Dark Ambient ?.
(too old to reply)
2004-09-24 20:11:59 UTC
Recently (over the last six months), I started to gain an
appreciation for Dark Ambient, something which had always eluded me
in the past. I've managed to pick up some great compilations such as Death
Odors and Funeral Songs and have now been buying albums by individual
bands, however, it seems that all the great DA type bands are no more.

Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases that are
worth picking up ?


2004-09-24 23:21:45 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases that are
worth picking up ?
Hardly. There is tons of stuff in that area coming out currently. One of
the better labels I would recommend checking out (since they have tons of
distro too) is Somnambulant Corpse:


Very cool outfit. They just released a disc from Metaconqueror as well as
the latest Bestia Centauri which both fall under what you are looking for.


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2004-09-25 14:05:02 UTC
Post by m***@industrial.org
Post by ReVulse
Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases that are
worth picking up ?
Hardly. There is tons of stuff in that area coming out currently. One
of the better labels I would recommend checking out (since they have
Very cool outfit. They just released a disc from Metaconqueror as well
as the latest Bestia Centauri which both fall under what you are looking
Thanks, I'll have to check them out.

It just seemed like all the bands that I've bought albums by (or am going
to buy albums by) no longer exist - Tertium Non Data, Sephiroth, Archon
Satani, Megaptera etc.

In fact, it was Nicholas Chevreux and yourself who pointed me in the right
direction a few months ago when I was asking about Martial Industrial - so
my thanks to you both again.

Nicolas Chevreux
2004-09-26 11:40:40 UTC
Archon Satani,
There have been rumors of a re-issue of some AS old material on Cold
Spring. I don't know if this is still going to happen but, if they
re-issue the very early stuff, it should be good. IMHO, all the Archon
Satani material after the second album can be forgotten, though.
Active now (again) as Negru Voda.

Ad Noiseam
2004-09-26 12:10:20 UTC
Post by Nicolas Chevreux
Archon Satani,
There have been rumors of a re-issue of some AS old material on Cold
Spring. I don't know if this is still going to happen but, if they
re-issue the very early stuff, it should be good. IMHO, all the Archon
Satani material after the second album can be forgotten, though.
"Of Gospels Lost & Forsaken" is on my "to buy" list - is it still worth
getting ?
Post by Nicolas Chevreux
Active now (again) as Negru Voda.
How does it compare to Megaptera ?

I've just been listening to "The Empty Hollow Unfolds" by Raison D'Etre
and have to say it was nothing like I was expecting. After hearing quite a
few tracks on compilations, I was quite surprised by the ear
piercing metallic screeches that appear in a few of the tracks. Its
more the sort of thing I would have expected from Stratvm Terror.

Nicolas Chevreux
2004-09-26 12:33:07 UTC
Post by ReVulse
"Of Gospels Lost & Forsaken" is on my "to buy" list - is it still worth
getting ?
Really, IMHO the only good AS stuff is "Mind of flesh and bones",
"Virgin birth (both again)" and yes, the double CD you mention
Post by ReVulse
How does it compare to Megaptera ?
Noisier, a tad heavier.
Post by ReVulse
I've just been listening to "The Empty Hollow Unfolds" by Raison D'Etre
and have to say it was nothing like I was expecting. After hearing quite a
few tracks on compilations, I was quite surprised by the ear
piercing metallic screeches that appear in a few of the tracks. Its
more the sort of thing I would have expected from Stratvm Terror.
Yes, the most "classic" Raison d'Etre material remains "Enthraled By The
Wind Of Lonelienes", "Within The Depths Of Silence And Phormations" and
"In Sadness, Silence And Solitude", I think,

Ad Noiseam
2004-09-27 07:58:27 UTC
Post by Nicolas Chevreux
Really, IMHO the only good AS stuff is "Mind of flesh and bones",
"Virgin birth (both again)" and yes, the double CD you mention
Post by ReVulse
How does it compare to Megaptera ?
Noisier, a tad heavier.
And loopier. Try before you buy.
Post by Nicolas Chevreux
Post by ReVulse
I've just been listening to "The Empty Hollow Unfolds" by Raison D'Etre
and have to say it was nothing like I was expecting. After hearing quite a
few tracks on compilations, I was quite surprised by the ear
piercing metallic screeches that appear in a few of the tracks. Its
more the sort of thing I would have expected from Stratvm Terror.
Yes, the most "classic" Raison d'Etre material remains "Enthraled By The
Wind Of Lonelienes", "Within The Depths Of Silence And Phormations" and
"In Sadness, Silence And Solitude", I think,
IMO, those ones are starting to sound a little dated these days. I
used to love 'em, however. If you want a slightly mellower version of
"The Empty hollow..." try the last Rde. Actually, if you really like
Megaptera, fuck Rde, just go straight for Panzar's "Human

The last lustmord, _Carbon Core_, doesn't break any new ground either,
but is particularly good, even by his standards. A deep throbbing film
soundtrack a la "Black stars" without the Blink Twice-type elements
that (IMO) polluted Metavoid.

Since you're evidently not turned off by moderate amounts of cheese
(nothing wrong with that), you could also try some Doom Metal. In
particular, try Sunn0)) -- "White 2" or "Flight of the Behemoth". The
latter features two long, screeching Merzbow remixes. Similar themes
and approach to the stuff you mention, but with long guitar drones and
ultra-heavy bass. Obviously, try before you buy...

Chevreux is right about the new Wilt -- It's excellent. More based on
cutups than most of the stuff you mention, but a big improvement on
the last one. It even got a nice writeup in The Wire...

Post by Nicolas Chevreux
Jörgen Persson
2004-10-04 10:06:49 UTC
Post by Nicolas Chevreux
Yes, the most "classic" Raison d'Etre material remains
"Enthraled By The Wind Of Lonelienes", "Within The Depths
Of Silence And Phormations" and "In Sadness, Silence And
Solitude", I think,
...speaking of Raison d'Etre -- check out the Swedish label Cold
Meat Industry (CMI).

2004-10-04 11:14:56 UTC
Post by Jörgen Persson
...speaking of Raison d'Etre -- check out the Swedish label Cold
Meat Industry (CMI).
The only problem I have with them is that they like to copy each other
(and themselves) to some extent. I can't say this is totally wrong, as
copying sometimes means also making it a bit better, or just a bit
different. Who could tell if Karjalan Sissit is a good or a bad copist?
After all, music is not having those stupid patents-like laws...


np: Elijah's Mantle - Gnosis
Jörgen Persson
2004-10-05 04:31:32 UTC
Post by Soterro
Post by Jörgen Persson
...speaking of Raison d'Etre -- check out the Swedish label
Cold Meat Industry (CMI).
The only problem I have with them is that they like to copy
each other (and themselves) to some extent.
I like some bands from CMI and dislike some but I do not think
Andy cares. CMI has plenty of dark ambient and free samples on
the web. I think he can decide for himself if he likes it or
2004-10-06 09:09:28 UTC
Post by Soterro
Post by Jörgen Persson
...speaking of Raison d'Etre -- check out the Swedish label Cold
Meat Industry (CMI).
The only problem I have with them is that they like to copy each other
(and themselves) to some extent.
Well most better-known industrial labels operate with this tactic.
It's more of a shared "artist community" -type of a thing with CMI,
Hive, ant-zen - even with Ad Noiseam to some extent.
2004-12-18 07:06:22 UTC
I know I barely write...but I've been really taken by this compilation:

Beast of Prey: oderint dum metuant


I especially enjoy the efforts done by Arkham. Reminds me a bit of Zos Kia
without too much screaming...just that kind of spaced crashes of
imaginative sound followed by tense ambient hums.

Well, back to lurking...

RPM Music Director

WMUC Radio
University of Maryland
3130 S Campus Dining Hall
College Park, MD 20742-8431

M. Sahlen
2004-09-27 08:18:31 UTC
Post by Nicolas Chevreux
There have been rumors of a re-issue of some AS old material on Cold
Spring. I don't know if this is still going to happen but, if they
re-issue the very early stuff, it should be good. IMHO, all the Archon
Satani material after the second album can be forgotten, though.
As far as I've heard straight from the horse's mouth (i.e. Mikael
Stavostrand) Cold Spring are at least going to reissue some of the
old out-of-print Inanna albums. Whether or not they'd make the Archon
Satani material too available in the same process, I'm not sure.
But I guess it's not unlikely. In my personal opinion, all Archon
Satani albums except for 'In Shelter' are worthwhile.

// Marten
2004-09-27 08:29:28 UTC
Post by ReVulse
It just seemed like all the bands that I've bought albums by (or am going
to buy albums by) no longer exist - Tertium Non Data, Sephiroth, Archon
Satani, Megaptera etc.
Sephiroth performed live this summer, I think.
Nicolas Chevreux
2004-09-25 09:27:14 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases that are
worth picking up ?
I am biased, but what about Wilt's "As giants watch over us"?

Ad Noiseam
2004-09-27 18:59:31 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Really it depends on what you define as "Dark Ambient" You know
it's sort of like askinbg "what is industrial". this Genre is very
much alive, it just usually is under a different guise. This is the
stuff that I'm really into these days as well. Anyway the genre is not
dead so here it goes:

Entropy: www.thelastwebsiteonearth.com, go there to check out some
really cool dark ambient stuff, No Cd's for sale but we do have some
MP3's (Self promotion plug ended)

Lustmord: Pretty much anything by this artist is top notch dark
ambient soundscapes.

Teargas & Plateglass: (Waxploitation)- One of the BEST dark ambient
CD's that I've picked up in a long time. This CD's sounds like a
Horror movie score with good downtempo beats.

Susyphus: Greetings From Burkestville (Invisible Records) This was a
one off CD by none of than Jim Coleman (Phylr/Cop Shoot Cop) that is
nothing but dark soundscapes inspired by Blair Witch. Normally I
wouldn't suggest this, but it's a cheap CD plus it's close to
Halloween, actually in the inlay it tells you at what postiion in the
movie to hit play, at that point this entire CD is a score of sorts
that plays with the movie.

Richard Devine: Aleamapper (Warp/Schematic) Great beatless, dark
brooding soundscapes. Not really that new, his newer CD is full of
Beats, but Aleamapper is nothing but dark sweeping soundscapes.

Mirabilis: (Middle Pillar) Not electronic at all, but Dark Ambient of
a different sort, this is Dru Allen (This Ascension) and Summer Bowman
(Machine in the Garden. This is nothing more than almost 90% acapela,
it's like a Vampiric version of Enya.

On that note you might want to check out ALLOT of the artist
in Middle Pillar Records, as their are alot of great dark ambient
artist like A Murder of Angels, etc on their.

Hope this proves Useful:
David F
NP: silence
2004-09-28 12:07:16 UTC
Post by Armitage-VI
On that note you might want to check out ALLOT of the artist
in Middle Pillar Records, as their are alot of great dark ambient
artist like A Murder of Angels, etc on their.
I'll second the Middle Pillar recommendation. Another good source for dark
ambient cds is:


2004-09-28 19:42:55 UTC
Post by ScaryLadyS
Post by Armitage-VI
On that note you might want to check out ALLOT of the artist
in Middle Pillar Records, as their are alot of great dark ambient
artist like A Murder of Angels, etc on their.
I'll second the Middle Pillar recommendation. Another good source for dark
Hello ! - I never realised you were partial to dark ambient.

#Andy# (from uk.people.gothic)
2004-09-29 14:36:21 UTC
Post by ReVulse
I've just been listening to "The Empty Hollow Unfolds" by Raison D'Etre
and have to say it was nothing like I was expecting. After hearing quite a
few tracks on compilations, I was quite surprised by the ear
piercing metallic screeches that appear in a few of the tracks.
In my personal opinion - and I'm sure not that many are too keen to
hear it - the problem with the new raison d'être material isn't really
the metallic sounds in the background but the somewhat amateurish
sounding choir patches instead of what used to be straight choir
samples. They just don't sound that good to me.

And the new raison sounds more like music to be listened while you are
locked in a dark dungeon (or something) - whereas the old stuff was
just about the perfect soundtrack to walking down a foggy beach while
being terribly pissed off by the fact that some chick had chosen some
other guy who doesn't wear combat boots all summer.

But once you will get fed up with all this graveyard / medieval /
ritualistic -type of dark ambient I would suggest you'd check out Bad
2004-10-04 00:28:23 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Post by ScaryLadyS
I'll second the Middle Pillar recommendation. Another good source for dark
Post by ReVulse
Hello ! - I never realised you were partial to dark ambient.
#Andy# (from uk.people.gothic)
Definitely. It doesn't work in my DJ set lists, for the most part, as I spin
at clubs that encourage the use of their large dance floors, but at home....


2004-10-05 16:44:50 UTC
Cold Meat Industry *LIVE* in the USA
Brighter Death Now
Deutsch Nepal
Raison D'etre
Thursday, October 21st: New York
Siberia NY
40th and 9th
doors 8:00pm, show at 9:00pm
Friday, October 22nd: Austin
Elysium Nightclub
21+ with ID
$20 advance $25 door
Sunday, October 24th: San Francisco
The DNA Lounge
San Francisco
8:00pm 21 + with ID
Tickets $14 advance, $16 door
CMI in USA: >http://www.cmi.dogsbloodrising.org/
Brighter Death Now: http://www.brighterdeathnow.com/
Deutsch Nepal: http://user.tninet.se/%7ebsb015v/
Raison D'etre: http://raisondetre.coldmeat.se/
Cold Meat Industry: http://www.coldmeatindustry.se/


Girl <last name>
2004-10-10 15:28:27 UTC
Post by ScaryLadyS
Post by Armitage-VI
On that note you might want to check out ALLOT of the artist
in Middle Pillar Records, as their are alot of great dark ambient
artist like A Murder of Angels, etc on their.
I'll second the Middle Pillar recommendation.
Thirded, though quite a lot of it is as much Ethereal as Dark Ambient (the
distinction I've always used is Ethereal features more "real" instrumentation
and floaty vocals, while DA is less traditionally musical).

2004-09-29 13:42:49 UTC
And there are the things from the Art Konkret label. Check:


Todd Tamanend Clark
2004-09-29 16:36:59 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Recently (over the last six months), I started to gain an
appreciation for Dark Ambient, something which had always eluded
me in the past. I've managed to pick up some great compilations
such as Death Odors and Funeral Songs and have now been buying
albums by individual bands, however, it seems that all the great
DA type bands are no more.
Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases
that are worth picking up?
If you would be so kind, please check out my three latest albums:

Owls In Obsidian
(CD: Instrumental, 2000)

Staff, Mask, Rattle
(2-CD: Instrumental, 2002)

And coming soon:
Monongahela Riverrun
(CD: Instrumental, 2004)

These albums contain both dark ambient and industrial tracks.

- - - -
Poet/Composer/Multi-Instrumentalist/Cultural Historian
Endorsement Artist For Moog Synthesizers
The Monongahela River, Turtle Island


- - - -
"Today's political climate does not allow for the luxury of apathy."
- - Trent Reznor
2004-10-03 10:51:23 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Recently (over the last six months), I started to gain an
appreciation for Dark Ambient, something which had always eluded me
in the past. I've managed to pick up some great compilations such as Death
Odors and Funeral Songs and have now been buying albums by individual
bands, however, it seems that all the great DA type bands are no more.
Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases that are
worth picking up ?
I recently discovered a band call Coelacanth, they make minimalistic
ambient music which reminds me a bit of Alan Lamb.
There are sample songs if you click the Rhino, I can recommend their
album "The glass sponge"
2004-10-03 15:44:12 UTC
Post by ReVulse
Is DA a dead genre or can somebody recommend some new releases that are
worth picking up ?
Hello, PBK here... I've been doing a type of ambient-noise music for
years, it's been referred to as "assault ambience"... I am
particularly interested in the combination of
environmental/natural/musique concrete sounds with synthetic sounds in
a kind of cinematic soundscape music.

I will have a new release coming out on Electroshock Records in Russia
in Jan 2005 to be titled "Under My Breath", it is a collection of
ambient noise music, collaborations between myself and many other
wondrous noisemakers such as Wolf Eyes, Aube, Brume, Tore H. Boe, C.
Reider, John Wiggins, Dale Lloyd and others...

There are also two other releases of mine on Electroshock which Dark
Ambient enthusiasts will have to hear, they are collaborations with
Artemiy Artemiev, the son of Eduard Artemiev who produced soundtracks
for Tarkovsky movies such as Stalker and Solaris. These two CD's are:
"A Moment Of Infinity" and "Dreams In Moving Space". These two
releases have gotten a lot of airplay and great reviews all around the
world. http://www.electroshock.ru

Also, if interested you can go to my website and download a full album
of mine on mp3 absolutely free: http://pbksound.com
2004-12-20 05:37:16 UTC
try these labels:

