(too old to reply)
2006-01-27 01:28:52 UTC
Just heard these guys album called Transhuman, it's one of the best
things I've heard since the 90's! Check out their website
www.cyanotic-online.com I am in no way affiliated with these guys I
just love to support great music.
2006-01-28 03:42:26 UTC
Post by m***@excite.com
Just heard these guys album called Transhuman, it's one of the best
things I've heard since the 90's! Check out their website
www.cyanotic-online.com I am in no way affiliated with these guys I
just love to support great music.
I'll second the props for Cyanotic. Good band... nice fellows!
LV Grid
2006-01-28 16:04:15 UTC
Post by t.o.t.s.
Post by m***@excite.com
Just heard these guys album called Transhuman, it's one of the best
things I've heard since the 90's! Check out their website
www.cyanotic-online.com I am in no way affiliated with these guys I
just love to support great music.
I'll second the props for Cyanotic. Good band... nice fellows!
Went to that web site. I love how "Order Out of Chaos" starts out with
that Drum and Bass clip at the beginning and goes into what I would call
Drill'n'Bass Industrial (some would call it Breakcore). What's bugging
me about a lot of these modern Industrial bands is that everyone's
vocals are trying to sound like Ogre from Skinny Puppy. I wish they'd
do something fresh with the vocal effects.
LV Grid
Las Vegas, NV, USA
2006-01-30 00:14:12 UTC
Yeh the vocals arent anything new or special, but the twisted melodies
these guys put together along with the IDM esque drill n bass
industrial metal is goodtimes. www.glitchmode.com
