Suicide Girls Goes Into Meltdown
(too old to reply)
2008-01-10 01:07:04 UTC
Almost 40 of the SuicideGirls staged a Web-out and stalk off the Web
site amid claims that despite all its go-girl messaging,
SuicideGirls.com is run by people who don't care much about female


A sexploitation site for young punk and gothic women run by jewish
perverts. Otherwise known as "Naive Girls" or "Lemming Girls". Think
Playboy with different hair and makeup. Over 800 young women were
tricked into stripping off their clothes and dignity for this vile,
sleazy and depressing site. Predictably, Suicide Girls never did make
selling your body to a grubbing middle eastern pervert cool.

Hundreds of models left the site after being exploited by the site's
owners. The lack of empathy toward the models was a shock for some of
the clueless wonders, who after all had agreed to strip off for a site
which literally translates to "Fucking Kill Yourself Girls" . True to
form, not enough of the ex SG models are empowered enough to warn
younger girls of the flattering hand of sexual exploitation in their
blogs and myspace profiles.

The Dirt on Porn:

Porn is no longer 1950s pictures of voluptuous nude women on a
deserted beach. It has become permeated with sadism, masochism,
scatology, even sexual molestation, rape and murder of young children.
I am no prude. I love the beauty of the human body. But, I do think
that this kind of sick criminal activity, in which there is so much
exploitation, so much degradation, so much catering to the depths of
human depravity, should be fought with law.

Ironically, with Jewish influence over media, societal mores, and
government today, it is legal, even chic to make and sell the sickest
pornography showing the sick defilement of women. But, if you have
unacceptable political opinions about Jewish supremacism, you may find
yourself a political and social pariah, or at worst in prison. We live
in a Jewish supremacist world where often the sickest porn is legal
while political incorrect opinions will land you in prison.
Mr. Hoodoo
2008-01-10 01:18:17 UTC
SUICIDE GIRLS ... (excerpted from http://dearlosers.blogspot.com/2007/08/loser-of-month-august-2007-suicide.html)
Out of all the possible catagories available for today's youth, the
Suicide Girls one leaves the most permanent marks. It's savage how
heartless marketers can sell all those brain dead consumers an
identity which requires the total abandonment of mainstream values.
Like the very rare phenomenon of "body piercing" and "tattoos" , it's
amazing the lengths that BILLIONS OF INDIVIDUALS will go to express
their unique outlook on life.

Fuck achievement, right? Why go and CHANGE YOURSELF when you can pay
some 30ish high school dropout stoner (who claims to be 27) to do it
for you by inking up your skin and sticking phallic-metal objects
(complete with balls in most cases!) in your face (don't worry--the
wounds are superficial, and there is NOTHING WRONG WITH SUPERFICIAL,

I am not criticizing all body modification. I'm fat. That was a body
modification process. So is weight loss. But metal bars shoved through
one's face require no effort. Just a boundless desire to "fit in" and
a willingness to undergo painful ordeals to do so. IMHO, SUICIDE GIRLS
reeks so heavily of self-sacrifice and group-think that I can't help
but conclude that it is now diametrically opposed to the claims which
are supposed to justify it's existence as a community.

Well I have a message for all of the SUICIDE GIRLS:

2008-01-10 02:43:47 UTC
On Jan 9, 8:18 pm, "Mr. Hoodoo" <***@gmail.com> wrote:

mh> Well I have a message for all of the SUICIDE GIRLS:

And I have a message for you:


Steve Thompson
2008-01-11 03:30:34 UTC
Post by K***@gmail.com
But please only die metaphysically, as that is more painful and likely to
inspire entertaining, yet thoughtful art.


On average, subtlty in the contemporary use of the English language more
often resembles a brick to the head than the caress of a feather.
2008-01-11 03:44:54 UTC
Post by K***@gmail.com
kt> > And I have a message for you:
kt> > Die.
st> But please only die metaphysically, as that is more painful and
likely to
st> inspire entertaining, yet thoughtful art.

No. Die. Really. Heart stopping, soul to Hell, die.

2008-01-12 02:11:29 UTC
to the OT of this... good god, the english language does not possess
the right words for your idiocy. i mean, exactly what device did you
use to look into the (poor, depraved) souls off all 800+ SG girls to
draw your conclusions? yeah, maybe some of them are vapid, wastes of
flesh, but that could be said for any large group of people. i know
several SG girls. they're not defined by being a suicide girl any
more than we're defined by being a memeber of this group.... well...
in most cases, heh. how much time did you spend researching that site
before you condemned wholesale it's members? there's no sex, no
penetration, and hell, the girls don't even have to show their crotch
if they choose not too. as far as pornography goes, that site is
pretty weak. it's a pin-up model site. it's people like you, with
your anti-semantic remarks and sweeping generalizations about people
that make me disgusted to be human. why are you here? do you need
validation of some sort by spewing your vile veiwpoints on the rest of
us? yeah, being a fatass is a form of body modification. the most
lazy kind imaginable. i can't speak for everyone with a peircing or
tattoo, but not everyone gets them to piss off mommy and daddy or to
try to be different and strange. if people like that upset you so
much, this is the last group you should associate with, seeing how
most of us do have multiple peircings and/or tattoos. did you get
snubbed by some gothic hottie at the club last night or some shit?
one with a nose ring and tattoo or something? and that's really cute
how you linked penis fascination with peircing shapes, very clever.
your mom pat you on the back for that one? i hope your nazi lover
gives you the hug that you need after you get fucked in the ass
Sparky (J F W)
2008-01-23 02:58:05 UTC
Post by K***@gmail.com
And tonight I have a message for the people of Iraq:

"Go home and die."
Rev. James Slaughter
2008-01-23 04:17:48 UTC
Post by Sparky (J F W)
Post by K***@gmail.com
"Go home and die."

2008-01-10 13:56:15 UTC
Stupid bitches that get naked online are stupid btiches that get naked
If you're too stupid to read a contract before signing it, too bad :)

What is this "female empowerment" anyway, is it when you give your
girlfriend a vacuum so she doesn't have to use a broom anymore?
2008-01-13 14:37:37 UTC
Post by r***@gmail.com
Stupid bitches that get naked online are stupid btiches that get naked
If you're too stupid to read a contract before signing it, too bad :)
What is this "female empowerment" anyway, is it when you give your
girlfriend a vacuum so she doesn't have to use a broom anymore?
Thanks black man.
Rev. Back It On Up
2008-01-13 14:48:50 UTC
I like that one legged suicide girl. Did she go into meltdown too?

Cause that is something I would love to see. A one legged woman on a
2008-01-14 19:05:47 UTC
This blog talks about SuicideGirl's owner's "anti-arabism, misogyny,
pro-war neo-conservatism and lies" and his equally grotesque ideas
about the Palestinians":

"I just said that all the Palestinians dying of smallpox is hopeful
thinking for me. Sue me. It's a death cult not a civilization and them
finally being wiped out by their buddy Saddam sounds like such a
fitting end."

It just screams JEW don'it? No? Well get a fucking clue:

Suicide Girls: an anti-Arab, anti-woman-ran company
by Max B
February 14, 2006

Dressed up as punk and Feminist, the SuicideGirls will be at the Arena
in Qld., inevitably parading piercings, dyed hair, skin art and the
other ingredients which effectively guaranteed the sensation its

There will be readers who will have acquainted themselves with
Suicidegirls.com, and book, and burlesque review, alike. Championed by
"pro-sex"-identified "Feminists" and Pop Culture's darlings, each are
capitalist triumphs.

However, company president of the SuicideGirls Sean "Spooky" Suhl's
inarguably questionable contracts, misogyny, pro-war neo-conservatism
and lies should be common knowledge by now.

As should be Suhl's equally grotesque ideas about the Palestinians:

"I just said that all the Palestinians dying of smallpox is hopeful
thinking for me. Sue me. It's a death cult not a civilization and them
finally being wiped out by their buddy Saddam sounds like such a
fitting end."

An exemplary piece on nypress.com, complete with some rather cogent
testimonies maintained by plenty of people who vacated the office once
Suhl's corporate strategies, sexist language, and lies about their
wages, surfaced; Blog entries and threads authored by progressives
which scrutinise Suicidegirls.com's misappropriation of "empowerment"
to reinforce its recruitment tactic ("The fact that doing a shoot for
Suicide Girls makes you feel empowered doesn't mean that the audience
masturbating to your pictures is going to recognise you as any more of
a human being than if you had done a shoot for Hustler," observed one

An accurate observation which adorned a Bitch magazine write-up:

"...despite their tattoos, hair coloring, and creative piercings, they
fall neatly within the confines of mainstream beauty standards.
Imagine giving the varsity cheerleading squad makeovers at Hot Topic,
and you wouldn't be too far off. Most of the models here (and on other
indie-porn sites, too) are thin, white, and traditionally beautiful.
Fat girls-hell, even average plump girls-aren't Suicide Girls, and
with only a couple of exceptions, neither are girls of color...there's
a certain kind of hypocrisy in a site that pats itself on the back for
being "different," yet seems to equate that only with being different
from others featuring blond Pamela Anderson manques."

So what triggered the suicide's decomposition?

Dia, ex-SuicideGirl, believes all the models who exiled themselves
either are among girls enabled to encounter company patriarch Sean
Suhl's misogynistic abuse, rightfully pursued the royalties
disingenuously promised the models, or demonstrated loyalties, which
indubitably strengthened the allegations.

Another ex-model, DVD star Jennifer "Sicily" Caravella, says Suhl
housed the models in squalor, and too maintains charges of sexism and
lies about their wages:

"You're giving money to a man who treats women like shit."

Another says, "Sean always seemed to have short man's complex. Like
one of those geeks in school who suddenly gets pussy and he's not
overjoyed-he's thinking, 'I'm going to get back at them now'."

"SuicideGirls is the Wal-Mart of alt-porn," says another.

And Kelly "Shera" Kleinert, "talentless," "replaceable," "stupid," by
Suhl's account, too mentioned the squalor, and the sexism, and the
very same royalties scam.

Online, Jessica Hopper and Julianne Shepherd boast a thinkpiece which
scornfully examines Suicidegirls.com:

"Suicide Girls' much-touted diversity includes dark-haired, tattooed,
skinny white girls with lots of piercings and dark-haired, tattooed,
skinny, white girls with just a few piercings."

Homogeneous women striking porn mag poses always resembled homogeneous
women striking porn mag poses.

"Suicidegirls.com hinges itself on the idea that there is no male
gaze, that pornography can exist outside the bounds of subject/object
relations, that there is no soft-focus power imbalance inherent in
paying to look at naked girls. Behind this facade, convenient
principles of second-wave feminism are folded into convenient
principles of "fuck me feminism"-the ideals of independence and self-
support are melded to "empowerment via self-exploitation and aesthetic
control." Suicidegirls.com uses tattoos and piercings as shorthand for
the real-life ethics of punk rock, and its feminism is similarly
superficial. Its members and models are led to believe they're
dismantling the master's house; in fact, their photographs and
membership dues have helped build it."

Suicidegirls.com's "rhetoric of edginess" veils its reality. Contracts
ensure SG Services, Inc. owns all the images of the models, now and
forever. The women relinquish ownership, immediately. Now, and
forever, SG Services Inc. can, and have, abused the contracts of
critics. Surprise, surprise. Intimidation, and Exploitation, "sex"
work style.

What those who embrace euphemisms as duplicitous as "pro-sex" or "sex-
positive" neglect to offer are a shifting of paradigms, worthwhile
activism, or anything.

Anyone who considers a commodity, wherein germinates male-centredness,
sex, only exhibit their complicity unto patriarchy, just as those who
embrace an equally duplicitous euphemism, "pro-life," exhibit their
sheer ignorance (who is anti-sex or sex-negative, or anti-life,

Eclipsed by photo shoots or scenes "calculated to kindle male desire,"
our struggles with violence, domestic or otherwise, rape, unaffordable
or inadequate childcare services, corporate media's role in auto-
observation, inarguably patriarchal leadership on reproductive rights,
and the trafficking of girls (unquestionably, pornography preys on
girls who, coerced by gross economic disadvantage, "choose" "sex"
work), are inconsequencial.

Be empowered by porn mag poses and homogeneity, girls!

Should the work operate as another woman's enslavement, then who

To cynically indulge injustice isn't Feminism.

Feminists, authentic Feminists, challenge agents which cultivate a
socialised inequity.

Gender, class, race, all three "conditions" distort the value so often
accorded to choice.

White, middle class women who can, and have, chosen a career indulging
patriarchy glamourise "sex" work, exhibit their complacency, denying
"conditions" affect their sisters' "choices," so challenge nothing.

Pimping is pimping.

Sean "Spooky" Suhl's cash cow, Suicidegirls.com, despite its costume,
another clear example.
2008-01-14 19:48:37 UTC
Sicily Clears The Air About What Really Happened In Shul's "basement"

hi, i was just informed that shera had her entire myspace account
deleted. she was not given an explanation. it was 3 years old! i'm not
sure what she said, i know there was a big debate about the basement
story...which is true, i might add. let me tell you what i remember
about living in what we liked to call "the dungeon":

basically, after the girls were selected to be on tour, we were told
to be ready to return to la in about 4 days. we were told that
accommodations would be taken care of and that we would paid for
rehearsals (if i remember correctly, we (not shera, who came later)
received $500 dollars over the entirety of our 6 week stay...i could
be a little off on that). when i arrived at sean's, i was introduced
to the dingy, bug-infested, stained walls and carpet, horribly cold
and depressing 'basement'. yes, it was finished and meant to be an
apartment... a very, very awful and dreary apartment. the toilet was
broken, there was a creepy "cave painting" (as we called it) in one of
the rooms, another room had a floor made of hospital tiling, the
kitchen sink was so small you couldn't even fit pans in it.

now, don't get me wrong. it had potential. it might have been ok for
one or two people who were willing to put a little effort into
sprucing it up, just not FIVE girls (i say 5 because london spent most
of her time with us in the basement, the group dynamic upstairs was
little awkward to be around at times...if you couldn't find her with
us, the next best place to look was in the upstairs guest bedroom
closet. yes CLOSET. it's the only place she felt safe enough to talk
on the phone or most likely cry....she wasn't the only girl crying

in fact, i actually sat on the old, shitty bed and bawled the first
night i spent there. i'm not the type to get homesick, or really upset
in strange situations, but something about that place felt so fucking
awful. i couldn't believe i had given up my beautiful studio in san
francisco to arrive at what? a shitty hole in the wall with some
strange guy upstairs that seemed completely disinterested in talking
to us, and severely bothered by our mere existence. i could really
write a novel about that damn place. i could go on about the yelling
and verbal abuse from sean. about how he told us how shitty we were
everyday. about how he threatened to send anywhere between 1 and 4 of
us home everyday. about how he locked us out of the main house where
the tv and computers were. about how he made us feel like trespassers
on his property with his hostile behavior. i completely respect
someone's desire for privacy, but if you are going to INVITE a group
of girls to LIVE in your home, act like you mean it. a hotel might
have been a much smarter idea, but according to sean, sg can't afford
such things.

we did not have transportation...my way out was to walk a half hour to
my yoga class (which i found on-line) or the grocery store. honestly,
you could walk awhile, but the only thing you'd find was the coffee
bean, a grocery store and some random little businesses. some of us
spent $ on cabs, or found a ride. i definitely tried my best to be
resourceful, but was trying to save money and didn't want to pay for
an LA cab everytime i wanted to leave. we spent i'd say about 98% of
our time in that crappy basement. yes, the deck looked beautiful, but
that was OUTSIDE. i hear that many mental institutions and hospitals
also have pretty views to stare out at. it's not like we left the
premises for rehearsal. nope, we stubbed our toes in the sweltering
heat on that splintered deck 8 hours a day (m-f). sean took us to the
standard hotel pool one time, annie came over to dye our hair one
time, we went out i think a total of 2 or 3 times. it honestly SUCKED.
we were just counting our days til tour, when sean would no longer be
around and the fun would begin. i think that's what kept us all from
flipping out and running from whence we came. just the assurance that
sean would soon be out of our daily lives and we would have this
crazy, amazing experience touring.

i mainly just wanted to validate shera's words. some people
misconstrued her entry... we were not locked IN the basement, just out
of the main house. there was no kidnapping, etc. there is no reason to
exaggerate or spread rumors. it only discredits those involved. the sg
situation is atrocious enough on it's own. let's keep this clear,
honest and constructive.

- Jen/aka 'sicily'


Suicide Girl sets end up used on random porn sites:

These first two came from Here If you hover over the images, they
will say "she is in your town for sex."
It will tell you the models are in whatever town you are in.
However, you can also find affiliate images at
fatchicksinpartyhats.com, cutegoths.com, and I am sure
That there are many other places if SG is linked up with
AdultFriendFinder (Which is where it goes if you click the picture
Just look at the name, fatchicksinpartyhats.com, and think about
everything that is wrong with what you have been told by SG
Who are the liars?
Who is being Exploited?
Where is this empowerment?
Do you feel his is in accordance with Sean Suhl trying to bang out a
quick buck?
how do you feel about this? You ok with this one? Keep hitting
refresh, I got a few models from it.
2008-01-14 19:53:17 UTC
So what's the big deal? A porn site being unethical Well actually the
big deal is the Suicide Girls markets itself as ethical on a grand
level. They did this through a slick calculated marketing campaign in
which many people were duped into believing that they were infact
different, that's what makes this news worthy.

I am reposting this as a concise point of interest to those who should
come across this site as some of the grievances against SG, all of the
following could be considered hearsay and do not represent, per se, my
particular views or the views of the law, and for legal reasons I must
make that disclaimer:

--SG is not a feminist empowered site, except in the fact that they
have two front-women posing as spokeswomen. It's run by a man, who is
the only owner of the site, who not progressive in his views on women.
I'm being kind. I feel his a raving misogynist, and very ugly in how
typical he is, though amplified and obviously a bit psychopathic, I
and others who have known him feel the same.

--SG's marketing is highly deceptive to both models, members, and the
media, and more recently charitable organizations, re. Free Speech,
with whom they ally as another publicity stunt. The owner works for
3Jane.com with his friend, Peter Lutrell. I have seen an interesting
crossover in those who interview for SG and those whom 3Jane performs
other services for. I've also been told that their Rolling Stone
interviews were paid for.

--The story of SG's creation is lied about in Missy's Drugstore movie
As Well in the Suicide Girls First Tour DVD Also, I have heard it was
not a DIY porn site but that it had early investors, and more
investors since, and that the largest private investor is one of the
ex-owners or affiliates of the former hardcore porn site The Bivvy,
which is now down. This info courtesy of one of SG's former employees
who worked with them for a long time.

--Some earlier models have debatably invalid contracts.

--SG is now sending models who have left the site to model for other
sites legal threats to sue them. Many or most of these women have no
money at all, and little legal knowledge.

--DVD models were told different things regarding their compensation
and were treated poorly for questioning this.

--Earlier SG debacles included stranding 3 models in NY at the
Courtney Love MTV special for several weeks, with dire consequences
for one model, who left. (I actually spoke via telephone to Ruby for
about 2 hours on this matter and she had interviewed with a journalist
for the New Yorker or NY Times while in NYC. She claims that Sean
didn't assist her properly with her return flight as she had an
electronic ticket which she didn't have information to use. He was
angry because she had not plugged SG on MTV, as Courtney Love did all
of the talking, and declined to help her return home out of anger. She
had to find lodging through friends she met there. While he put them
up the first night at the W Hotel, after that she had to find her own
place. Someone else purchased her ticket home. She was "ghosted" from
SG for asking for help on her journal).

--SG panders to punk rock, when it's views are secretly the farthest
thing from the ideology of punk, and they've tried to "punk up" their
models in some sets by adding hair dye, chain jewelry, etc... to make
the models LOOK MORE PUNK

--The community that SG supports is a facade. The owner of SG detests
his community and has frequently expressed a desire to shut it down
and continue to profit from it

--Models have been threatened with having their imagery resold to
"sleazy sites" if they decide to leave or speak ill of the site, I've
heard from two top models.

--SG employs threats and fear to keep their models bound to them.

--SG has debatably given models money for drugs to perform onstage.

--SG has created different "rules" for different models, having
nothing to do with contractual situations, without pre-informing them
that they will have different rules to abide by, or risk being

--SG has falsified information to support or cover up many of their
outrageous acts

--SG attempts to discredit or silence anyone who opposes them, even
off of their site

--SG once claimed eventually they would turn the site over to the
models when it made money

--SG started by using women who were down on their luck at the grand
rate of $100 for 3 sets 2 videos, in one top models case. Many of
their earliest models were homeless, destitute, struggling exotic
dancers in Portland, possibly one was underage in sets still showing

--Models' accounts are being closed and sets archived if they pose for
another site. (Might I point out that they were told they COULD pose
for other sites as long as they didn't submit any pics that had been
accepted by SG. At least last I heard.)

--Some models are upset that their sets are being used for promotional
purposes without notification or permission.

--Models are unhappy with what compensation they're receiving for sets
and tour work.

--SG ownership has been censoring models' journal entries when they
say anything negative about the site or go against Sean's right-wing
political views.

--Bulresque tour models are uspet with the treatment they recieved
during the experience, some of it including verbal abuse from

--Models are overall with the general direction of the site, denying
models a chance to voice their opinions and participate in any
decision making.

--SG filed a pre-emptive lawsuit against a competing site that hadn't
even started up yet in an effort to intimidate them out of the

--SG is removing sets featuring bondage and gore in order to appease
the FBI's counter-productive campaign of attacking perfectly legal
pornography on the internet., I think that was another sore point for
SG, that this was outed, that they are saying the sets will be
restored, but yet they ask for everyone to blame George Bush in
removing photos that Sean went to the FBI himself and opened himself
up for review, when he jumped the gun,, on taking Chad Grant to court
for Federal Criminal Computer Hacking charges.

-If you know anybody in the media, please pass the following info
along and get it published anywhere and everywhere you can, esp. those
places that seem to have an interest in SG:

- we're going to make a request for your further support...we need
your help to continue speaking, before we can be silenced any further
about what we believe is critical. There is strength in numbers, and
safety too... The Internet might seem like a game to some, but to
others it is happening offline too.

Here is our humble request --

Please just cut and paste this message to interested groups and
individuals, as much as you possibly can, and send, send, send. if you
would like more contact information for other models email me
Bobo Bonobo®
2008-01-14 22:05:39 UTC
Post by YTR
("The fact that doing a shoot for
Suicide Girls makes you feel empowered doesn't mean that the audience
masturbating to your pictures is going to recognise you as any more of
a human being than if you had done a shoot for Hustler," observed one
Masturbate? Most of the young ladies are more oddities that hotties.
Post by YTR
"...despite their tattoos, hair coloring, and creative piercings, they
fall neatly within the confines of mainstream beauty standards.
Imagine giving the varsity cheerleading squad makeovers at Hot Topic,
and you wouldn't be too far off. Most of the models here (and on other
indie-porn sites, too) are thin, white, and traditionally beautiful.
Fat girls-hell, even average plump girls-aren't Suicide Girls, and
with only a couple of exceptions, neither are girls of color...there's
a certain kind of hypocrisy in a site that pats itself on the back for
being "different," yet seems to equate that only with being different
from others featuring blond Pamela Anderson manques."
Maybe it's changed in the past year or so, but few are beautiful, and
while I don't recall seeing outright fatties, very few of the girls
have the nice bodies you'd find in an issue of Barely Legal.
2008-01-10 12:10:57 UTC
This article is over two years old. Try something newer.
2008-01-12 15:02:22 UTC
On Wed, 09 Jan 2008 17:07:04 -0800, . wrote:

This is an old story from Oct 2005.
Brian (not wanting to be a messiah): "You are all individuals..."
Crowd (in unison): "We are all individuals..."
Monty Python's "Life Of Brian"