One New, Three Olds
(too old to reply)
2008-03-02 01:01:48 UTC
OK, so the only one of the French electro-EBM thingies Girl suggested that
Metropolis carries is the Fixmer/McCarthy Album, _Between the Devil_.


Also, cracked and bought three olds:

Battery/Mutate-- never heard 'em, they've done some decent remixes, they
have a female vocalist (rare).

Snog/Buy Me, I'll Change Your Life-- the only Snog album I had before my
house-fire destroyed my collection in 2001 was _Third Mall from the Sun_,
and that's what I was going to get, but Metro didn't have it, and I
believe this was the first of the great Snog run.

Wumpscut/Bunker Gate 7-- liked this album when I heard it, lo almost ten
years ago, but never bought it or collected him.

I noticed some decent Haujobb (_Freeze Frame Reality_) and Mentallo
(_Burnt Beyond Recognition_) on sale for $5.98 apiece (had 'em already.)
Let there be throbbing.
2008-03-02 01:23:47 UTC
Post by mimus
OK, so the only one of the French electro-EBM thingies Girl suggested that
Metropolis carries is the Fixmer/McCarthy Album, _Between the Devil_.
Battery/Mutate-- never heard 'em, they've done some decent remixes, they
have a female vocalist (rare).
Snog/Buy Me, I'll Change Your Life-- the only Snog album I had before my
house-fire destroyed my collection in 2001 was _Third Mall from the Sun_,
and that's what I was going to get, but Metro didn't have it, and I
believe this was the first of the great Snog run.
Wumpscut/Bunker Gate 7-- liked this album when I heard it, lo almost ten
years ago, but never bought it or collected him.
I noticed some decent Haujobb (_Freeze Frame Reality_) and Mentallo
(_Burnt Beyond Recognition_) on sale for $5.98 apiece (had 'em already.)
And _then_ wandered over to Second Spin and grabbed Snog's _Lies Inc._ and
_Remote Control_ as well as X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_ and
Tangerine Dream's _Phaedra_ all for about five bucks apiece . . . .

Thank God I only use a debit and not a credit card.
Let there be throbbing. As cheaply as possible.
2008-03-02 05:03:08 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
OK, so the only one of the French electro-EBM thingies Girl suggested that
Metropolis carries is the Fixmer/McCarthy Album, _Between the Devil_.
Battery/Mutate-- never heard 'em, they've done some decent remixes, they
have a female vocalist (rare).
Snog/Buy Me, I'll Change Your Life-- the only Snog album I had before my
house-fire destroyed my collection in 2001 was _Third Mall from the Sun_,
and that's what I was going to get, but Metro didn't have it, and I
believe this was the first of the great Snog run.
Wumpscut/Bunker Gate 7-- liked this album when I heard it, lo almost ten
years ago, but never bought it or collected him.
I noticed some decent Haujobb (_Freeze Frame Reality_) and Mentallo
(_Burnt Beyond Recognition_) on sale for $5.98 apiece (had 'em already.)
And _then_ wandered over to Second Spin and grabbed Snog's _Lies Inc._ and
_Remote Control_ as well as X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_ and
Tangerine Dream's _Phaedra_ all for about five bucks apiece . . . .
And then bagged _Third Mall_ from Amazon, along with Blue-Eyed
Christ's _Leaders and Followers_ (I may have that title backwards, but
it's a luvverly and sincere little electro-EBM-'n'-roll release) as well
as Edgar Froese's _Aqua_.

Post by mimus
Thank God I only use a debit and not a credit card.
Let there be throbbing in the mail-box soon.
2008-03-16 21:49:53 UTC
Post by mimus
X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_
Now _this_ is a stunner.

As someone whose only (but beloved) XMtP release for years and years has
been the Cleopatra collection (pick your block)

X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/
"Dependence", "Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and
"Abortion" (22:26)

X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/ "Look on
This Side", "(God Takes a) Photograph", "Danger", "Arbitrary Execution",
"Abortion", "Mirthless Knick-Knack", "Helpless (Depressed mix)",
"Solitude" and "Dependence" (41:09)

which ranges from complex yet acrid to powerful and majorly percussive and
appalling in the first block or the other way around in the longer second
block, the block

X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Drawback (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1996)/ "Turn of the
Tide (Ebb Tide Mix)", "Sweep Hands", "Time Tunnel (Phase 1)", "Drawback",
"Clip the Lines", "Time Tunnel (Phase 2)", "Sweep Hands (Timeless)" and
"Turn of the Tide" (38:37)

(which block has a nice extra time-warp effect built in--heh) was totally

Basically, if you draw a line in music-space (N-dimensional, of course)
between Assemblage 23 and Haujobb's _ninety-nine_, it's from about
half-way between to one-third of the way from A23, but considerably
hardwards in several dimensions from that line (as you would expect).

(It's close enough though that it makes me speculate wotsisname from A23
drew on it as a model, really.)
.gnibborht eb ereht teL
2008-03-17 01:25:59 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_
Now _this_ is a stunner.
As someone whose only (but beloved) XMtP release for years and years has
been the Cleopatra collection (pick your block)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/
"Dependence", "Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and
"Abortion" (22:26)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/ "Look on
This Side", "(God Takes a) Photograph", "Danger", "Arbitrary Execution",
"Abortion", "Mirthless Knick-Knack", "Helpless (Depressed mix)",
"Solitude" and "Dependence" (41:09)
which ranges from complex yet acrid to powerful and majorly percussive and
appalling in the first block or the other way around in the longer second
block, the block
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Drawback (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1996)/ "Turn of the
Tide (Ebb Tide Mix)", "Sweep Hands", "Time Tunnel (Phase 1)", "Drawback",
"Clip the Lines", "Time Tunnel (Phase 2)", "Sweep Hands (Timeless)" and
"Turn of the Tide" (38:37)
(which block has a nice extra time-warp effect built in--heh) was totally
Basically, if you draw a line in music-space (N-dimensional, of course)
between Assemblage 23 and Haujobb's _ninety-nine_, it's from about
half-way between to one-third of the way from A23, but considerably
hardwards in several dimensions from that line (as you would expect).
(It's close enough though that it makes me speculate wotsisname from A23
drew on it as a model, really.)
XMtP collection flesh-out under way . . . .
Let there be ancient throbbing.
2008-03-19 22:00:30 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_
Now _this_ is a stunner.
As someone whose only (but beloved) XMtP release for years and years has
been the Cleopatra collection (pick your block)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/
"Dependence", "Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and
"Abortion" (22:26)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/ "Look on
This Side", "(God Takes a) Photograph", "Danger", "Arbitrary Execution",
"Abortion", "Mirthless Knick-Knack", "Helpless (Depressed mix)",
"Solitude" and "Dependence" (41:09)
which ranges from complex yet acrid to powerful and majorly percussive and
appalling in the first block or the other way around in the longer second
block, the block
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Drawback (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1996)/ "Turn of the
Tide (Ebb Tide Mix)", "Sweep Hands", "Time Tunnel (Phase 1)", "Drawback",
"Clip the Lines", "Time Tunnel (Phase 2)", "Sweep Hands (Timeless)" and
"Turn of the Tide" (38:37)
(which block has a nice extra time-warp effect built in--heh) was totally
Basically, if you draw a line in music-space (N-dimensional, of course)
between Assemblage 23 and Haujobb's _ninety-nine_, it's from about
half-way between to one-third of the way from A23, but considerably
hardwards in several dimensions from that line (as you would expect).
(It's close enough though that it makes me speculate wotsisname from A23
drew on it as a model, really.)
XMtP collection flesh-out under way . . . .

X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Meshwork (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1996)/ "Meshwork. y.
2", "T.O.L.", "Special Sign", "Meshwork. m. 1" and "Emotion" (30:40)

is even softer than _Drawback_, but _absolutely gorgeous_.


Fill in the blanks, eh?
Let there be lovely hypnotic throbbing.
2008-03-21 19:44:17 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_
Now _this_ is a stunner.
As someone whose only (but beloved) XMtP release for years and years has
been the Cleopatra collection (pick your block)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/
"Dependence", "Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and
"Abortion" (22:26)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/ "Look on
This Side", "(God Takes a) Photograph", "Danger", "Arbitrary Execution",
"Abortion", "Mirthless Knick-Knack", "Helpless (Depressed mix)",
"Solitude" and "Dependence" (41:09)
which ranges from complex yet acrid to powerful and majorly percussive and
appalling in the first block or the other way around in the longer second
block, the block
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Drawback (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1996)/ "Turn of the
Tide (Ebb Tide Mix)", "Sweep Hands", "Time Tunnel (Phase 1)", "Drawback",
"Clip the Lines", "Time Tunnel (Phase 2)", "Sweep Hands (Timeless)" and
"Turn of the Tide" (38:37)
(which block has a nice extra time-warp effect built in--heh) was totally
Basically, if you draw a line in music-space (N-dimensional, of course)
between Assemblage 23 and Haujobb's _ninety-nine_, it's from about
half-way between to one-third of the way from A23, but considerably
hardwards in several dimensions from that line (as you would expect).
(It's close enough though that it makes me speculate wotsisname from A23
drew on it as a model, really.)
XMtP collection flesh-out under way . . . .
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Meshwork (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1996)/ "Meshwork. y.
2", "T.O.L.", "Special Sign", "Meshwork. m. 1" and "Emotion" (30:40)
is even softer than _Drawback_, but _absolutely gorgeous_.
Fill in the blanks, eh?
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Human Desolation (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1993)/
"Don't Fall Asleep", "Taciturnity", "Criminal Disharmony", "Paranoid
Illusions", "Experience", "Desolation" and "Don't Fall Asleep" again

is simpler than the above-- simpler even than the more minimal pieces on
_Abattoir_, for the most part, really-- but is quite an engaging sequence,
really, especially if you pay attention more to the song-titles than the
lyrical details, and "Desolation" coming after "Experience" followed by
the repeat of "Don't Fall Asleep" assume a nicely darkly comic cast.
Let there be throbbing.
2008-03-22 21:04:58 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_
Now _this_ is a stunner.
As someone whose only (but beloved) XMtP release for years and years has
been the Cleopatra collection (pick your block)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/
"Dependence", "Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and
"Abortion" (22:26)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/ "Look on
This Side", "(God Takes a) Photograph", "Danger", "Arbitrary Execution",
"Abortion", "Mirthless Knick-Knack", "Helpless (Depressed mix)",
"Solitude" and "Dependence" (41:09)
which ranges from complex yet acrid to powerful and majorly percussive and
appalling in the first block or the other way around in the longer second
block, the block
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Drawback (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1996)/ "Turn of the
Tide (Ebb Tide Mix)", "Sweep Hands", "Time Tunnel (Phase 1)", "Drawback",
"Clip the Lines", "Time Tunnel (Phase 2)", "Sweep Hands (Timeless)" and
"Turn of the Tide" (38:37)
(which block has a nice extra time-warp effect built in--heh) was totally
Basically, if you draw a line in music-space (N-dimensional, of course)
between Assemblage 23 and Haujobb's _ninety-nine_, it's from about
half-way between to one-third of the way from A23, but considerably
hardwards in several dimensions from that line (as you would expect).
(It's close enough though that it makes me speculate wotsisname from A23
drew on it as a model, really.)
XMtP collection flesh-out under way . . . .
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Meshwork (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1996)/ "Meshwork. y.
2", "T.O.L.", "Special Sign", "Meshwork. m. 1" and "Emotion" (30:40)
is even softer than _Drawback_, but _absolutely gorgeous_.
Fill in the blanks, eh?
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Human Desolation (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1993)/
"Don't Fall Asleep", "Taciturnity", "Criminal Disharmony", "Paranoid
Illusions", "Experience", "Desolation" and "Don't Fall Asleep" again
is simpler than the above-- simpler even than the more minimal pieces on
_Abattoir_, for the most part, really--
Maybe not. Really about the same. But more orthodox in its arrangements,
genre-wise, perhaps, maybe.
Post by mimus
but is quite an engaging sequence,
really, especially if you pay attention more to the song-titles than the
lyrical details, and "Desolation" coming after "Experience" followed by
the repeat of "Don't Fall Asleep" assume a nicely darkly comic cast.
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Freaks (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1992)/ "Repression",
"Helpless", "Feast of the Resurrection", "No Premonition (Re-Edit)" and
"Interruption" (26:51)

is the first album, and cruder and harsher still, but the above is a more
than listenable (and danceable) block.

"Helpless" appears on the later _Abattoir_, too, but in at the very least
a remixed and much more polished form.

Weirdly, this is Metropolis 092, whereas _Drawback_ is Met 076, so I guess
Metropolis finally reached back in desperation after the XMtP drought had
begun around 1996 to pick up what they had earlier been uninterested in . . . .

And there seems to've been a bidding-war, or at least I hope it was,
between Cleopatra and Metropolis for the last XMtP releases.

Still got _The Killing Had Begun_ to go!

This is fun.
Let there be throbbing.
2008-04-01 20:23:49 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_
Now _this_ is a stunner.
As someone whose only (but beloved) XMtP release for years and years has
been the Cleopatra collection (pick your block)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/
"Dependence", "Solitude", "Helpless (Depressed mix)", "Danger" and
"Abortion" (22:26)
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Abattoir (the Collection) (1995)(Cleopatra)/ "Look on
This Side", "(God Takes a) Photograph", "Danger", "Arbitrary Execution",
"Abortion", "Mirthless Knick-Knack", "Helpless (Depressed mix)",
"Solitude" and "Dependence" (41:09)
which ranges from complex yet acrid to powerful and majorly percussive and
appalling in the first block or the other way around in the longer second
block, the block
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Drawback (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1996)/ "Turn of the
Tide (Ebb Tide Mix)", "Sweep Hands", "Time Tunnel (Phase 1)", "Drawback",
"Clip the Lines", "Time Tunnel (Phase 2)", "Sweep Hands (Timeless)" and
"Turn of the Tide" (38:37)
(which block has a nice extra time-warp effect built in--heh) was totally
Basically, if you draw a line in music-space (N-dimensional, of course)
between Assemblage 23 and Haujobb's _ninety-nine_, it's from about
half-way between to one-third of the way from A23, but considerably
hardwards in several dimensions from that line (as you would expect).
(It's close enough though that it makes me speculate wotsisname from A23
drew on it as a model, really.)
XMtP collection flesh-out under way . . . .
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Meshwork (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1996)/ "Meshwork. y.
2", "T.O.L.", "Special Sign", "Meshwork. m. 1" and "Emotion" (30:40)
is even softer than _Drawback_, but _absolutely gorgeous_.
Fill in the blanks, eh?
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Human Desolation (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra) (1993)/
"Don't Fall Asleep", "Taciturnity", "Criminal Disharmony", "Paranoid
Illusions", "Experience", "Desolation" and "Don't Fall Asleep" again
is simpler than the above-- simpler even than the more minimal pieces on
_Abattoir_, for the most part, really--
Maybe not. Really about the same. But more orthodox in its arrangements,
genre-wise, perhaps, maybe.
Post by mimus
but is quite an engaging sequence,
really, especially if you pay attention more to the song-titles than the
lyrical details, and "Desolation" coming after "Experience" followed by
the repeat of "Don't Fall Asleep" assume a nicely darkly comic cast.
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ Freaks (Zoth Ommog/Metropolis) (1992)/ "Repression",
"Helpless", "Feast of the Resurrection", "No Premonition (Re-Edit)" and
"Interruption" (26:51)
is the first album, and cruder and harsher still, but the above is a more
than listenable (and danceable) block.
"Helpless" appears on the later _Abattoir_, too, but in at the very least
a remixed and much more polished form.
Weirdly, this is Metropolis 092, whereas _Drawback_ is Met 076, so I guess
Metropolis finally reached back in desperation after the XMtP drought had
begun around 1996 to pick up what they had earlier been uninterested in . . . .
And there seems to've been a bidding-war, or at least I hope it was,
between Cleopatra and Metropolis for the last XMtP releases.
Still got _The Killing Had Begun_ to go!
This is fun.
X-Marks the Pedwalk/ The Killing had Begun (Zoth Ommog/Cleopatra)(1994)/
"Conversion", "Worthless", "Made of Wax", "Your Eyes" and "Insight" (22:37

is much more sure in its footing than the previous two, and leans toward
the lusher later stuff in the final couple of tracks.

This concludes our X-Marks the Pedwalk flesh-out.
Let there be complete throbbing.
2008-04-01 20:19:55 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
OK, so the only one of the French electro-EBM thingies Girl suggested that
Metropolis carries is the Fixmer/McCarthy Album, _Between the Devil_.
Battery/Mutate-- never heard 'em, they've done some decent remixes, they
have a female vocalist (rare).
Snog/Buy Me, I'll Change Your Life-- the only Snog album I had before my
house-fire destroyed my collection in 2001 was _Third Mall from the Sun_,
and that's what I was going to get, but Metro didn't have it, and I
believe this was the first of the great Snog run.
Wumpscut/Bunker Gate 7-- liked this album when I heard it, lo almost ten
years ago, but never bought it or collected him.
I noticed some decent Haujobb (_Freeze Frame Reality_) and Mentallo
(_Burnt Beyond Recognition_) on sale for $5.98 apiece (had 'em already.)
And _then_ wandered over to Second Spin and grabbed Snog's _Lies Inc._ and
_Remote Control_ as well as X Marks the Pedwalk's _Drawback_ and
Tangerine Dream's _Phaedra_ all for about five bucks apiece . . . .
And then bagged _Third Mall_ from Amazon
Quickly and easily re-establishing my block on that one,

Snog/ Third Mall from the Sun (LMCC Quality Productions/Metropolis)(1999)/
"late twentieth century boy", "are you normal enough?", "state rape", "is
there no-one that can save us from today?" and "third mall from the sun"
Let there be throbbing after the plutocrats are put up against the wall.
2008-03-03 18:57:15 UTC
Post by mimus
Wumpscut/Bunker Gate 7-- liked this album when I heard it, lo almost ten
years ago, but never bought it or collected him.
This was always my favorite. OTOH, my interest in Wumpscut kinda came
and went pretty quickly.
2008-03-03 20:02:19 UTC
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by mimus
Wumpscut/Bunker Gate 7-- liked this album when I heard it, lo almost
ten years ago, but never bought it or collected him.
This was always my favorite. OTOH, my interest in Wumpscut kinda came
and went pretty quickly.
A polished if dark release, very generally enjoyable if you ignored the
lyrics ("Ick").
Let there be throbbing. Just not wearing human-suits.
2008-03-04 16:04:48 UTC
Post by mimus
A polished if dark release, very generally enjoyable if you ignored the
lyrics ("Ick").
Another one I liked (sort of) was Embryodead. But on that one, I really
only enjoyed a small handful of songs - they just turned out to be my
favorites from his work (the only one that comes to mind is the title
track - don't have my iPod w/ me).
2008-03-10 18:37:42 UTC
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by mimus
A polished if dark release, very generally enjoyable if you ignored the
lyrics ("Ick").
Another one I liked (sort of) was Embryodead. But on that one, I really
only enjoyed a small handful of songs - they just turned out to be my
favorites from his work (the only one that comes to mind is the title
track - don't have my iPod w/ me).
Wumpscut/ Bunker Gate 7 (Beton Kopf/Metropolis)(recorded 1995)/ "Open
Gate", "Die in Winter (Haujobb Edit 2)", "Dying Culture (Second
Movement)", "Bunkertor 7 (Reprise)", "Torn Skin", unnamed track 15 and
"Tell Me Why" (29:33)

moved quickly and easily into my favorite blocks list, although I ended up
switching "Torn Skin" (simultaneously the best and ickiest song on the
album) and "Tell Me Why", and I'm waffling over replacing the musically
superior Haujobb "Edit" of "Die in Winter" with Rudy's "(Extended Remix)".

I found Fixmer/McCarthy _Between the Devil_ to be crude, both musically
and lyrically, without redeeming social value, unlike, say, Nitzer Ebb's
own _That Total Age_, which is crude but charmingly sincere (I've wobbled
a lot over the block from it over the years, and don't have a settled one
at present).

As for more charmingly sincere crudeness, proving that one can be
absolutely "viciously tongue-in-cheek", see

Snog/ Buy Me and I'll Change Your Life (LMCC Quality Productions/
Metropolis)(1998)/ "Hooray!!", "The People of Straight Land", "The Prole
Song", "Bastard Closet" and "The Future" (23:22)

The chorus to "The Prole Song" is simple, brilliant and simply brilliantly
funny . . . .
Let there be "Happy happy, love love, sleep sleep sleep"?
2008-03-24 02:18:03 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by mimus
A polished if dark release, very generally enjoyable if you ignored the
lyrics ("Ick").
Another one I liked (sort of) was Embryodead. But on that one, I really
only enjoyed a small handful of songs - they just turned out to be my
favorites from his work (the only one that comes to mind is the title
track - don't have my iPod w/ me).
Wumpscut/ Bunker Gate 7 (Beton Kopf/Metropolis)(recorded 1995)/ "Open
Gate", "Die in Winter (Haujobb Edit 2)", "Dying Culture (Second
Movement)", "Bunkertor 7 (Reprise)", "Torn Skin", unnamed track 15 and
"Tell Me Why" (29:33)
moved quickly and easily into my favorite blocks list, although I ended up
switching "Torn Skin" (simultaneously the best and ickiest song on the
album) and "Tell Me Why", and I'm waffling over replacing the musically
superior Haujobb "Edit" of "Die in Winter" with Rudy's "(Extended Remix)".
BTW, howdja like the transform of Led Zep's "Stairway to Heaven" in
"Bunkertor 7 (Reprise)"?

You can't tell me _that's_ an accidental resemblance . . . .

Well, you can, or Rudy can, but I'm not gonna believe it.
Let there be Led Zep throbbing?
2008-04-01 20:13:31 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by mimus
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by mimus
A polished if dark release, very generally enjoyable if you ignored
the lyrics ("Ick").
Another one I liked (sort of) was Embryodead. But on that one, I
really only enjoyed a small handful of songs - they just turned out to
be my favorites from his work (the only one that comes to mind is the
title track - don't have my iPod w/ me).
Wumpscut/ Bunker Gate 7 (Beton Kopf/Metropolis)(recorded 1995)/ "Open
Gate", "Die in Winter (Haujobb Edit 2)", "Dying Culture (Second
Movement)", "Bunkertor 7 (Reprise)", "Torn Skin", unnamed track 15 and
"Tell Me Why" (29:33)
moved quickly and easily into my favorite blocks list, although I ended
up switching "Torn Skin" (simultaneously the best and ickiest song on
the album) and "Tell Me Why", and I'm waffling over replacing the
musically superior Haujobb "Edit" of "Die in Winter" with Rudy's
"(Extended Remix)".
BTW, howdja like the transform of Led Zep's "Stairway to Heaven" in
"Bunkertor 7 (Reprise)"?
You can't tell me _that's_ an accidental resemblance . . . .
Well, you can, or Rudy can, but I'm not gonna believe it.
Oh, *ick* *hack* *gag*

I can see how someone could develop something of a thing about washing
their hands after handling Wumpscut CDs (Merzbow, too, for that matter,
who was touched on elsewhere here).

Nonetheless, the block

Wumpscut/ Embryodead (Beton Kopf/Metropolis) (1997)/ "Slave to Evil",
"Angel", "Womb", "Pest" and "Stillbirth" (24:44)

is pure psychotic velvet, and seems a lot longer than it is.
Let there be throbbing while trying to ignore the lyrics.
Girl <last name>
2008-03-04 01:38:03 UTC
Post by mimus
OK, so the only one of the French electro-EBM thingies Girl suggested that
Metropolis carries is the Fixmer/McCarthy Album, _Between the Devil_.
Cheating - that's only half French :-)

btw. Doug also appears on MOTOR's debute - Klunk.
http://www.discogs.com/release/669329 (strangely, he only gets a writing
credit for the song he sings on). The guys in MOTOR might be known to some
around here (being Bryan Black and Mr. No of haloblack and other groups).

2008-03-04 02:46:44 UTC
Post by Girl <last name>
Post by mimus
OK, so the only one of the French electro-EBM thingies Girl suggested
that Metropolis carries is the Fixmer/McCarthy Album, _Between the
Cheating - that's only half French :-)
Give me time to get used to the idea, I never really got over Gregory of

Besides, I did penance with some old German stuff, as reported in updates.

Froese's _Aqua_ is the one with the other-stellar ambient 'scape that has
a Volkswagen going by late in it . . . .
Let there be-- what was that?