On First Listening to Android Lust's _The Dividing_
(too old to reply)
2006-06-23 16:44:56 UTC
With the possible exceptions of the first and third tracks of this
release, which failed to hold cursory interest on first review
(which is ironic in that the first, "Division", might be considered the
title track, but which would by no means be the first time a title track
has been a relatively weak entry in a strong release), this is a gorgeous
album, musically, lyrically and vocally, with real dance-floor power.

By the end of track 8, "Another Void", I was already beginning to laugh
a little over this tidal wave of exactly what you'd hope for from our
little tattooed Bangladeshi goddess of refuse and rage, when track 9,
"Fall to Fragments", which is on first listening and quick repeat
afterward the little gem of the collection, hit me squarely between the
ears (but at only 3:41, we definitely need an extended dance remix of this

And after that, there were only the two relatively short tracks, the
blasting and swirling "Sex and Mutilation" (which is a "Big Bang" song,
along the lines of Bigod 20's track of and on their first release both of
that name, as well as "Kreutsch" on the same album, and the relatively
polished "Trivial" off Haujobb's _Freeze Frame Reality_, and the
ultimately powerful "Knowhere" off Skinny Puppy's _Last Rights_, and . . .
) and the quiet "Burn".

I haven't reblocked the album yet, but I imagine that any eventual block
will begin with "Unbeliever" and end with "Sex and Mutilation" followed by
"Fall to Fragments", and, maybe, and why the Hell not? "Burn" <mumble> . . . .

Track 2, "Kingdom of One", smacks of cyberpunk, and utilizes a neat
solution to the usual cyber/punk problem of brevity by repeating the whole
thing, only louder and faster and with a little tweaking at beginning and
end (headbangers take notice).

If the other three full titles that she's released since her first
album, _Resolution_, are of this quality or better, then my election here
of Shikhee after _Resolution_ to goddess must surely be revealed as

And since female electro/EBM vocalists, not to mention composers, are
rare, all you DJs need to grab her and hold her tight.

Android Lust/The Dividing (2002) (Synthellec Music)

Let there be throbbing.
2006-06-23 20:54:11 UTC
Post by mimus
With the possible exceptions of the first and third tracks of this
release, which failed to hold cursory interest on first review
(which is ironic in that the first, "Division", might be considered the
title track, but which would by no means be the first time a title track
has been a relatively weak entry in a strong release), this is a gorgeous
album, musically, lyrically and vocally, with real dance-floor power.
By the end of track 8, "Another Void", I was already beginning to laugh
a little over this tidal wave of exactly what you'd hope for from our
little tattooed Bangladeshi goddess of refuse and rage, when track 9,
"Fall to Fragments", which is on first listening and quick repeat
afterward the little gem of the collection, hit me squarely between the
ears (but at only 3:41, we definitely need an extended dance remix of this
And after that, there were only the two relatively short tracks, the
blasting and swirling "Sex and Mutilation" (which is a "Big Bang" song,
along the lines of Bigod 20's track of and on their first release both of
that name, as well as "Kreutsch" on the same album, and the relatively
polished "Trivial" off Haujobb's _Freeze Frame Reality_, and the
ultimately powerful "Knowhere" off Skinny Puppy's _Last Rights_, and . . .
) and the quiet "Burn".
I haven't reblocked the album yet, but I imagine that any eventual block
will begin with "Unbeliever" and end with "Sex and Mutilation" followed by
"Fall to Fragments", and, maybe, and why the Hell not? "Burn" <mumble> . . . .
Track 2, "Kingdom of One", smacks of cyberpunk, and utilizes a neat
solution to the usual cyber/punk problem of brevity by repeating the whole
thing, only louder and faster and with a little tweaking at beginning and
end (headbangers take notice).
If the other three full titles that she's released since her first
album, _Resolution_, are of this quality or better, then my election here
of Shikhee after _Resolution_ to goddess must surely be revealed as
And since female electro/EBM vocalists, not to mention composers, are
rare, all you DJs need to grab her and hold her tight.
Android Lust/The Dividing (2002) (Synthellec Music)
Android Lust/ The Dividing (2002)(Synthellec Music)/ "Unbeliever",
"Follow", "Stained", "The Want", "Kingdom of One", "Sex and Mutilation",
"Burn" and "Fall to Fragments" (31:40)

Let there be throbbing.