Industrial- dead or what?
(too old to reply)
Zenos of Perga
2005-01-25 19:53:38 UTC
This is a well constructed argument, I concur with the Doktor, instead
of looking for self validation through verbal assault and abuse about
labels and regurgitated rhetoric let's take a slightly different
approach. How about moving on to something that interests you instead
of wasting all this time bashing people. Why not talk about good music
instead of filling these posts with linguistic jousting.
~Zenos of Perga~
2005-01-27 22:14:20 UTC
Nowadays industria is full of black-clad thirteen year olds whose
major consumption of culture is T-Shirts, they express themselves
in the
aisles of toys-r-us, define themselves politically as a small
section in
their local Tower/HMV/Virgin store, support dire prima-donnas
this trend (dubbed by your kind and gentle host as 'commodification
sub/counterculture") started the first moment the first throbbing
gristle record was sold to an interested party. it's common to every
sub/countercultural movement and is as inevitable as the passage of
time. the argument could even be made by those who care that such a
commodification is necessary if said cultural movement (often
youth-oriented) wishes to survive beyond its few years of relevance
its specific demographic. to rail against it is often the mark of an
immature mind, one who needs intellectual validation through
of 'superiority'.
or, to put it into quicker words: who cares? your rant is every bit
as tiresome and cliche as the target you rant about. grow up and find
something interesting to challenge you.
In fact I think the Goths are the Ravers of the new century...
thee doktor is reminded of a recent conversation with a friend
said friend made the ludicrous assertion that the movie _the fast and
the furious_ was "the generation X version of _gone in 60 seconds_".
your assertion, armitage, is every bit as short-sighted and asinine
that, and for the exact same reasons besides.
A most industrious post, dok industrial.

If Armitage is right, then being a goth sucks ass. Maybe it's time to
wipe out the fucking make up, put the piercings aside, oh and plant a
bomb in the goth club on your way out.

I'm afraid he's right to some extent. :/ Next, we'll see Britney Spears
assuming the same gothic whore appearance like everybody else.

Anyhow, I can't stand the common judgement nowadays that "good
industrial" means something like cheesy dance music. Most of the new
stuff I hear in the name of ebm/industrial is simply badly produced
trance. What a crap!

I'd rather produce glam rock than do that shit. What's the point in
making dance music?

Of course, that does not mean that there are no new acts that I don't
like. There are lots of brilliant artists.

I don't think industrial is dead. I actually liked the new laibach,
front 242 and ministry albums btw. It's not power noise, but the albums
had content.

Todd Clayton
2005-01-28 02:41:51 UTC
Post by e***@gmail.com
I'm afraid he's right to some extent. :/ Next, we'll see Britney Spears
assuming the same gothic whore appearance like everybody else.
...a guy can always dream, can't he?
| Todd Clayton aka DJ Todd | Real Synthetic Audio |
| http://www.synthetic.org | Electro-Industrial-Synthpop |
| irc.habber.net #rmipeople | radio for the net-generation. |
| ***@synthetic.org | Unlicensed, Unregulated, and |
| ICQ: 56785153 | Unconventional. |
"I do not have to forgive my enemies. I have had them all shot."
-- Ramon Maria Narvaez, Spanish general
2005-01-28 17:57:30 UTC
Post by Todd Clayton
Post by e***@gmail.com
I'm afraid he's right to some extent. :/ Next, we'll see Britney Spears
assuming the same gothic whore appearance like everybody else.
...a guy can always dream, can't he?
Well her rival Christiana went that way in one clip, so why not
Britney. Those old fashioned prostitute ways are wearing out fast.

That's not too bad, the trance-y industrial could always find a niche
in porn flick soundtrack scene. Don't you remember that soundtrack with
certain forthcoming members of The Fuck-Me-I-Am-So-Punk Prodigy and
Massive Attack? I think this trance shit like Blutengel would fit even

A formidable alternative to other boner music like deep house, indeed.

2005-01-28 11:40:29 UTC
Post by e***@gmail.com
I don't think industrial is dead. I actually liked the new laibach,
Yeah, it still has content, but if you compare the new Laibach to any
older Laibach, guess what you notice... and then comes 300.000 VK...


np: Der Feuerkreiner - Oder Schrei
2005-01-27 22:25:10 UTC
Nowadays industria is full of black-clad thirteen year olds whose
consumption of culture is T-Shirts, they express themselves in the
aisles of
toys-r-us, define themselves politically as a small section in
their local
Tower/HMV/ Virgin store, support dire prima-donnas
If you see it like that, and I could see where you are
coming from, then you are simply looking at the trends, and the
surface of everything, if you dig deeper and REALLY look into the
industrial culture that's out there, It goes WAY beyound the black
claded gothlings that listen to VNV, THere's PLENTY of stuff out
that is pushing the envelope, Stuff like Gridlock, the majority of
online labels, Download, Autechre, Monstrum Sepsis,
OMG! Does Download produce new stuff? Pleasure for my ears! Entropy up!
Do you like Neutronic?

2005-01-27 23:04:26 UTC
honesty I
that the goth subculture has turned into the modern equal of then
70's disco era. But the industrial subculture, and music is VERY
alive, and it's not you typical Black claded fashion victim sense
may think it is.
NP: Tool "Undertow"
Wow- wannabe elitist shoots himself in the foot.
RMI- nothing but lame-o's and close minded idiots.
w00t industrial is all about elitism. the best industrial band is the
one noone can bear listening to, didn't you take industrial 101?

2005-01-28 18:05:48 UTC
Certainly Industrial music
and Goth culture intertwin, in fact it seems like most of the Goth
culture doesn't really even listen to Gothic Music they listen to
Synthpop, Electro, hence my saying they are the Ravers of the new
Raver goths are the ravers of the new century, it's a subdivision of
culture, not the whole subculture. Different strokes for different
Goth is as much about the aesthetic as anything else, but if ya don't
least have one Bauhaus record, you're not a Goth. Check out the "What
Goth?" discussion on alt.gothic if you're actually interested.
I think a good fuck-off is in order to that subdivision of whatever it
is that admits such sleazy classification.

Would having bauhaus and christian death mp3s on your hard disk count?
Blah, or do you need the original vinyls from the first half of 80s to
count as a true goth. I was 10 years old in summer 1986, so I guess I
missed the chance of being a true goth.

On the other hand, I don't think being a club whore with fishnets, or
cutting you up while having sex is a necessary condition for being a

There was this silly program on the tv. Talking about a girl who
dropped the pop scene in favor of the goth scene. Now she's having her
boyfriend drink her blood, wearing black lipstick, and showing off at
the club. Wow. How so gothic.

I personally find the 'goth' title all the more repulsive.

Eray Ozkural
