Heard Anything Good Lately?
(too old to reply)
2007-10-11 15:38:25 UTC
Let there be throbbing.
2007-10-11 19:28:50 UTC
Post by mimus
Let there be throbbing.
Yawn. I want to hear opinions on the best remixes of Haujobb tracks.
Converter's Penetration is quite fun, what others?

What acts have worn their influences on their sleeves so to speak and
still sound good? I liked the 5F_55 track 4a6f 4749 2054 4563 (JoGI
TEc in hexadecimel, huh?) and it was ripping off/into a Snog and
Skinny Puppy combo imho.

Question for anyone: What Synapscape track ends in a single high-
pitch tone drawn out over a few seconds. Its excruciatingly good and
I can't remember which track!

2007-10-11 21:31:02 UTC
Post by mimus
Let there be throbbing.
Oh I am wandering off-topic but wth:

Soman - Antique (proof mix) This samples Christopher Walken from the
horror flick Prophecy. When Walken delivers those lines its quite
over-rehearsed looking. Frankly, they are his most impassioned lines
and I find it interesting that the film still holds my interest for
those simple moments.

Skinny Puppy - Tin Omen This samples an Outer Limits episode and its
odd because we do not see the actress's lips moving, we're looking out
a window instead. The audio is odd for sounding like it was later
dubbed and inserted.

My point is that these samples underline a trivial but nonetheless odd
uniqueness to be found in the moments on film they come from. Cheers!
Girl <last name>
2007-10-15 23:17:42 UTC
Thee Majesty - Vitruvian Pan, bloomin' great stuff.
2007-10-16 16:31:37 UTC
Post by Girl <last name>
Thee Majesty - Vitruvian Pan, bloomin' great stuff.
HmmMMmm, Metropolis no carry Thee Majesty at all (hardly a definitive
test, I agree), but brainwashed.com calls it "spoken-word" and hardly
seems to suggest that it throbs:


AAMOF, that whole screed there made me go "Ick."

Music at least as much an emphasis as lyrics, please!
Let there be throbbing.