Reanimating RMI
(too old to reply)
Suit C.
2004-10-19 17:32:13 UTC
Can Rec.Music.Industrial be reanimated in the same way John Kerry was
in the movie adaptation of HP Lovecraft's Re-Animator? Is RMI's
silence largely a result of Republican oppression and/or Fox News
spin-control? What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?
Francois Labreque
2004-10-20 13:25:18 UTC
Post by Suit C.
What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?
Since 5 of the six regular posters to RMI nowadays already do not live in the
US, I think we can safely assume that the result of your country's elections
will not have a great impact on our location.
Francois Labreque | The surest sign of the existence of extra-
flabreque | terrestrial intelligence is that they never
@ | bothered to come down here and visit us!
videotron.ca | - Calvin
2004-10-20 14:17:55 UTC
Post by Francois Labreque
Post by Suit C.
What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?
Since 5 of the six regular posters to RMI nowadays already do not
live in the US, I think we can safely assume that the result of your
country's elections will not have a great impact on our location.
Unless you're being declared a rogue state and invaded by the US.

listening to Diamanda Galas
"Suavia musae... me delectant, me deiciunt, me consolantur."
Es liegt der steinige Boden geschändet und tot im Sonnenschein.
Girl <last name>
2004-10-21 21:30:11 UTC
Post by Francois Labreque
Post by Suit C.
What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?
Since 5 of the six regular posters to RMI nowadays already do not live in the
US, I think we can safely assume that the result of your country's elections
will not have a great impact on our location.
Hmmm, Afghanistan - far away and really difficult, Iraq - far away and really
difficult, Canada - hmmmm :)

2004-10-22 04:06:43 UTC
Post by Girl <last name>
Hmmm, Afghanistan - far away and really difficult, Iraq - far away and really
difficult, Canada - hmmmm :)
You so much as fart in our general direction, & were cancelling your
water... > )

Yrs, &c. Lech
To mail me, take out the trash.
Girl <last name>
2004-10-22 18:41:33 UTC
Post by Lech
Post by Girl <last name>
Hmmm, Afghanistan - far away and really difficult, Iraq - far away and really
difficult, Canada - hmmmm :)
You so much as fart in our general direction, & were cancelling your
water... > )
I don't think I'd notice, me being an Irishman in London and all that :)

2004-10-23 05:27:41 UTC
Post by Girl <last name>
I don't think I'd notice, me being an Irishman in London and all that :)
Hmm... well with merchandise exports worth $5.7 billion & C$40.7 billion in
direct investments going your way we'll surely think of something else. I
know! No more FLA CDs, buddy! : p

Yrs, &c. Lech
To mail me, take out the trash.
Girl <last name>
2004-10-24 16:00:04 UTC
Post by Lech
Post by Girl <last name>
I don't think I'd notice, me being an Irishman in London and all that :)
Hmm... well with merchandise exports worth $5.7 billion & C$40.7 billion in
direct investments going your way we'll surely think of something else. I
know! No more FLA CDs, buddy! : p
Arrgghh, no!!! Oh, hang on, I'm not a big FLA fan, phew!

Girl (feeling safe as houses).
2004-10-20 17:21:54 UTC
Post by Suit C.
Can Rec.Music.Industrial be reanimated in the same way John Kerry was
in the movie adaptation of HP Lovecraft's Re-Animator? Is RMI's
silence largely a result of Republican oppression and/or Fox News
spin-control? What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?
HAHHAHAHAAHA!!! Suit I thought I was the only one who caught
that!, Kerry does loo just like the professor who gets his head cut
off. I don't know id the RMI will really ever be what it once was,
there's gotta be some new blood to take over and run this ship. Go
check out DarkSonus.com, That's the new RMI! and they are actually
NICE to one another over there.

NP: BackAndToTheLeft "Obsolete"
Don Muerte
2004-10-21 05:31:26 UTC
Those people at DarkSonus are fucking idiots. I hate their god damned guts.
They should stop being ignorant and realize that they need to slit their own

</bitter RMI flame/troll>

Don Muerte
Post by Armitage-VI
Post by Suit C.
Can Rec.Music.Industrial be reanimated in the same way John Kerry was
in the movie adaptation of HP Lovecraft's Re-Animator? Is RMI's
silence largely a result of Republican oppression and/or Fox News
spin-control? What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?
HAHHAHAHAAHA!!! Suit I thought I was the only one who caught
that!, Kerry does loo just like the professor who gets his head cut
off. I don't know id the RMI will really ever be what it once was,
there's gotta be some new blood to take over and run this ship. Go
check out DarkSonus.com, That's the new RMI! and they are actually
NICE to one another over there.
NP: BackAndToTheLeft "Obsolete"
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2004-10-21 13:24:09 UTC
"Don Muerte" <***@tubhost.com> wrote in message news:<b8GdnVcrl54m1OrcRVn-***@speakeasy.net>...


Dear Don,

TOFU is for eating, not for posting.

"Colourless green ideas sleep furiously."
Robb C
2004-10-28 17:23:56 UTC
Post by Armitage-VI
check out DarkSonus.com, That's the new RMI!
The "dark" image repells me as I have never viewed industrial as a
necessarily "dark" genre. Certainly not "light" either but more
neutral/intellectual. A white screen with text on it is much more my
style than black/skulls/death/blah blah blah.

Also, I hate the interface of web forums. Usenet is much better.
Whatever happened to logging on for the day, checking out the latest
100 or so messages, marking them read and forgetting about them?
Having to click into and out of each thread and scroll through
months-old messages that will never, ever go away just is not
conducive to a conversational feel, IMO.

Anyway, this is all theoretical, since the main reason I won't be
participating much in any "industrial" forum any time soon is that
less than 10% of my music listening time now goes to any genre
remotely related to "industrial".
2004-10-29 11:25:50 UTC
Post by Robb C
A white screen with text on it is much more my
style than black/skulls/death/blah blah blah.
I completely agree with this statement.
2004-10-29 12:13:03 UTC
I'd like to quote Keef ...
|> A white screen with text on it is much more my
|> style than black/skulls/death/blah blah blah.
|I completely agree with this statement.

So do I ... a white screen with text is much more Robb's style than
black/skulls/death/blah blah blah.

Personally I rather prefer the blahs (but without any skulls).


NP: Dokaka some mp3s
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| |__| || || |_ | \ | _| (| \ |)
|____|\__/ \__\|_|\_\|___| \__=__/
| |
Todd Tamanend Clark
2004-10-21 16:14:09 UTC
Post by Suit C.
Can Rec.Music.Industrial be reanimated in the same way John Kerry
was in the movie adaptation of HP Lovecraft's Re-Animator?
Probably not.
Post by Suit C.
Is RMI's silence largely a result of Republican oppression and/or
Fox News spin-control?

But alt.fan.william-burroughs, alt.music.ministry, alt.music.nin,
alt.music.rage-machine, and alt.music.skinny-puppy have all been
very quiet lately, and posting is sparse on alt.music.marilyn-manson
and alt.music.the-doors.

However, for some mysterious reason, alt.fan.frank-zappa is as
lively and demented as ever. Go figure.
Post by Suit C.
What country will RMI move to if Bush is re-elected?

- - - -
Poet/Composer/Multi-Instrumentalist/Cultural Historian
Endorsement Artist For Moog Synthesizers
The Monongahela River, Turtle Island

- - - -
"Today's political climate does not allow for the luxury of apathy."
- - Trent Reznor
2004-10-29 19:31:13 UTC
Hey I agree about Industrial not having to be Dark or anything, it's
wierd because DarkSonus is ANYTHING but dark, we mainly talk about
industrial music, gear, movis and Video games. Most of the people who
are regulars are not even of the Goth Variety, Rivetheads ARE NOT
Goths, that's like saying an electronic experimentalist is like a
2004-10-30 11:05:42 UTC
Rivetheads ARE NOT Goths, that's like saying an electronic experimentalist is > like a raver.
Fine. So that's why rivetheads always attend goth clubs and have been
classified as part of the goth subculture since the very beginning?

The least they could do would be to have actual rivets on their heads.
Don Muerte
2004-10-30 21:21:09 UTC
Post by ...
Rivetheads ARE NOT Goths, that's like saying an electronic
experimentalist is > like a raver.
Post by ...
Fine. So that's why rivetheads always attend goth clubs and have been
classified as part of the goth subculture since the very beginning?
The least they could do would be to have actual rivets on their heads.
Or just be dead. Hopefully not living dead, though.
Don Muerte

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