Heavy Water Shortage
(too old to reply)
2007-10-29 04:20:28 UTC
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .

_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course

Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)

is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.

Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.

Weirdin' me out.
Let there be throbbing. If you can find any.
2007-11-09 02:27:33 UTC
dude, check out gemm ( http://gemm.com/ ). i know they have TA at

np: future songs - cranes
Post by mimus
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .
_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course
Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.
Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.
Weirdin' me out.
Let there be throbbing. If you can find any.
2007-11-14 06:38:48 UTC
Post by f***@gmail.com
Post by mimus
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .
_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course
Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.
Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.
Weirdin' me out.
dude, check out gemm ( http://gemm.com/ ). i know they have TA at
Ooh, I finally checked that out, and that's a nice site, to be bookmarked
right alongside Second Spin.

Although I choked a bit at seeing Blue Eyed Christ's _Leaders + Followers_
(some nice sincere electro- EBM- 'n'- roll) going for thirty-four bucks . . . .
Let there be throbbing.
2007-11-14 16:49:16 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .
_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course
Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.
Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.
Weirdin' me out.
dude, check out gemm (http://gemm.com/). i know they have TA at
Ooh, I finally checked that out, and that's a nice site, to be bookmarked
right alongside Second Spin.
Although I choked a bit at seeing Blue Eyed Christ's _Leaders + Followers_
(some nice sincere electro- EBM- 'n'- roll) going for thirty-four bucks . . . .
Let there be throbbing.
Most "collector" or "rare" stuff on Gemm.com is EXTREMELY OVER PRICED.
Granted the selection is not as great but i've found better deals on
eBay...when they are there. If you're patient, eBay has been kinder to
me. Hell i've seen new releases on Gemm for $20. What tha hell!?!

Coil Ltd Absinthe Box set still available at Threshhold House �100

Coil Ltd Absinthe box set from Gemm.com $495.00:

WHAT THE HELL!!?!??!! Am I missing something with this Gemm.com
thing. I've used it when a couple labels I buy from have had sales,
but generally their collector/used/rare prices are not all that great.
2007-11-14 21:15:46 UTC
Post by dj_evol_eno
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .
_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course
Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.
Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.
Weirdin' me out.
dude, check out gemm (http://gemm.com/). i know they have TA at
Ooh, I finally checked that out, and that's a nice site, to be bookmarked
right alongside Second Spin.
Although I choked a bit at seeing Blue Eyed Christ's _Leaders + Followers_
(some nice sincere electro- EBM- 'n'- roll) going for thirty-four bucks . . . .
Most "collector" or "rare" stuff on Gemm.com is EXTREMELY OVER PRICED.
Well, that goes by the dealer, not gemm, right?

Same with, say, abebooks for books-- I was choking there last night (and
on Amazon.com) over what seems to be the going price for used copies of
_The Rebel Lands_ (a classic euhemeristic study of Sumerian or Emegirean

And _Icebreaker_ (on the war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union)
went over the hundred-dollar mark years ago (Russian editions are cheap,
but a little harder to decipher, although I like my copy of _Ledokol_ a
lot (heh)).
Post by dj_evol_eno
Granted the selection is not as great but i've found better
deals on
Post by dj_evol_eno
eBay...when they are there. If you're patient, eBay has been kinder to
Same with Second Spin.
Post by dj_evol_eno
Hell i've seen new releases on Gemm for $20. What tha hell!?!
Coil Ltd Absinthe Box set still available at Threshhold House £100
WHAT THE HELL!!?!??!! Am I missing something with this Gemm.com thing.
I've used it when a couple labels I buy from have had sales, but
generally their collector/used/rare prices are not all that great.
Let there be throbbing. If you can afford it.
2007-11-14 21:36:05 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by dj_evol_eno
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .
_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course
Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.
Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.
Weirdin' me out.
dude, check out gemm (http://gemm.com/). i know they have TA at
Ooh, I finally checked that out, and that's a nice site, to be bookmarked
right alongside Second Spin.
Although I choked a bit at seeing Blue Eyed Christ's _Leaders + Followers_
(some nice sincere electro- EBM- 'n'- roll) going for thirty-four bucks . . . .
Most "collector" or "rare" stuff on Gemm.com is EXTREMELY OVER PRICED.
Well, that goes by the dealer, not gemm, right?
And I did indeed bag _Translucent Amber_ through 'em, as well as BEC's
_American Whore_, which I'd never even heard of.

(And-- and Michael Hoenig's _Departure from the Northern Wastelands_, some
very nice classic '70s electronic that I haven't heard in decades.)
Let there be throbbing.
2007-11-26 20:47:43 UTC
Post by mimus
Michael Hoenig's _Departure from the Northern Wastelands_, some
very nice classic '70s electronic that I haven't heard in decades.
No wonder I remembered liking it so much-- it's closer to Tangerine
Dream's great _Rubycon_ (which came out three years earlier) than anything
else TD ever did . . . .

I ran into another example of that, in electro-EBM, wot with Electro
Assassin's _Bioculture_ being (albeit rawer both lyrically and musically)
the closest thing I've heard to F242's _Front by Front_, closer even than
any other F242 releases, although having its own style (eg in its use of
power-chording and noise).
Let there be throbbing. Even if not particularly funky.
2007-11-29 20:48:15 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by dj_evol_eno
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
*Damn* but there don't seem to be any copies of Heavy Water Factory's
first album _Fluid & Meat_ (need a replacement copy) and last album
_Translucent Amber_ (which I've never heard) around _anywhere_ . . . .
_F&M_ has maybe the wildest variety of song-architectures I think I've
ever heard on an album, first or not, and of course
Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)
is a gorgeous and long-cherished block.
Metropolis has the remixes from _Author of Pain_ called _Cries from Hell_
on sale for ninety-eight cents.
Weirdin' me out.
dude, check out gemm (http://gemm.com/). i know they have TA at
Ooh, I finally checked that out, and that's a nice site, to be bookmarked
right alongside Second Spin.
Although I choked a bit at seeing Blue Eyed Christ's _Leaders + Followers_
(some nice sincere electro- EBM- 'n'- roll) going for thirty-four bucks . . . .
Most "collector" or "rare" stuff on Gemm.com is EXTREMELY OVER PRICED.
Well, that goes by the dealer, not gemm, right?
And I did indeed bag _Translucent Amber_ through 'em, as well as BEC's
_American Whore_, which I'd never even heard of.
HmmMMmm, not too impressed by _Amber_ on first listen, mostly due to the
painful _cantabile_ singing (normally a mistake 'round here), while
_Whore_ turns out to be Guitar Hell.
Let there be throbbing.
And no _cantabile_ unless you've got the (trained) voice for it!
2007-12-02 19:31:20 UTC
Post by mimus
HmmMMmm, not too impressed by _Amber_ on first listen, mostly due to the
painful _cantabile_ singing (normally a mistake 'round here)
OK, deliberate sit-down and review reveals that the following block is
quite listenable:

Heavy Water Factory/ Translucent Amber (1999)(No-Substance)/ "Negative
Transfer", "Translucent Amber", "Indivisible", "Solstice" and
"Meaningless" (21:12)

The lyrics are included in the insert and are beautifully written
(although missing for a couple of songs), and the songs on the album seem
to be all "people" songs, and mostly about personal relationships at that
(first and second case singular pronouns all over the place), some fairly
unhealthy-sounding, although "Junk Sickness" embarks at least
hypothetically on the bizarre and obviously-doomed task of presumptively
moral and rational suasion of at least a metaphorical junkie, although I
suppose there's something to be said for the "pro forma" argument . . . .

"Negative Transfer" and "Solstice" are both soft instrumentals, the first
fairly electro and the second, the softer of the two by far, more
acoustical-sounding, paced by something sounding very much like a piano.

Overall, smooth and skillful, fairly rock-y and clubby, danceable and with
crossover appeal.

But hardly any advance over the _great_ block from his preceding _great_

Heavy Water Factory/ Author of Pain (1997)(Energy Records)/ "Alone",
"Strange", "Connected", "The Individual", "Revenge" and "Vampire" (26:33)

and indeed the present release and block seem to offer far less
innovation and variety in lyric and arrangement.

Throb: good enough, basically a matter of what at least sounds like an
ordinary rhythm unit, with percussive and bass voices driving along

Guitar: there's a somewhat guitarish (at any rate) musical voice on
"Meaningless", but it's not enough to gag even me (just a mild twitch on
first hearing), so, hey.

The cantabile I was fretting over on first sped-assessment isn't as
appalling as I first thought, and is pretty much restricted to "Junk
Sickness" and one of the other songs I didn't block anyway.

Lit'ry note: "Indivisible" was speeled right in the insert and wrong on
the back of the box.
Let there be throbbing.