EBMfest 2007 Important News Update 10/25/07
(too old to reply)
2007-10-26 00:08:21 UTC
sophia here. i guess you all wait in anticipation for this sunday's
show at the reverb.....

well there has been some important news brought to my attention today
i must share with all and please be advised by the following:


Due to extreme physical exhaustion (collapse) the lead singer of
Rotersand Rascal has to CANCEL ALL CANADIAN PERFORMANCES planned for
October 26 and 28th respectively,
in place of this live performance Krischan, producer of Rotersand is
kindly offering a DJ set during that time slot.

EBMfest 2007 will take place as planned but in light of the
cancellation of the headliner we at EBM Promotions have discounted
tickets to $20 at the door and $20 in advance.

All those fans who have purchased tickets in advance for the regular
price of $25 will be reimbursed cash rebate of $5 at the door when
presenting their ticket. We have the tickets numbers of all the
advanced purchases on file.

Also as a special treat for those out of town folks who will be
attending the event and who have travelled long distances, a special
goody bag will be set aside for you for your support!!! Your ticket
numbers are on file as well.

We hope all your fans and friends will attend as it should be a fun
filled evening as planned~ especially if you remember our previous
years of ebmfest!!!

Also Dependent Records has offered up a couple of door prizes to be
given throughout the night for fans who support rotersand!

It has come to my attention with the change in line up there will be a
change in sound check schedule and set times which i will have posted
immediately online and through blogs, forums, listings and posters,

the following are set times for the bands and DJs for the night

7:00-8:00pm Stefan Herwig
8:00-8:45 MDM
9:00-9:35 Fractured
10:00-11:00 Dismantled
11:20-12:30 DJ Krischan
12:30-1:30 EBM

i have decided not to add any new bands to this line up as we are
jammed packed with djs, bands and laser as well as give aways for the
night. i think we are all busy.

should be a good party for 20 bucks!!! hope to see you all out!!!
EBM presents a night of Electro, Industrial, EBM....

our 4th Installment of EBMfest.

EBMfest 2007, The Hallowe'en Edition
Sunday October 28,2007
This year features a Dependent Records Showcase to honour 9 year
German Label Dependent Records

Featuring Guest DJ Stefan Herwig (Dependent Records)

Rotersand DJ set with Krischan(Germany)
Dismantled (USA, exclusive Canadian Concert)
MDM (St. Catherine's)

also featuring guest DJ's: DJ Lazarus, & EBM(Promotions)

Doors open at 7:00pm and the party runs all the way until 1:30am~
Tickets $20CAD advance, $20CAD @ doors
First 50 people at the doors get free treats!!! Glow sticks available
site too.

Dress in Hallowe'en attire and spook all.
Tickets available online at EBMfest 2007
also available at:

Hells Belles, 463 Queen St. Toronto, ON 416-504-HELL(4355)
Penelope's Planet 80 St. Paul St. St. Catharines, ON 905-684-2612
Penguin Music, 2 Mc Caul St, Toronto, ON (416) 597-1687

for more info goto Toronto-Goth.com

I hope all of you can make it out. This will be one of the first times
in 4
months myself from EBM radio show will be spining a 60 minute set at
club, a sure thing not to be missed!!!

Ciao. Sophia. EBM.
2007-10-26 20:07:38 UTC
Post by e***@hotmail.com
Due to extreme physical exhaustion (collapse) the lead singer of
Rotersand Rascal has to CANCEL ALL CANADIAN PERFORMANCES planned for
October 26 and 28th respectively,
Asthma sucks.
Let there be throbbing.
2007-10-31 12:25:14 UTC
Comments from Rascal, lead singer of Rotersand (sorry for late
posting, came in saturday evening)
also available at http://www.ebmfest.toronto-goth.com

Dear friends of Rotersand,

I apologize that our shows in Montreal and Toronto had to be cancelled
at such short notice. But my current state of health did not allow me
to join you in Canada - which makes me very sad. This is the first
time I had to cancel a show and I hope it will be the last time.

What had happened?

On the way to Montreal - on a connection flight from Dusseldorf to
Frankfurt - I was struck by a circulatory collapse that called for
immediate medical attention. According to the doctor it was caused by
a mix of intestinal infection, lack of sleep, stress and my usual fear
of travelling in a plane (which unfortunately means an extra portion
of stress to me).

It is tough for me to cope with the fact that I have imposed
additional strain on the people who organized the shows and caused
disappointment to those who expected us to play. But even though
Rotersand is not able to join you as a whole band, I am sure that you
will have a great time, listening to Krischan & Stefan DJing and all
the other great bands playing for you. I also heard that Krischan and
Stefan (Dependent) will give away free Rotersand discs at the evening
to make up for the cancellation. .

I feel sad and so very sorry for not being able to be with you.


Oct 31, 07 | 8:19 am
