Taking the Plunge
(too old to reply)
2006-11-06 23:05:05 UTC
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.

Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?

Stay tuned!
Let there be throbbing.
2006-11-07 09:36:18 UTC
How did you like the first Ohgr album?
Post by mimus
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.
Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?
Stay tuned!
Let there be throbbing.
2006-11-07 19:40:31 UTC
Post by royalewitcheez
Post by mimus
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.
Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?
Stay tuned!
How did you like the first Ohgr album?
I've never heard any Ogre albums.

I have heard the first few _Download_ albums, and cherish _Stanley Pain_,
not to mention "Mothersonne" off the first one, but that's it for SP
Let there be throbbing.
David Stallard
2006-11-08 17:08:53 UTC
I haven't heard the 1st Ohgr album, but the 2nd Ohgr album is better than
Skinny Puppy's "Greater Wrong of the Right". They sound similar, but the
Puppy album isn't as dynamic or creative.
2006-11-22 02:07:19 UTC
Post by mimus
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.
Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?
Stay tuned!
I did not like it at first. We did have it on heavy rotation where I
worked at the time, and after a while, it grew on me. It seems to
happen to lots of Puppy releases with me. Dislike at first, give it
another chance, and like it. The Process is an exception. I have tried
many times to listen to it. Not for me.
Per - navian*comcast*net
mhm 24x23 icq: 6047688
2006-11-22 10:15:02 UTC
Post by Per
Post by mimus
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.
Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?
Stay tuned!
I did not like it at first. We did have it on heavy rotation where I
worked at the time, and after a while, it grew on me. It seems to
happen to lots of Puppy releases with me. Dislike at first, give it
another chance, and like it. The Process is an exception. I have tried
many times to listen to it. Not for me.
I've had it and been mulling over it for a coupla days.

The block "I'mmortal", "Goneja", "EmpTe" and "Use Less" (18:39) has only
minor flaws (guitar in the first, general cuteness with titles, and a
slight theistic reference in the last).

"Ghostman" is musically quite good, too, and might be inserted as the next
to last track in the above block, but its two major lyrical philosophical
planks, Randianism and _ignoramus et ignorabimus_, are terminally stupid,
not to mention mutually contradictory, all of which is irritating (just
lie back and think of electro-EBM, eh?).

But the main thing is there really doesn't seem to be any reason for the
album: It breaks no lyrical or musical ground, and I don't get any sense
of any artistic vision straining either lyric or music. It seems to me to
be multiply acquiescent, lyrically to recent world events, as filtered
through the world press, and interpreted in knee-jerk mass-liberal fashion
(for example, there's America-bashing but no Saudi/ Wahabbite/ al
Qaeda/ jihadist-bashing); technically-musically to the equipment; and
musically not to the old SP fans but to, er, maybe the club scene-- it
reminds me a little of Haujobb's NIN-style club-album _Polarity_, and the
cover art is fairly goth, all of which makes me think that even more.

And when I first listened to it, I was initially put off by the vocal
arrangements, which made me think SP'd gone Merseyside, or Ogre was
partway through a transsexual procedure . . . .

So maybe they just did it for cash.

I wonder if the resemblance of the vocal line in "Use Less" (a very good
song, other than the silly breaking up of the main concept and word of
the lyric, "useless", into two words in the title) to that of "Behind Blue
Eyes" is deliberate?
Let there be throbbing.
2006-11-22 13:16:24 UTC
Expect more silly/cute song titles on the next "Skinny Puppy" album,
along with a general lack of understanding why it is released under the
SP moniker.
From what I gather, this is the new direction that SP releases are
taking, though... ie. SP is basically an Ohgr side project, and anyone
could relate the two of them together, although not likely tell them
apart. (File under "Ohgr.")

At least the Process did something new and could stand on it's own as a
unique album... I will give it that. Process is much more interesting
than anything I've heard from the "Puppy" releases since then.
(Nothing has been done since then that makes me think the name
shouldn't have been left dead after that release.) Greater Wrong
sounds too much like Ohgr to stand on it's own feet, imo. That doesn't
make it a bad album, but I don't really consider it a SP album.

I have to deduct 25 points from your response since you admit to
knowing how the song "Behind Blue Eyes" goes, but otherwise, I agree
with you.
Post by Per
Post by mimus
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.
Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?
Stay tuned!
I did not like it at first. We did have it on heavy rotation where I
worked at the time, and after a while, it grew on me. It seems to
happen to lots of Puppy releases with me. Dislike at first, give it
another chance, and like it. The Process is an exception. I have tried
many times to listen to it. Not for me.
I've had it and been mulling over it for a coupla days.
The block "I'mmortal", "Goneja", "EmpTe" and "Use Less" (18:39) has only
minor flaws (guitar in the first, general cuteness with titles, and a
slight theistic reference in the last).
"Ghostman" is musically quite good, too, and might be inserted as the next
to last track in the above block, but its two major lyrical philosophical
planks, Randianism and _ignoramus et ignorabimus_, are terminally stupid,
not to mention mutually contradictory, all of which is irritating (just
lie back and think of electro-EBM, eh?).
But the main thing is there really doesn't seem to be any reason for the
album: It breaks no lyrical or musical ground, and I don't get any sense
of any artistic vision straining either lyric or music. It seems to me to
be multiply acquiescent, lyrically to recent world events, as filtered
through the world press, and interpreted in knee-jerk mass-liberal fashion
(for example, there's America-bashing but no Saudi/ Wahabbite/ al
Qaeda/ jihadist-bashing); technically-musically to the equipment; and
musically not to the old SP fans but to, er, maybe the club scene-- it
reminds me a little of Haujobb's NIN-style club-album _Polarity_, and the
cover art is fairly goth, all of which makes me think that even more.
And when I first listened to it, I was initially put off by the vocal
arrangements, which made me think SP'd gone Merseyside, or Ogre was
partway through a transsexual procedure . . . .
So maybe they just did it for cash.
I wonder if the resemblance of the vocal line in "Use Less" (a very good
song, other than the silly breaking up of the main concept and word of
the lyric, "useless", into two words in the title) to that of "Behind Blue
Eyes" is deliberate?
Let there be throbbing.
2006-11-22 13:52:18 UTC
Post by royalewitcheez
I have to deduct 25 points from your response since you admit to
knowing how the song "Behind Blue Eyes" goes
I had to look up who it was by, if that helps . . . .
Let there be throbbing.
2006-11-23 06:06:48 UTC
Don't worry about it... only a sacred few of us are truly innocent.
(I am one of those few, however.)
Post by mimus
Post by royalewitcheez
I have to deduct 25 points from your response since you admit to
knowing how the song "Behind Blue Eyes" goes
I had to look up who it was by, if that helps . . . .
Let there be throbbing.
2006-11-23 16:52:58 UTC
Post by royalewitcheez
Post by mimus
Post by royalewitcheez
I have to deduct 25 points from your response since you admit to
knowing how the song "Behind Blue Eyes" goes
I had to look up who it was by, if that helps . . . .
Don't worry about it... only a sacred few of us are truly innocent.
(I am one of those few, however.)

Try this:

Let there be throbbing.
2007-05-16 17:39:34 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by Per
Post by mimus
I just ordered a used copy of _The Greater Wrong of the Right_.
Will it drive me as crazy as _The Process_?
Stay tuned!
I did not like it at first. We did have it on heavy rotation where I
worked at the time, and after a while, it grew on me. It seems to
happen to lots of Puppy releases with me. Dislike at first, give it
another chance, and like it. The Process is an exception. I have tried
many times to listen to it. Not for me.
I've had it and been mulling over it for a coupla days.
The block "I'mmortal", "Goneja", "EmpTe" and "Use Less" (18:39) has only
minor flaws (guitar in the first, general cuteness with titles, and a
slight theistic reference in the last).
"Ghostman" is musically quite good, too, and might be inserted as the next
to last track in the above block, but its two major lyrical philosophical
planks, Randianism and _ignoramus et ignorabimus_, are terminally stupid,
not to mention mutually contradictory, all of which is irritating (just
lie back and think of electro-EBM, eh?).
But the main thing is there really doesn't seem to be any reason for the
album: It breaks no lyrical or musical ground, and I don't get any sense
of any artistic vision straining either lyric or music. It seems to me to
be multiply acquiescent, lyrically to recent world events, as filtered
through the world press, and interpreted in knee-jerk mass-liberal fashion
(for example, there's America-bashing but no Saudi/ Wahabbite/ al
Qaeda/ jihadist-bashing); technically-musically to the equipment; and
musically not to the old SP fans but to, er, maybe the club scene-- it
reminds me a little of Haujobb's NIN-style club-album _Polarity_, and the
cover art is fairly goth, all of which makes me think that even more.
And when I first listened to it, I was initially put off by the vocal
arrangements, which made me think SP'd gone Merseyside, or Ogre was
partway through a transsexual procedure . . . .
So maybe they just did it for cash.
I wonder if the resemblance of the vocal line in "Use Less" (a very good
song, other than the silly breaking up of the main concept and word of
the lyric, "useless", into two words in the title) to that of "Behind Blue
Eyes" is deliberate?
O . . . K . . . .

It's _ninetynine_ all over again, I guess (not to mention _Pulse_, where I
think I've identified the problem as "too much music") . . . .

I just rolled the long _TGWotR_ sequence referred to above (including
"Ghostman" next to last) for the first time in months and was completely

"Use Less" in particular is ruthless.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpissima . . . .


(It _is_ a club album.)
Let there be throbbing.