wave-gotik-treffen band update
(too old to reply)
DJ Tom
2004-03-03 06:22:22 UTC

Absurd Minds (D) - After Forever (NL) - Agathodaimon (D) - Amduscia
(MEX) first time in Europe - Anne Clark & David Harrow (UK) first time
after 15 years with a presentation of their original hits - Antiworld
(USA) - Armageddon Dildos (D) - Ashes you leave (HR) - Aslan Faction
(UK) - Camouflage (D) - Catstrophe Ballet (D) - Clan of Xymox (NL) -
Coil (GB) - Cold (D) - Cornix Maledictum (D) - Corvus Corax (D) -
Covenant (S) - Crematory (D) - Cultus Ferox (D) - Cyber Axis (D) -
Cyborg Attack (D) - Dark Sanctuary (F) - davaNtage (D) - De/Vision (D)
- Deathstars (S) - Diva Destruction (USA) only concert in Europe 2004
- Eisbrecher (D) - Elis (CH/FL) - Endraum (D) - Epica (NL) - Faun (D)
- Feindflug (D) - Fixmer/Mc Carthy (F/GB) first presentation of
ex-Nitzer Ebb singer with his new band - Funker Vogt (D) - Girls Under
Glass (D) - Gothminister (N) - Graveworm (I) - Grendel (NL) - Haggard
(D) - Hioctan (D) - Illuminate (D) exclusive Festivalshow 2004 - In
Mitra Medusa Inri (D) - In Strict Confidence (D) - Insekt (B) - Jesus
and the Gurus (CH) - Karl Bartos (D) ex-Kraftwerk - Kartagon (CH) -
KiEw (D) - Killing Ophelia (GB) first time in Germany - Lacrimas
Profundere (D) - Leaves Eyes (N/D) - Matore (D) - Melotron (D) -
Mephisto Waltz (USA) - Mila Mar (D) - Monoblock (D) - My dying Bride
(UK) - Mystic Circle (D) - NamNamBulu (CH) - Neon Dream (D) - Noctulus
(D) - Northern Lite (D) - Pankow (I) exclusive Reunionshow -
Persephone (A) - Pronoian Made (L) - Proyecto Mirage (E) - Punch Inc.
(D) - Remember Twilight (D) - Ressurrection Eve (AUS) - Rotersand (D)
- Salonorchester Weimar (D) - Saltatio Mortis (D) - Sanguis et Cinis
(A) - Say Y (D) - Schandmaul (D) - Schuldt feat. Myk Jung (D) - Secret
Discovery (D) - Sexgang Children (UK) - Shorai (E) - Skeletal Family
(UK) - Skinflick (UK) - Sleepwalk (CH) - Spiritual Front (I) - Staub
(D) - Staubkind (D) - Suicide Commando (B) - Tactical Sekt (UK) - The
Cascades (D) - The Count (D) - The Crüxshadows (USA) - The House of
Usher (D) - The Klinik (B) Original Line up: Dirk Ivens/Marc Verhaegen
- exclusive show - The Tors Of Dartmoor (D) - Undergod (CH) - Unheilig
(D) - Unto Ashes (USA) first time in Europe - Untoten (D) - Veneno
para las Hadas (MEX) first time in Europe - Wakeford/Howden (UK) -
Winterkälte (D) - Xotox (D) - [:SITD:] (D) -
2004-03-04 08:20:11 UTC
On 2 Mar 2004 22:22:22 -0800
***@yahoo.com (DJ Tom) wrote:

Will definitely be there, as in previous years ;)
Feindflug live - yummy!

dj k-y
2004-03-04 23:35:57 UTC
awwwhhh yeah, so i take it you will be going again this year???

hope to see ya there!!

all best:: dj k-y
Cat Queen
2004-05-25 20:03:15 UTC
Hello all you WGT enthusiasts,

I regret that we will not be attending the WGT Festival this year, which
would have been our fourth time present in a row.
The reason we have decided to stay in Los Angeles is because Travis is
working very hard on new, intense video footage for three songs on
Skinny Puppy's upcoming live performance.

There are so many exceptional bands playing live at the WGT like:
Unheilig, Untoten, Corvus Corax, Cultus Ferox, Cornix Maledictum,
Feindflug, Sleepwalk, Gothminister, Leaves Eyes, Saltatio Mortis and so
many more. http://www.wave-gotik-treffen.de/english/

Please check out our site for previous WGT photos and reviews.

I just want to say Congratulations to California's Diva Destruction who
is playing the WGT this year. We have seen her perform before at the
WGT festival and everyone in the audience really loved her live!

Also, DJ Bractune of LA will be at the WGT festival for his fourth
consecutive year promoting his label, Bractune Records which features
the band, Aesthetic Perfection.

face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E

I hope everyone has a great time at the WGT and for the big Skinny Puppy
Tour. Skinny Puppy was phenomenal reuniting at Doomsday 2000 in Dresden,

My absolute favorite new release is without a doubt by the band JANUS
and the CD is called, Auferstehung/Kleine Angste which is a double CD of
all new material. -Virtual Night Angel
2004-05-26 08:01:46 UTC
Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E

Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
wrong one.


NP: Throbbing Gristle "TG 24 : Live @ Fan Club, Leeds"
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Todd Clayton
2004-05-26 14:46:49 UTC
Post by Locke
Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
wrong one.
Bah. Who wants to sit around for 3 days watching bands?
| Todd Clayton aka DJ Todd | Real Synthetic Audio |
| http://www.synthetic.org | Electro-Industrial-Synthpop |
| irc.habber.net #rmipeople | radio for the net-generation. |
| ***@synthetic.org | Unlicensed, Unregulated, and |
| ICQ: 56785153 | Unconventional. |
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be
a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
2004-05-26 15:26:53 UTC
Post by Locke
Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
wrong one.
Hey buckwheat -- One of the (founding) members of TG is (supposedly)
playing that gig with his "new" Act, Coil. You may have heard of them.

2004-05-26 21:14:17 UTC
Please let me quote Drew...
|Locke <***@mad.scientist.com> wrote in message news:<c91imr$9hc$***@online.de>...
|> Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|> |face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
|> Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
|> wrong one.
|Hey buckwheat -- One of the (founding) members of TG is (supposedly)
|playing that gig with his "new" Act, Coil. You may have heard of them.

Well, yes, I have heard of them. I do also know that they have played
there before in 2001. Two appearances in thirteen years of the
festival's existence. Yeah, a couple of other post-industrial and
related acts has performed there over the years as well, but still it
was only a small percentage of the total of the bands that played.

How this handful of performances could mean that this event (I assume
the original poster meant the WGT and not the rather unspectacular Saxon
town where it is held) rules the scene (in ALL CAPS even!) is beyond me.
Maybe you can explain it to me.

Speaking of the scene ... the scene that gathered in Leipzig in 2001
didn't seem all that supportive of this Throbbing Gristle member and his
band, relatively speaking. Half of the audience left the venue when
Coil entered the stage, and another quarter or so left when the band
eventually began to play (it was their noisier "Shallowness Leads to
Evil" program back then). I mean the remaining audience was still
impressive, and they got a phenomenal concert, but I would be interested
in any explanation for the phenomenon in light of the 'ruling the scene'
comment and which scene exactly it refers to.

BTW, this year I won't be at WGT for various reasons. I feel quite bad
about missing the Coil gig, but I think paying for a four day festival
ticket just to see one band is a bit too much.


NP: Babyland "You Suck Crap"
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Sound Mirror
2004-05-27 05:17:15 UTC
Post by Locke
Please let me quote Drew...
|> Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|> |face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
|> Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
|> wrong one.
i still don't see how this is the wrong newsgroup
2004-05-27 21:57:50 UTC
Please let me quote Sound Mirror...
|From: "Sound Mirror" <***@bbb.ccc>
|Newsgroups: rec.music.industrial
|Subject: Re: previous wave-gotik-treffen band photos & reviews
|Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 05:17:15 GMT
|> |Locke <***@mad.scientist.com> wrote in message
|> |> Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|> |> |face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
|> |>
|> |> Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
|> |> wrong one.
|i still don't see how this is the wrong newsgroup

It's fairly simple. Maybe you'll be able to get it if we do a
step-by-step evaluation.

The sentence is question is 'Leipzig rules the scene.' In order to
decipher it we need to understand the meaning of the words 'Leipzig' and
'scene' because taken literally this sentence does not make much sense.
'Leipzig' is easily explained if we look at the subject line. It refers
to the Wave-Gotik-Treffen which is held in the Saxon town of the same

Now we've got the word 'scene'. Since there are all sorts of scenes in
the world but the definite article seems to indicate one particular
'scene' we need to put it in context.

The context of a usenet post is usually found in the newsgroups line in
the header. There we find 'rec.music.industrial' and with a little
knowledge about usenet we can deduce that this is the discussion forum
for industrial, post-industrial and related music styles. From this
information we would assume that the term 'scene' might refer to the
so-called industrial scene. The meaning of the term industrial and how
the scene is defined was discussed in this newsgroup quite often, so a
search on Google Groups will answer any open question you still might
have. Basically it's a cultural scene concerned with life in an highly
industrialized urban society.

But then there's another context for the 'scene', the already mentioned
subject line which we used to determine the deeper meaning of 'Leipzig'.
The Wave-Gotik-Treffen is an annual music festival and convention for
the so-called gothic scene. The gothic scene is a different beast
altogether, more concerned with fashion (usually in black), but also
literature, film and music. The term gothic (or, in German Gotik)
refers to a medieval architectural style, leading us to the main focus
of this gothic scene - a highly romanticized world view revolving around
medieval myths and fairy-tales of vampires, witches and so on. It
should be noted that this gothic scene has its own separate newsgroup,

We now have two conflicting interpretations for the term 'scene', in
other words a contradiction. In cases like this I usually look which
interpretation is better backed up by text rather than a technical
parameter (like the newsgroups line in our example), therefore I'll
assume that the second interpretation is the correct one and 'scene'
refers to the gothic scene and not the industrial scene. Hence my
response: 'Wrong newsgroup.'

I'll freely admit that there's a certain overlap between the two scenes
because both the industrial and gothic scenes often deal with the darker
aspects of life. This overlap means that a few post-industrial or
industrial-related artists that appeal particularly to gothic audiences
are invited to play at the festival each year. However, don't make the
mistake to assume this would mean that the event holds any special
significance to the industrial scene then. At WGT you have also a
contingent of punk, heavy metal, easy listening, folk and other artists.
Would you think it would be right for Cat Queen or anybody else to post
to any punk, heavy metal, easy listening or folk forums that 'Leipzig
rules the scene'?


NP: Big City Orchestra "The Collected Works of Od McUb"
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Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
2004-05-27 22:30:58 UTC
Post by Locke
It's fairly simple. Maybe you'll be able to get it if we do a
step-by-step evaluation.
you could have said the same thing in 4.5 words:

"steve, you're a dumbass"
np: Nothin'

AIM: WhoKilledtheJAMs
dukncovr at kmfdm dot com

BrettBanditelli: yeh fuck excercize
Sound Mirror
2004-05-28 07:17:39 UTC
Post by Locke
Please let me quote Sound Mirror...
|Newsgroups: rec.music.industrial
|Subject: Re: previous wave-gotik-treffen band photos & reviews
|Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 05:17:15 GMT
|> |> Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|> |> |face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
|> |>
|> |> Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
|> |> wrong one.
|i still don't see how this is the wrong newsgroup
It's fairly simple. Maybe you'll be able to get it if we do a
step-by-step evaluation.
woah dude, yer 1337

wow, what a waste of time reading all that crap.. there are many bands that
would be on topic here that have played at the WGT, so it's not so off topic
to discuss this event here
Francois Labreque
2004-05-28 10:27:42 UTC
Program ended abnormally on 28/05/2004 03:17, Due to a catastrophic Sound Mirror
Post by Sound Mirror
Post by Locke
Please let me quote Sound Mirror...
|Newsgroups: rec.music.industrial
|Subject: Re: previous wave-gotik-treffen band photos & reviews
|Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 05:17:15 GMT
|> |> Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|> |> |face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
|> |>
|> |> Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
|> |> wrong one.
|i still don't see how this is the wrong newsgroup
It's fairly simple. Maybe you'll be able to get it if we do a
step-by-step evaluation.
woah dude, yer 1337
wow, what a waste of time reading all that crap.. there are many bands that
would be on topic here that have played at the WGT, so it's not so off topic
to discuss this event here
Lots of bands that would be on topic for this group have also eaten at Pizza
Hut. This doesn't make discussions of Pizza Hut's menu on topic for this group.

np: nothing.
Francois Labreque | The surest sign of the existence of extra-
flabreque | terrestrial intelligence is that they never
@ | bothered to come down here and visit us!
videotron.ca | - Calvin
Sound Mirror
2004-05-28 20:23:48 UTC
Post by Francois Labreque
Lots of bands that would be on topic for this group have also eaten at Pizza
Hut. This doesn't make discussions of Pizza Hut's menu on topic for this group.
now you're definitely comparing apples to oranges
Francois Labreque
2004-05-28 23:24:24 UTC
Program ended abnormally on 28/05/2004 16:23, Due to a catastrophic Sound Mirror
Post by Locke
Post by Francois Labreque
Lots of bands that would be on topic for this group have also eaten at
Post by Francois Labreque
Hut. This doesn't make discussions of Pizza Hut's menu on topic for this
now you're definitely comparing apples to oranges
Fine then. Do you consider "Lollapalloza r00lz !!!1!!!one!" to be on topic
because a few bands tht are generally acepted here have played on that tour?
Francois Labreque | The surest sign of the existence of extra-
flabreque | terrestrial intelligence is that they never
@ | bothered to come down here and visit us!
videotron.ca | - Calvin
Sound Mirror
2004-05-29 05:26:32 UTC
Post by Francois Labreque
Program ended abnormally on 28/05/2004 16:23, Due to a catastrophic Sound Mirror
Post by Locke
Post by Francois Labreque
Lots of bands that would be on topic for this group have also eaten at
Post by Francois Labreque
Hut. This doesn't make discussions of Pizza Hut's menu on topic for this
now you're definitely comparing apples to oranges
Fine then. Do you consider "Lollapalloza r00lz !!!1!!!one!" to be on topic
because a few bands tht are generally acepted here have played on that tour?
well, are bands that are generally accepted here playing on the current
Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
2004-05-29 12:02:23 UTC
Post by Francois Labreque
Fine then. Do you consider "Lollapalloza r00lz !!!1!!!one!" to be on
topic because a few bands tht are generally acepted here have played on
that tour?

you're arguing with a guy who honestly believes that kraftwerk had more
to do with the origins of industrial music than TG did. just stop egging
him on, plz <3
np: Nothin'

AIM: WhoKilledtheJAMs
dukncovr at kmfdm dot com

"Hey, good point. Sascha is underselling BangBus." -Josh Hammonds
Sound Mirror
2004-05-29 18:44:02 UTC
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
Post by Francois Labreque
Fine then. Do you consider "Lollapalloza r00lz !!!1!!!one!" to be on
topic because a few bands tht are generally acepted here have played on
that tour?
you're arguing with a guy who honestly believes that kraftwerk had more
to do with the origins of industrial music than TG did. just stop egging
him on, plz <3
man, you couldn't be more of an annoying little fuck, could you?
2004-05-29 23:16:14 UTC
On Fri, 28 May 2004 19:24:24 -0400, Francois Labreque
Post by Francois Labreque
Program ended abnormally on 28/05/2004 16:23, Due to a catastrophic Sound Mirror
Fine then. Do you consider "Lollapalloza r00lz !!!1!!!one!" to be on topic
because a few bands tht are generally acepted here have played on that tour?

The original post was about a festival where the Atrium Carceri, Coil,
IRM, In Slaughter Natives, Deutsch Nepal, Winterkalte, Proyecto Mirage
and other associated post-post-industrial "luminaries" are playing
_this_ year. Despite its low quality, it led, albeit indirectly, to a
(relatively interesting, according to me) concert review of a unique
performance by Coil, a band with indisputable industrial pedigree. At
the very festival that you compare to lollapalloza, no less.

Considering the crap/spam that passes for 'content' in RMI these days,
how you can repeatedly claim this to be 'off topic' is simply

Perhaps because you have naught but your ignorance to "contribute"?

Todd Clayton
2004-05-30 00:47:24 UTC
Post by Drew
Perhaps because you have naught but your ignorance to "contribute"?
/me passes out the Butane and Kerosene.

Flammenwerfers at 30 paces!
| Todd Clayton aka DJ Todd | Real Synthetic Audio |
| http://www.synthetic.org | Electro-Industrial-Synthpop |
| irc.habber.net #rmipeople | radio for the net-generation. |
| ***@synthetic.org | Unlicensed, Unregulated, and |
| ICQ: 56785153 | Unconventional. |
"If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be
a horrible warning." - Catherine Aird
2004-06-04 08:03:25 UTC
Post by Drew
The original post was about a festival where the Atrium Carceri, Coil,
IRM, In Slaughter Natives, Deutsch Nepal, Winterkalte, Proyecto Mirage
and other associated post-post-industrial "luminaries" are playing
_this_ year. Despite its low quality, it led, albeit indirectly, to a
(relatively interesting, according to me) concert review of a unique
performance by Coil, a band with indisputable industrial pedigree. At
the very festival that you compare to lollapalloza, no less.
I seem to have missed the review?

In any case, it was a very nice concert indeed.
2004-06-08 14:37:14 UTC
Some more pics of bands/ppl @ this year's WGT: http://neuro.art.pl
BTW: Anyone else saw harsh-electro set in Haus Lepizig? WTF did they
think putting all those bands there?!

neuro [postindustry.org]

2004-05-27 10:17:48 UTC
Post by Locke
Please let me quote Drew...
|> Please let me quote Cat Queen...
|> |face it everyone... L E I P Z I G R U L E S T H E S C E N E
|> Wrong newsgroup. Even though the newsgroup is dead, it's still the
|> wrong one.
Post by Locke
How this handful of performances could mean that this event (I assume
the original poster meant the WGT and not the rather unspectacular Saxon
town where it is held) rules the scene (in ALL CAPS even!) is beyond me.
Maybe you can explain it to me.
That wasn't the point: I too think the original post was rubbish --
quasi-literate spam written by some moron posting under the moniker
'Cat Queen'.

In any case, to re-state the obvious, WGT 2004 (or any other Coil gig)
is on topic here.

Like it matters.

Why the hell am I posting this?

Post by Locke
Speaking of the scene ... the scene that gathered in Leipzig in 2001
didn't seem all that supportive of this Throbbing Gristle member and his
band, relatively speaking. Half of the audience left the venue when
Coil entered the stage, and another quarter or so left when the band
eventually began to play (it was their noisier "Shallowness Leads to
Evil" program back then). I mean the remaining audience was still
impressive, and they got a phenomenal concert, but I would be interested
in any explanation for the phenomenon in light of the 'ruling the scene'
comment and which scene exactly it refers to.
BTW, this year I won't be at WGT for various reasons. I feel quite bad
about missing the Coil gig, but I think paying for a four day festival
ticket just to see one band is a bit too much.
NP: Babyland "You Suck Crap"
2004-05-27 22:02:29 UTC
Please let me quote Drew...
|In any case, to re-state the obvious, WGT 2004 (or any other Coil gig)
|is on topic here.

Yes, of couse, it would be. Ironically Coil was not mentioned in the
original post at all.


NP: Big City Orchestra "The Collected Works of Od McUb"
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