New Metropolis Releases
(too old to reply)
2008-05-10 04:58:55 UTC
Most of the time you open a shipment from Metropolis, a handful of inserts
falls out, some of them rum indeed.

I have a recent one here that has two interesting announcements, one on
the front and one on the back, if anyone's still alive that's into
industrial or thereabouts:

First, a new Wumpscut, _Schadling_, billed with words like "ferocity" and

I haven't had the nerve yet to try the next one after _Embryodead_, so
could use some input here.

Also, from the "I thought they were all dead or something" department,
Meat Beat Manifesto has released their tenth album, _Autoimmune_.

Not a fan of theirs, but someone somewhere surely is.

Is this thing on?
Let there be deeply reverberant throbbing.
2008-05-10 15:49:32 UTC
On Sat, 10 May 2008 00:58:55 -0400, mimus <***@hotmail.com> wrote:
|First, a new Wumpscut, _Schadling_, billed with words like "ferocity" and
|"searing". ^
I'm just guessing that here | needs to be an umlaut because Schädling is
a German word that makes sense. If you don't have the umlaut ä on your
keyboard you should substitute it with ae, then it would be Schaedling.

|I haven't had the nerve yet to try the next one after _Embryodead_, so
|could use some input here.

It was a pleasure to help.

|Also, from the "I thought they were all dead or something" department,
|Meat Beat Manifesto has released their tenth album, _Autoimmune_.

The tenth already? I only have six, including a compilation of EPs or
singles. Does that count as an album here?

|Not a fan of theirs, but someone somewhere surely is.


|Is this thing on?

Dunno, looks pretty dead to me. Not much going on.


NP: The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-la-la Band
"Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward"
_ __ ___ _ __ ___ \\|||//
| | / \ / _/| |/ /| _| / @ @ \
| |__| || || |_ | \ | _| (| \ |)
|____|\__/ \__\|_|\_\|___| \__=__/
| |
2008-05-10 19:18:39 UTC
Post by Locke
|First, a new Wumpscut, _Schadling_, billed with words like "ferocity"
|and "searing". ^
I'm just guessing that here | needs to be an umlaut because Schädling
is a German word that makes sense.

Then interpret it that way.

(There are no puns or synonyms or variant spellings in German? especially
digital German?)
Post by Locke
If you don't have the umlaut ä on
your keyboard you should substitute it with ae, then it would be
Just didn't notice the umlaut or wotever, actually-- I'm familiar with,
eg, Schoenberg versus the umlauted Schonberg.

WTF does "Schaedling" _mean_?
Post by Locke
|I haven't had the nerve yet to try the next one after _Embryodead_, so
|could use some input here.
It was a pleasure to help.
|Also, from the "I thought they were all dead or something" department,
|Meat Beat Manifesto has released their tenth album, _Autoimmune_.
The tenth already? I only have six, including a compilation of EPs or
singles. Does that count as an album here?
|Not a fan of theirs, but someone somewhere surely is.
|Is this thing on?
Dunno, looks pretty dead to me. Not much going on.
Eh, well, I've got some more old Snog and Die Form blocks to toss in,
although I'm still waiting on DF's _InHuman_ . . . .

I'm highly impressed by M. Fichot's musical expertise, although the lyrics
and theme (both apparent, especially since the lyrics aren't included) of
_Suspiria de Profundis_ (eg some treatment of the more disgusting and
mindless and self-righteous Christian hemomania, with no hint of a
critical approach that I can _hear_) have put me off so much I haven't
really been able to put a block together for that one:

The actual lyrics might have some saving grace of some idea of what "the
sufferings of the saints" was all about-- people desperately trying to
resist the Christian bloodbaths-- especially in comparison to what the
Christians dealt out, in quantity, and sustainedly, for centuries and

Oh, well, new compleat electro-industrial/electro-EBM block-list soon!

<sound of my own bated breath, at least>
Let there be throbbing until the heavens fall.
2008-05-12 17:00:12 UTC
Post by mimus
Also, from the "I thought they were all dead or something" department,
Meat Beat Manifesto has released their tenth album, _Autoimmune_.
They just played around here (Boston) recently. A friend of mine
told me they were playing, and I was taken aback that they were still
around and said "hell yeah i'll go!" (I enjoyed their first two
albums). Then I started thinking that if he liked them that perhaps they'd
changed *a lot* since their first 2 albums and went to investigate ...

after investigation I did not go.
2008-05-12 17:46:43 UTC
Post by mimus
Also, from the "I thought they were all dead or something" department,
Meat Beat Manifesto has released their tenth album, _Autoimmune_.
They just played around here (Boston) recently. A friend of mine told
me they were playing, and I was taken aback that they were still around
and said "hell yeah i'll go!" (I enjoyed their first two albums). Then
I started thinking that if he liked them that perhaps they'd changed *a
lot* since their first 2 albums and went to investigate ...
after investigation I did not go.
What dark secret did your investigation uncover? or was it too painful to
even mention?
Let there be throbbing.
2008-05-15 19:57:51 UTC
Post by mimus
What dark secret did your investigation uncover? or was it too painful to
even mention?
I just wasn't so keen on their newer stuff.
2008-05-17 04:41:12 UTC
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by mimus
What dark secret did your investigation uncover? or was it too painful
to even mention?
I just wasn't so keen on their newer stuff.

Does that mean they've become more polished and complex while still being

I've pretty much decided that everybody else's taste that posts here (ever
so occasionally) sucks.
Let there be in each piece the whole throbbing world in balance.
2008-05-19 00:31:25 UTC
Post by mimus
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by mimus
What dark secret did your investigation uncover? or was it too painful
to even mention?
I just wasn't so keen on their newer stuff.
Does that mean they've become more polished and complex while still being
I've pretty much decided that everybody else's taste that posts here (ever
so occasionally) sucks.
Damn. Not a fish in the lake.
Let there be a moment of slow respectful throbbing.
2008-05-21 14:53:56 UTC
Post by mimus
Does that mean they've become more polished and complex while still being
A lot more polished, complex? I don't know that I would say that. My
brief gander through iTunes showed them to be a lot more techno-y. It
might have been a sampling problem on my end (listening to snippets of
"the wrong songs"), but it certainly was no Armed Audio Warfare for me
(which I really like, particularly the noise section towards the end)