I don't think kids these days ought to be listening to Christian music.
(too old to reply)
The Abrasive Sponge
2005-11-16 21:37:08 UTC
That teen, Ludwig, that wiped out the little girl's parents in
Pennsylvania was totally into Christian music. Can you believe that?
That shit will rot your brain and turn you into a child-molester and a
psycho killer. These kids probably sat around and did some God worship
and talked about that non-science called "intelligent design" too.
This Christian music needs be outlawed, because it is an affront to
anything that is good and decent in America today. Something else,
this shit wouldn't have happened if Ludwig had some Ozzy, AC/DC, or
some hard driving industrial music like Skinny Puppy, Ministry, or
KMFDM to listen to.

---from CNN.com------
Each had a Web site. Borden's talked about attending prayer groups and
her interest in soccer and baby-sitting.

On his site, Ludwig quoted lyrics from a Christian rock band and
discussed his affinity for computers and volleyball. He worked as a
lifeguard and at an electronics store during the summer.

2005-11-17 11:25:15 UTC
On 16 Nov 2005 13:37:08 -0800, "The Abrasive Sponge"
Post by The Abrasive Sponge
That teen, Ludwig, that wiped out the little girl's parents in
Pennsylvania was totally into Christian music. Can you believe that?
That shit will rot your brain and turn you into a child-molester and a
psycho killer. These kids probably sat around and did some God worship
and talked about that non-science called "intelligent design" too.
This Christian music needs be outlawed, because it is an affront to
anything that is good and decent in America today. Something else,
this shit wouldn't have happened if Ludwig had some Ozzy, AC/DC, or
some hard driving industrial music like Skinny Puppy, Ministry, or
KMFDM to listen to.
---from CNN.com------
Each had a Web site. Borden's talked about attending prayer groups and
her interest in soccer and baby-sitting.
On his site, Ludwig quoted lyrics from a Christian rock band and
discussed his affinity for computers and volleyball. He worked as a
lifeguard and at an electronics store during the summer.
DJ Bat
2005-11-20 00:20:35 UTC
Post by The Abrasive Sponge
That teen, Ludwig, that wiped out the little girl's parents in
Pennsylvania was totally into Christian music. Can you believe that?
That shit will rot your brain and turn you into a child-molester and a
psycho killer. These kids probably sat around and did some God worship
and talked about that non-science called "intelligent design" too.
This Christian music needs be outlawed, because it is an affront to
anything that is good and decent in America today. Something else,
this shit wouldn't have happened if Ludwig had some Ozzy, AC/DC, or
some hard driving industrial music like Skinny Puppy, Ministry, or
KMFDM to listen to.
---from CNN.com------
Each had a Web site. Borden's talked about attending prayer groups and
her interest in soccer and baby-sitting.
On his site, Ludwig quoted lyrics from a Christian rock band and
discussed his affinity for computers and volleyball. He worked as a
lifeguard and at an electronics store during the summer.

