I'm a longtime Rush fan as well as all
the weirdness I enjoy, so I have nothing against flashier music.

Whose coolness has just taken some hit points. Like he cares.
Dave Watson, Severed Heads Liberation Front (Stretcher CD-R--sevcom.com)
Frezier Balzoff (aka Ottawa), Ontario, Canada Email--shlf[at]ncf[dot]ca
(Remember to remove the spamtrap word before E-mailing a reply.)
My music and anime webpage: http://eyevocal.ottawa-anime.org/
Yvette Watson, 1942-2002--You will be greatly missed and always loved.
Craig Hall, 1975-2005--Good friend and kindred wild spirit.
Kill worms!! http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/
2006-09-16 01:51:09 UTC
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by Dave Watson
Post by mimus
Post by Dave Watson
All of Boredoms side band Destroy 2's songs. They once released a 3" CD
with 48 "songs" in 10 minutes.
Too short, or not short enough?
Too short, obviously. The longest songs are the first and last, because
they include the fading in and out of the crowd noise. A short set of
them which feature the drummer picking up or putting down a stick, only
last as long as the "1234" countoff. They apparently were trying to
work out 100 songs in 10 minutes since that time, until the drummer left
due to problems in a related side band.
<shakes head sadly>
I'm a Mahler fan, meself (to drag in a relevant artist from another genre).
I want gorgeous complex driving music and lots of it.
And to Hell with the "Too many notes" crowd.
It's performance art, basically. I'm a longtime Rush fan as well as all
the weirdness I enjoy, so I have nothing against flashier music.
I believe I've registered on this group before my irritation at
Negativland's _Escape from Noise_, with _its_ plethora of short pieces . .
. . although it _does_ have that one lonnng piece on it, the one about
Soviet time zones (" *booonnnnggg* ").

I *do* like

Plastic Noise Experience/ -196 C (1994) (Van Richter/ KK)/ "Spying Views",
"Plugged", "Inter Space", "Synthesis" and "Last Regression" (21:30)

the songs of which are shortish on average but the real minimalism of
which is in the arrangements and the musical voices.

But that's about as minimal as I think I can stand, and it took me a while
to warm up to it.
Post by Dave Watson
Whose coolness has just taken some hit points. Like he cares.
Bah. It was a joke. I don't play that game. If it is one. I just play.
So here's yer points back.

Except for these two:

Check out Mahler's Seventh, preferably the Levine/Chicago version (be
warned that the Bernstein/New York version sucks, while the
Tennstedt/London version is excellent but an old analog stereo recording),
the second and third movements in particular (although if you're a Star
Trek fan, you may notice something very peculiar and very familiar about
the first movement).

And the third movement of his Fifth, by Bernstein and the Wiener
Philharmoniker (I love that name) preferably-- its structure is absolutely
intense, and so is its power (and the fifth movement is probably his
warmest and most human).

See, after the progressive rock groups of the early '70s sputtered out, I
was desperate for new 'n' complex music, so I went on a symphony listening
binge for about ten years . . . interspersed with Kate Bush, a little New
Wave, a little electronic . . . .

Then F242 and SP came along, God bless 'em.
Let there be throbbing.