CONSUME live@Das Bunker, L.A. Feb. 17
(too old to reply)
J. Wood
2006-02-10 12:00:39 UTC
[If there's anyone still here to read this who remembers my dumb ass...]

That's right.

Like a tenacious case of crotch-rot, you can't keep absurdist Canadian
beatnoise outfit consume down for long. Crushing rhythmic destruction and
monkey-centric hilarity will ensue. Inaudible tones will set neighbourhood
dogs howling into the night. Enervated American beer will be impugned.

Here's the lowdown:

***@Das Bunker
4067 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles
Friday, Feb. 17, 2006

Francois Labreque
2006-02-11 02:54:34 UTC
Post by J. Wood
[If there's anyone still here to read this who remembers my dumb ass...]
He lives!!!

Hope you show goes well.
Francois Labreque | Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a snooze
flabreque | button on a cat who wants breakfast.
@ | - Unattributed quote from rec.humor.funny
J. Wood
2006-02-11 23:01:10 UTC
Post by Francois Labreque
He lives!!!
Hope you show goes well.
Yeah, man. Me too. Do you know if any of the old Southern Cali RMI people
are still around? It'd be nice to meet some folks while I'm there.


Todd Clayton
2006-02-12 00:14:01 UTC
Post by J. Wood
Yeah, man. Me too. Do you know if any of the old Southern Cali RMI people
are still around? It'd be nice to meet some folks while I'm there.
Remember, if you must have sex. Have sex with animals, like Jamie.
| Todd Clayton aka DJ Todd | Real Synthetic Audio |
| http://www.synthetic.org | Electro-Industrial-Synthpop |
| irc.habber.net #rmipeople | radio for the net-generation. |
| ***@synthetic.org | Unlicensed, Unregulated, and |
| ICQ: 56785153 | Unconventional. |
"Anything too stupid to be said is sung." -- Voltaire