*[PREDATOR PATRICK SULLIVAN] Re: Very depressed and obsessed with suicide
(too old to reply)
Magnus Pym
2003-12-29 22:59:30 UTC
Former Oakalla Prisoner Number 283163 Patrick Michael Sullivan, the cyberstalking
scumbag gutlessly hiding behind "Captain Kearsley" babbled in
This is Usenet and ANYTHING can happen here.
And you frequently make ANYTHING [sic] happen, don't you, Patrick?

Why don't you tell usenet about your times trolling and stalking posters on Canadian
newsgroups including van.general and can.general, with your pal, Barbara Amaro?

Gonna repost some flames I've made to fuckwit trolls like you to "defend"
yourself, Patrick?

Why don't you tell ash how you've used over 20 names and nicks on ash and
pretended to be different people, to stalk and abuse depressed and suicidal people?

Why have you morphed *again*, Ping Mail inbox? Or should I say: "ASH Monstermash"? "Francis
Begbie"? Or who are you in your fucked up little mind today? Who are you stalking
today, Patrick? Are you Mamma Tolsma <***@aol.com> today? No? Why not, Patrick?

I don't need to morph. See? Here I am, using the same usenet access I have used for years --
using the same ISP and the same working email address I have had for years -- despite
your pathetic efforts to spam bomb the email addy and your pathetic attempts to LART
my providers -- who dismissed your claims for the frivolous shit they are.

No, Patrick; I don't cower behind anonymous remailers and proxify.com like your scumbag
partner in crime, the so called "Ted Smith", does... Or your pal, Brad Jesness.

See, I have a copy of the email your fellow predator, Cori Wasserman, sent to Jesness.
Hmmm! Some pretty libelous bullshit there, Patrick!

I also have spoken to some of the lists you forged subscribed me to, Patrick.
By spam bombing me, you thought that I wouldn't get that email from a Crown
Coroner in England about the death of Chris? Well, I did.

I got that email, all right. Seems Douglas Wiser's postings were handed by the Coroner to
the CID.

You pal, Douglas Wiser: a subject of police investigation, related to the death of an ash
poster. Well, well, well. It puts all that UK media activity and the search for predators
in ash in a new light...

Predators like you, Patrick. Predators like your pal, Cori Wasserman.
Predators like your pal Louis the wannabe pimp. Just like you, and
your "Bud", Wiser. Oh? He's not your pal anymore? Awww! LOL! Well, seems you and
the other scum have yourselves to blame for committing crimes to support that predator,

Care to libel Karin Spaink again about Chris' death, Patrick Michael Sullivan?

Gonna libel me and say I "abuse women" -- with the flames I've directed at
deadshit predators like you, Patrick?

Better still, Patrick: tell ash how you stalked the ash poster "robin" by
crossposting her joke about dog recipes into a whole lot of unrelated newsgroups,
and followed it up on NANAU with one of your whiny, lunatic rants.

Tell everyone how you emailed that woman with traceroutes and pings, and threated to
have her account pulled if she didn't accept your "peace offering".

Tell everyone all about how you and the predators got together to post Grace's name
and her obsolete address to get at me, you shitbag stalker.

Tell ash all about why you wanted to meet a usenet poster on the corner of Hemlock and
Broadway at 3:00 PM on August 20, 2003, Mamma Tolsma <***@aol.com>

*Another* nick of yours, eh, you psychotic stalker?

Tell ash how you stalked Canadian people in rec.music.industrial and van.general, Patrick:

Patrick, why don't you tell AUK have you swallowed the lies of renowned kook and stalker
Brad Jesness, then spammed this crap to sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other places?

Patrick: why don't you admit to AUK about your crawling to Just Taylor under your
"Ping Mail Inbox" persona?

Or, are you going to email threats to other posters again, demanding they send you
personal info about others?

Small wonder, then, you wanted *me* out of the way, eh, Patrick, you stalking,
abusive shitbag? Didn't want your dirty past being exposed, do you?
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"
Salvor Hardin, "Foundation" (Isaac Asimov)

"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Jesus Christ, "The Bible" -- Matthew 10:45 (various)

"We came to wreck everything... and ruin your life. God sent us."
Sonny Jim, "Romper Stomper" (Geoffrey Wright)
2003-12-30 03:52:25 UTC
Post by Magnus Pym
Former Oakalla Prisoner Number 283163 Patrick Michael Sullivan, the cyberstalking
please stop
2003-12-30 15:45:41 UTC
Seeing as this is Canada, ALL federal inmates numbers have a letter at the
end of there FPS number, there was another number before the FPS number came
into effect, but most were for the institution they were in and it was
likely something to 1674, then again if this number was 283163 maybe was in
the province jails system, and then that number no one would know about or
even care.
So this guy maybe some kind of ped, but that number is bull shit.
Post by LuXx
Post by Magnus Pym
Former Oakalla Prisoner Number 283163 Patrick Michael Sullivan, the cyberstalking
please stop
Hedges Sofa #1
2003-12-30 08:31:20 UTC
Post by Magnus Pym
Former Oakalla Prisoner Number 283163 Patrick Michael Sullivan, the cyberstalking
scumbag gutlessly hiding behind "Captain Kearsley" babbled in
This is Usenet and ANYTHING can happen here.
And you frequently make ANYTHING [sic] happen, don't you, Patrick?
No, that's YOUR department, pygmy, ol' boy ;)
Post by Magnus Pym
Why don't you tell usenet about your times trolling and stalking posters on Canadian
newsgroups including van.general and can.general, with your pal, Barbara Amaro?
Babs! Yeah!! Lots of energy and a great scrapper! Kinda reminds me
of Sugar Britches, bless her heart :)
Post by Magnus Pym
Gonna repost some flames I've made to fuckwit trolls like you to "defend"
yourself, Patrick?
Oh, Goodie! :)
Post by Magnus Pym
Why don't you tell ash how you've used over 20 names and nicks on ash and
pretended to be different people, to stalk and abuse depressed and suicidal people?
Why have you morphed *again*, Ping Mail inbox? Or should I say: "ASH Monstermash"? "Francis
Begbie"? Or who are you in your fucked up little mind today? Who are you stalking
But are you sure they were all me? I mean, are you really sure? Or
are you just guessing, again?
Post by Magnus Pym
I don't need to morph. See? Here I am, using the same usenet[sic] access I have used for years -
LOL!!! Bull shit....
Post by Magnus Pym
using the same ISP and the same working email address I have had for years -- despite
your pathetic efforts to spam bomb the email addy and your pathetic attempts to LART
my providers -- who dismissed your claims for the frivolous shit they are.
OK, now... Tell me when I spammed bombed you? Complain? Yes I did,
as did you of me. Fair is fair, correct?
Post by Magnus Pym
No, Patrick; I don't cower behind anonymous remailers and proxify.com like your scumbag
partner in crime, the so called "Ted Smith", does... Or your pal, Brad Jesness.
Brad, I don't know. But Ted Smith! Woo Hoo!! Another great Usenet
fighter and a close friend of mine. Vietnam vet and a kick ass kinda
guy. I like that. I should drop him an email...
Post by Magnus Pym
See, I have a copy of the email your fellow predator, Cori Wasserman, sent to Jesness.
Hmmm! Some pretty libelous bullshit there, Patrick!
How do you know it was CW who sent it? You just guessing - again?
Post by Magnus Pym
I also have spoken to some of the lists you forged subscribed me to, Patrick.
By spam bombing me, you thought that I wouldn't get that email from a Crown
Coroner in England about the death of Chris? Well, I did.
LOL!! What the FUCK are you yammering about, now? I have not a CLUE
as to what you are dreaming about. Like I said, you need to put on
that TIN FOIL HAT, Bobby - wow-wee!! Out there, I tell ya!...
Post by Magnus Pym
I got that email, all right. Seems Douglas Wiser's postings were handed by the Coroner to
the CID.
Post by Magnus Pym
You pal, Douglas Wiser: a subject of police investigation, related to the death of an ash
poster. Well, well, well. It puts all that UK media activity and the search for predators
in ash in a new light...
You mean those FLAME WARS TEXTS that you sent off?
Post by Magnus Pym
Predators like you, Patrick. Predators like your pal, Cori Wasserman.
Predators like your pal Louis the wannabe pimp. Just like you, and
your "Bud", Wiser. Oh? He's not your pal anymore? Awww! LOL! Well, seems you and
the other scum have yourselves to blame for committing crimes to support that predator,
I don't blame myself for anything, Bob. I have a clear conscience.
Do you? And that is quite the conspiracy theory you have once again
put together... Talk about PARANOIA...
Post by Magnus Pym
Care to libel Karin Spaink again about Chris' death, Patrick Michael Sullivan?
Tell Karin Spaink she can blow it out her shorts. How's that? And if
that's not good enough for you all, then come and see me personally.
As far as I am concerned, you are all a buncha Usenet buffoons and you
all deserve each other. All peas on a pod, with one goal in mind,
something that sickens me...
Post by Magnus Pym
Gonna libel me and say I "abuse women" -- with the flames I've directed at
deadshit predators like you, Patrick?
Your posting history clearly shows you are a obsessed NETKOOK who is
out of control, Bob. A real FRUIT CAKE and a visible village idiot.
Post by Magnus Pym
Better still, Patrick: tell ash how you stalked the ash poster "robin" by
crossposting her joke about dog recipes into a whole lot of unrelated newsgroups,
and followed it up on NANAU with one of your whiny, lunatic rants.
Maybe Robin would like to explain how she can state she is an animal
lover, yet she also claims that eating PUPPIES makes her "happy". She
also stated that she would eat dog - yum, yum... And you can tell
FART FACE I said she can blow it out her shorts, too. She's just a
twerp, in my opinion. And she has pissed off MANY posters on ASH for
no reason and she also had one of my hotmail addys hosed for reasons
that were not her own, you fucking drunken loser...
Post by Magnus Pym
Tell everyone how you emailed that woman with traceroutes and pings, and threated to
have her account pulled if she didn't accept your "peace offering".
You tell me, show me when I ever did that, you drunk... And this FART
FACE threatened another ASH poster with PHYSICAL VIOLENCE with a KNIFE
or another sharp weapon. She is also a k00k...like you...
Post by Magnus Pym
Tell everyone all about how you and the predators got together to post Grace's name
and her obsolete address to get at me, you shitbag stalker.
This have ZIP ALL to do with me, as I have stated before. In my
opinion, it was YOU who did this, because you thought that I was going
to take Grace away from you. And in your sick'0 mind, you probably
believed I was going to meet with her, didn't you? So, you freaked
out and posted her old snail-mail addy on ASH and then came running
back, looking like the HERO who was going to save the day and her from
BIG BAD OL' Sofa #1, right? Right...
Post by Magnus Pym
Tell ash all about why you wanted to meet a usenet poster on the corner of Hemlock and
*Another* nick of yours, eh, you psychotic stalker?
And you brought that NUTCASE here ASH with your CP to van.general. If
you think you have had many aliases, wait till you see this guys.
That idiot you mentioned about has, like you, exposed the names of VG
posters and stated that VG posters were pedaling in SMUT. One fella
that posted using his real name was labeled in such a way and driven
off of VG by this dufus. His name and all the untrue hatred that was
attached to it still stands today.
Post by Magnus Pym
Looks like more of a flame war, similar to the one between you and I,
as a matter of fact. But you are not very good at these kinda flames
wars, Bob. You flake out too soon.
Post by Magnus Pym
Patrick, why don't you tell AUK have you swallowed the lies of renowned kook and stalker
Brad Jesness, then spammed this crap to sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other places?
Um...excuse me, dufus, but you have been x-posting all over the world
with this shit tonight, huh? Are you, like, duh?..
Post by Magnus Pym
Patrick: why don't you admit to AUK about your crawling to Just Taylor under your
"Ping Mail Inbox" persona?
I don't crawl, Bob. Taylor was fun to play with. You never saw my
spamford wallace nym? You must had been drunk that week, Bob...
Post by Magnus Pym
Or, are you going to email threats to other posters again, demanding they send you
personal info about others?
Tell your club of fucking losers and scumbags like Robin, LuXx, Sandra
and a whole host of other ZEROS to stay out of my inbox. They are all
fuck-heads, just like you. You really think that I didn't know you
sent Sandra into my inbox, Bob? You know she still often talks with
DW, dont'cha? ;)
Post by Magnus Pym
Small wonder, then, you wanted *me* out of the way, eh, Patrick, you stalking,
abusive shitbag? Didn't want your dirty past being exposed, do you?
OOooooo... Yew made me cry again...boo-hoo... Bob, I don't have
ANYTHING to hide. Long before you came back, I had up a website with
pics and my tele # on it. Unlike you, I ain't NO COWARD, my friend...

Here's lookin' at'cha, kid...hehehe....

BTW, would it bother you if I posted your picture on a yahoo site?
Would that be OK with you? Just curious...
Hedges Sofa #1
2003-12-30 20:28:20 UTC
Cyber Stalker and Netkook Bob Griffin aka [MAGNUS PYM] of Sydney
Australia says: "I intend to SUE YOUR FUCKING FAT ARSE OFF for that!"

The person BOB GRIFFIN intends on suing is a young female who has many
health concerns. And this young female has been harassed by Bob
Griffin for the last ONE YEAR. Last night, BOB GRIFFIN posted this
females name, address and telephone numbers on Usenet for the world to
see. Bob Griffin did this WITHOUT her permission and for the sake of
HARASSMENT, which now looks like it is going to become criminal

Well, Bob Griffin, all I can say to you is GOOD LUCK in your lawsuit.
After your INSANE rants on Usenet in the last 24 hours, NO lawyer or
judge is going to pay any attention to you what so ever. You have
threatened, abused and harassed people all over Usenet for the last 2

Here is Bob Griffin's posting history as MAGNUS PYM:

Here is Bob Griffin's posting history as Bob Griffin:

Here is Bob Griffin's posting history as Vindicat0r:

Some other information on Bob Griffin is below:

Robert "Bob" Griffin's history as a 'net abuser is legendary:

The last link posted above shows Bob Griffin as "Vindicat0r". When
Bob was posting as Vindicat0r on the Korn website, Robert met a
woman called Cori, who now posts here on ASH. Robert and Cori began
an email conversation which quickly turned ugly. Cori stopped these
email conversations when Robert offered to slit Cori's throat with a
knife. Robert stated to Cori how beautiful it would be to die
bleeding. Cori was horrified and she felt as though Robert was some
sort of serial murderer and she quickly got rid of him.

Later, Robert Griffin became this person,
"Magnus Pym" ***@hushmail.com
His abuse and threats continued against female ASH posters and Cori.
Please see the below posting:


It was continued threats like the above that got Bob Griffin an
open file with the NYC police and other legal agencies.

And please see the links below which show Robert "Bob" Griffin's true
feelings about women:

"But your hellhole sounds far too much like a place I worked in, right
down to the office slut, the petty pilfering, the daycare centre and
the singing chipmunk singalongs ... LOL."
Which reminds me... LOL... A friend and I went into a smut shop in NYC
for one after dinner not so long ago... oh yes; 'twas a fellow ASHer.
We were thinking of suitable titles to send off to someone... like
"Butch Jail Sluts"
Sugar Bitch, the filthy old scrubber just proved how totally fucking
gone in the head she is.... Can you say "quote"? Can you say "read"?
That retarded old scrubber is so stupid she probably expected to get
condoms out of a gum dispenser!!!! Small wonder the only way the worn
out old hag could make money was on her back!!! And not much at
that... 10c the hour or 20c the night, ay Sugar???
I'd condone almost anything that would shut this stupid, trolling,
whining bitch up.
Used when Sugar Bitch makes yet another stupid statement, and shows
she doesn't jack shit (not the poster... but things like 'how do ya
ALL the barrels of a gun').
It's perhaps time Patience made her own attempt -- with luck though,
this scum won't be back -- and when the whining mad bitch comes back I
will enjoy serving her a lot of her own medicine.
especially when this psychopathic bitch still
can't back up her "claim" with any proof?
I never wrote "LOL" following the colon, you stupid mad bitch.
Can't break what doesn't exist.. a mad heartless bitch like you has no
heart...You are scum, and will be treated with the contempt that scum
like you deserves.
So, screw you. If you don't like it: use a killfile, you stupid, mad,
sanctimonious bitch.
Who'd want a mad interventing bitch like you?
Too late. Douglas Wiser is already the Arsehole Of ASH, while the
Patience nutjob, as Wiser's sidekick, is just a mad, spamming, whining
bitch and easily dismissed as such.
So; who hit you? Are you going to run to the police and tell them I
hit you? LOL. Wot a stupid mad bitch.
No one is really fooled; I mean... FFS: can anyone take this mad
whining bitch with any degree of seriousness?
Mind you, if the 'quality' of conversation is like Purple's, Slug's,
sugar bitch's or the 15 other fuckwads in the KF... what a damn
fucking shame that'd be...
Douggie and his whore spend the nite in JAIL!!!

And I guess I should have added Bob Griffin's latest posting to the
as he has just labeled his ex-girl friend, Grace (another ASH poster)
as being a "STUPID BITCH".

And finally, the posting below shows Bob Griffin attacking several ASH
posters, including his ex-girl friend, Grace, where he exposed Grace's
mental disorder and posted her real name for the world to see. Talk
about harassment... I did delete her name from this posting. Bob
Griffin has also posted the names of several other people WITHOUT
their permission. This was also harassment by Bob Griffin. I suppose
Bob will now have to answer for all he has done on Usenet, finally.
Path: news.netfront.net!skynet.be!news.tele.dk!news.tele.dk!small.news.tele.dk!fu-berlin.de!uni-berlin.de!036.a.001.gsf.iprimus.net.AU!not-for-mail
From: Bob Griffin <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.suicide.holiday,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.suicide.methods
Subject: To Patrick M. Sullivan's "darling" Cori Wasserman: a
Followup-To: alt.usenet.kooks
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 08:47:36 +1100
Organization: nil
Lines: 146
Message-ID: <***@hotmail.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 036.a.001.gsf.iprimus.net.au (
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: news.uni-berlin.de 1072734545 338645 ([99621])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
Xref: news.netfront.net alt.suicide.holiday:148956
alt.usenet.kooks:246034 alt.suicide.methods:36653

Hello, Cori Wasserman aka Cori Waters, you slandering slag!

How's it going? Groomed any dogs lately?

How's you pal Douglas Wiser, who you LIED FOR and LIBELED FOR and have
now landed
yourself in a whole HEAP OF SHIT FOR?

Awww. You two predators have had a falling out, eh?

What's that matter? Not enough blood for you sickos to splatter
around, eh?

Remember this bit of libel you peddled in
Ha remember me??? When we met on a certain web site I was Gothic Tears. I
eluded to you that I was having suicidal thoughts and you posted the old
Xanthia Site for all to see. So how many are dead because of you??? said you
thought it was beautiful how I would cut listening to a certain band music.
How beautiful it was to die bleeding. And you call me a stalker. You fucked
with a suicidal girls head !!! You sick bastard and now Grace may be dead
because of you. Me and Grace may not get along but I never wished her dead.
And I never would have got caught up in ASH if it wasn't for you. If Grace
is dead you should be in jail for murder.
.... and then you smeared MY GOOD NAME in

I remember it well.

Well Cori Wasserman, you fucking liar -- let's get a few facts
straight, shall we?

What web site did you post under the name "Gothic Tears? What is the
URL of the site?

What was the EXACT DATE of this alleged post?

Or, was it one of Patrick M. Sullivan's manufactured sites created to
smear me?

What "suicidal girl's head" did I "mess" with?

Names and dates, Cori Wasserman! POST THEM NOW!

And you lie that "Grace may be dead because of [me]"?

Well Cori Wasserman: why don't YOU admit that YOU were part of a
conspiricy together
with Patrick M. Sullivan, Jeffery Leveitt, Lenore Levine, Louis
Charles Juraz, and Douglas
Russell Wiser, to manipulate [NAMED DELETED] (a woman diagnosed with
both bipolar disorder
and boarderline personality disorder) into betraying to one Patrick M.
Sullivan, my
name and personal info? That YOU and they conspired with a shitbag to
VIA ANONYMOUS REMAILER and then have Sullivan play on her feelings and
slander me
insessantly, so Sullivan could THEN MANIPULATE HER into handing over
my info, by
convincing that stupid dupicitus drama queen that I had done that?

How do you dismiss Patrick M. Sullivan's ABUSE of another person close
to me
as a "JOKE", when [NAME DELETED] didn't have all the info you scum

Oh yes -- of course you can quote the EXACT TEXT where you FALSELY
ALLEGE how I "thought it
was beautiful how [you] would cut listening to a certain band music"?

Or.. is is just another libelous lie from Cori Wasserman the mad bitch
of Manhattan?

Did Douglas Wiser tell you to post this slander? After all, you and
Douglas Wiser were
fellow preditors, weren't you? That's why Wiser gave you his
news.CIS.dfn.de account to
post through... Right?

Like you pal Shagger Bint: do you deny your own posts?

Let's jog your sieve like memory, Crazy Cori:
aca0a2a1.ipt.aol.com (

And now, *I* have a confession to make:

I intend to SUE YOUR FUCKING FAT ARSE OFF for that!

I also intend to sue you and pursue criminal charges against you, Cori

Feel free to contact my attorney, if you're in any doubt:

Coudert Brothers LLP
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York
Phone: 1 212 626 4400


It's not a long walk from there to 212 West 20th Street, is it?

You pathetic, illiterate, child slalking moron!

I wonder if Toffer L wants to come along to watch the fun?

Did you invite Toffer L up to your apartment to have sex with him?

I refer to his post of Friday, 24 Jan 2003 21:04:52 EST, where Toffer
leave us the hell alone, especially the
damn child molesters like patience that try to lure young adults into their
nyc apartment and try to rape them.

Is this why you tried to get Toffer L into trouble, Cori Wasserman?

Or, was it to diffuse his allegations of you stalking both Toffer L
and his girlfriend, which
he claimed in a post made on Saturday, 18 Jan 2003 at 07:52:19 GMT?
And my
girlfriend didn't get any laughs out of it, she thought you were annoying
bitch that called her every hour when she was in class. Never got any laughs
out of it, just got pissed of for wasting her minutes. Don't fucking call
her cell again, she's already pissed enough and she is pretty unstable. Any
more comments?

Is this why you reported Toffer L to the Littleton Police, to counter
the claim where he alleged you tried to "lure young adults into their
nyc apartment and
try to rape them"?

Did you tell the New York State Police about *that*, Cori Wasserman?

Or, did you file a false report to the New York State Police about
to stop ME revealing your history of perverted predatory conduct
towards minors?

Gee, you better have lied about that! See, filing false reports to
police in New York is a

If you did make such a report: don't worry; I'll make sure to press
charges, then sue you
for that, too! :)

Who is just another liar, like her former "hero" Douglas Wiser and
current "hero" and fellow preditor, the self-admitted jailbird,
Patrick M. Sullivan?

Well, Cori Wasserman?

Guess we will find out, won't we, puddin'?

See you in court, bitch!
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"
Salvor Hardin, "Foundation" (Isaac Asimov)

"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Jesus Christ, "The Bible" -- Matthew 10:45 (various)

"We came to wreck everything... and ruin your life. God sent us."
Sonny Jim, "Romper Stomper" (Geoffrey Wright)
2003-12-30 21:09:16 UTC
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Cyber Stalker and Netkook Bob Griffin aka [MAGNUS PYM] of Sydney
Australia says: "I intend to SUE YOUR FUCKING FAT ARSE OFF for that!"
The person BOB GRIFFIN intends on suing is a young female who has many
health concerns. And this young female has been harassed by Bob
Griffin for the last ONE YEAR. Last night, BOB GRIFFIN posted this
females name, address and telephone numbers on Usenet for the world to
see. Bob Griffin did this WITHOUT her permission and for the sake of
HARASSMENT, which now looks like it is going to become criminal
Well, Bob Griffin, all I can say to you is GOOD LUCK in your lawsuit.
After your INSANE rants on Usenet in the last 24 hours, NO lawyer or
judge is going to pay any attention to you what so ever. You have
threatened, abused and harassed people all over Usenet for the last 2
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
The last link posted above shows Bob Griffin as "Vindicat0r". When
Bob was posting as Vindicat0r on the Korn website, Robert met a
woman called Cori, who now posts here on ASH. Robert and Cori began
an email conversation which quickly turned ugly. Cori stopped these
email conversations when Robert offered to slit Cori's throat with a
knife. Robert stated to Cori how beautiful it would be to die
bleeding. Cori was horrified and she felt as though Robert was some
sort of serial murderer and she quickly got rid of him.
Later, Robert Griffin became this person,
His abuse and threats continued against female ASH posters and Cori.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
It was continued threats like the above that got Bob Griffin an
open file with the NYC police and other legal agencies.
And please see the links below which show Robert "Bob" Griffin's true
"But your hellhole sounds far too much like a place I worked in, right
down to the office slut, the petty pilfering, the daycare centre and
the singing chipmunk singalongs ... LOL."
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Which reminds me... LOL... A friend and I went into a smut shop in NYC
for one after dinner not so long ago... oh yes; 'twas a fellow ASHer.
We were thinking of suitable titles to send off to someone... like
"Butch Jail Sluts"
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Sugar Bitch, the filthy old scrubber just proved how totally fucking
gone in the head she is.... Can you say "quote"? Can you say "read"?
That retarded old scrubber is so stupid she probably expected to get
condoms out of a gum dispenser!!!! Small wonder the only way the worn
out old hag could make money was on her back!!! And not much at
that... 10c the hour or 20c the night, ay Sugar???
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
I'd condone almost anything that would shut this stupid, trolling,
whining bitch up.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Used when Sugar Bitch makes yet another stupid statement, and shows
she doesn't jack shit (not the poster... but things like 'how do ya
ALL the barrels of a gun').
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
It's perhaps time Patience made her own attempt -- with luck though,
this scum won't be back -- and when the whining mad bitch comes back I
will enjoy serving her a lot of her own medicine.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
especially when this psychopathic bitch still
can't back up her "claim" with any proof?
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
I never wrote "LOL" following the colon, you stupid mad bitch.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Can't break what doesn't exist.. a mad heartless bitch like you has no
heart...You are scum, and will be treated with the contempt that scum
like you deserves.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
So, screw you. If you don't like it: use a killfile, you stupid, mad,
sanctimonious bitch.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Who'd want a mad interventing bitch like you?
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Too late. Douglas Wiser is already the Arsehole Of ASH, while the
Patience nutjob, as Wiser's sidekick, is just a mad, spamming, whining
bitch and easily dismissed as such.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
So; who hit you? Are you going to run to the police and tell them I
hit you? LOL. Wot a stupid mad bitch.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
No one is really fooled; I mean... FFS: can anyone take this mad
whining bitch with any degree of seriousness?
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Mind you, if the 'quality' of conversation is like Purple's, Slug's,
sugar bitch's or the 15 other fuckwads in the KF... what a damn
fucking shame that'd be...
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Douggie and his whore spend the nite in JAIL!!!
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
And I guess I should have added Bob Griffin's latest posting to the
as he has just labeled his ex-girl friend, Grace (another ASH poster)
as being a "STUPID BITCH".
And finally, the posting below shows Bob Griffin attacking several ASH
posters, including his ex-girl friend, Grace, where he exposed Grace's
mental disorder and posted her real name for the world to see. Talk
about harassment... I did delete her name from this posting. Bob
Griffin has also posted the names of several other people WITHOUT
their permission. This was also harassment by Bob Griffin. I suppose
Bob will now have to answer for all he has done on Usenet, finally.
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
Newsgroups: alt.suicide.holiday,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.suicide.methods
Subject: To Patrick M. Sullivan's "darling" Cori Wasserman: a
Followup-To: alt.usenet.kooks
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 08:47:36 +1100
Organization: nil
Lines: 146
NNTP-Posting-Host: 036.a.001.gsf.iprimus.net.au (
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: news.uni-berlin.de 1072734545 338645 ([99621])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
Xref: news.netfront.net alt.suicide.holiday:148956
alt.usenet.kooks:246034 alt.suicide.methods:36653
Hello, Cori Wasserman aka Cori Waters, you slandering slag!
How's it going? Groomed any dogs lately?
How's you pal Douglas Wiser, who you LIED FOR and LIBELED FOR and have
now landed
yourself in a whole HEAP OF SHIT FOR?
Awww. You two predators have had a falling out, eh?
What's that matter? Not enough blood for you sickos to splatter
around, eh?
Remember this bit of libel you peddled in
Ha remember me??? When we met on a certain web site I was Gothic Tears. I
eluded to you that I was having suicidal thoughts and you posted the old
Xanthia Site for all to see. So how many are dead because of you??? said you
thought it was beautiful how I would cut listening to a certain band music.
How beautiful it was to die bleeding. And you call me a stalker. You fucked
with a suicidal girls head !!! You sick bastard and now Grace may be dead
because of you. Me and Grace may not get along but I never wished her dead.
And I never would have got caught up in ASH if it wasn't for you. If
Post by Hedges Sofa #1
is dead you should be in jail for murder.
.... and then you smeared MY GOOD NAME in
I remember it well.
Well Cori Wasserman, you fucking liar -- let's get a few facts
straight, shall we?
What web site did you post under the name "Gothic Tears? What is the
URL of the site?
What was the EXACT DATE of this alleged post?
Or, was it one of Patrick M. Sullivan's manufactured sites created to
smear me?
What "suicidal girl's head" did I "mess" with?
Names and dates, Cori Wasserman! POST THEM NOW!
And you lie that "Grace may be dead because of [me]"?
Well Cori Wasserman: why don't YOU admit that YOU were part of a
conspiricy together
with Patrick M. Sullivan, Jeffery Leveitt, Lenore Levine, Louis
Charles Juraz, and Douglas
Russell Wiser, to manipulate [NAMED DELETED] (a woman diagnosed with
both bipolar disorder
and boarderline personality disorder) into betraying to one Patrick M.
Sullivan, my
name and personal info? That YOU and they conspired with a shitbag to
VIA ANONYMOUS REMAILER and then have Sullivan play on her feelings and
slander me
insessantly, so Sullivan could THEN MANIPULATE HER into handing over
my info, by
convincing that stupid dupicitus drama queen that I had done that?
How do you dismiss Patrick M. Sullivan's ABUSE of another person close
to me
as a "JOKE", when [NAME DELETED] didn't have all the info you scum
Oh yes -- of course you can quote the EXACT TEXT where you FALSELY
ALLEGE how I "thought it
was beautiful how [you] would cut listening to a certain band music"?
Or.. is is just another libelous lie from Cori Wasserman the mad bitch
of Manhattan?
Did Douglas Wiser tell you to post this slander? After all, you and
Douglas Wiser were
fellow preditors, weren't you? That's why Wiser gave you his
news.CIS.dfn.de account to
post through... Right?
Like you pal Shagger Bint: do you deny your own posts?
aca0a2a1.ipt.aol.com (
I intend to SUE YOUR FUCKING FAT ARSE OFF for that!
I also intend to sue you and pursue criminal charges against you, Cori
Coudert Brothers LLP
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York
Phone: 1 212 626 4400
It's not a long walk from there to 212 West 20th Street, is it?
You pathetic, illiterate, child slalking moron!
I wonder if Toffer L wants to come along to watch the fun?
Did you invite Toffer L up to your apartment to have sex with him?
I refer to his post of Friday, 24 Jan 2003 21:04:52 EST, where Toffer
leave us the hell alone, especially the
damn child molesters like patience that try to lure young adults into their
nyc apartment and try to rape them.
Is this why you tried to get Toffer L into trouble, Cori Wasserman?
Or, was it to diffuse his allegations of you stalking both Toffer L
and his girlfriend, which
he claimed in a post made on Saturday, 18 Jan 2003 at 07:52:19 GMT?
And my
girlfriend didn't get any laughs out of it, she thought you were annoying
bitch that called her every hour when she was in class. Never got any laughs
out of it, just got pissed of for wasting her minutes. Don't fucking call
her cell again, she's already pissed enough and she is pretty unstable. Any
more comments?
Is this why you reported Toffer L to the Littleton Police, to counter
the claim where he alleged you tried to "lure young adults into their
nyc apartment and
try to rape them"?
Did you tell the New York State Police about *that*, Cori Wasserman?
Or, did you file a false report to the New York State Police about
to stop ME revealing your history of perverted predatory conduct
towards minors?
Gee, you better have lied about that! See, filing false reports to
police in New York is a
If you did make such a report: don't worry; I'll make sure to press
charges, then sue you
for that, too! :)
Who is just another liar, like her former "hero" Douglas Wiser and
current "hero" and fellow preditor, the self-admitted jailbird,
Patrick M. Sullivan?
Well, Cori Wasserman?
Guess we will find out, won't we, puddin'?
See you in court, bitch!
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"
Salvor Hardin, "Foundation" (Isaac Asimov)
"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Jesus Christ, "The Bible" -- Matthew 10:45 (various)
"We came to wreck everything... and ruin your life. God sent us."
Sonny Jim, "Romper Stomper" (Geoffrey Wright)
Cyber Terrorist Alert
2004-01-04 23:57:15 UTC
This is a follow up to Bob Griffin's postings on Usenet.

This text is regarding the cyber harassment and cyber stalking of Bob
Griffin ***@hotmail.com. Bob is also known as
Magnus Pym ***@hushmail.com and "Vindicat0r"
***@hotmail.com Bob Griffin is a resident of Sydney,

Bob Griffin's history of Usenet abuse spans some two-years on
newsgroups called alt.suicide.holiday and alt.suicide.methods.

Bob griffin has relentlessly stalked and harassed many posters on
these news groups, by threatening other Usenet posters with physical
harm, posting their personal information such as names and addresses
and also threatening legal action against them.

The most current occurrences of cyber harassment are posted below:


In the above posting, Bob Griffin has exposed the names of several
people who post on Usenet, without there permission. One of the people
mentioned on this list does not post to Usenet and he is in fact a
lawyer. Bob Griffin then went as far as to state that all these people
on this list were involved in some sort of conspiracy against him,
whereas these people, from their remote locations all over North
America, were somehow able to cause the break up of himself with his
girl friend. Here is the Usenet article posted by Bob Griffin, which
he has now "NUKED" at Google groups (I managed to save the article,
with complete headers). I have removed the last names of the people
who were libeled in Bob Griffin's posting, to protect them.

From: Bob Griffin <***@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.suicide.holiday,alt.usenet.kooks,alt.suicide.methods
Subject: To Patrick M. S's "darling" Cori W: a confession
Followup-To: alt.usenet.kooks
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 08:47:36 +1100
Organization: nil
Lines: 146
Message-ID: <***@hotmail.com>
NNTP-Posting-Host: 036.a.001.gsf.iprimus.net.au (
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Trace: news.uni-berlin.de 1072734545 338645 ([99621])
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.76 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U)
X-Accept-Language: en
Xref: news.netfront.net alt.suicide.holiday:148956
alt.usenet.kooks:246034 alt.suicide.methods:36653

Hello, Cori W aka Cori W, you slandering slag!

How's it going? Groomed any dogs lately?

How's you pal Douglas W, who you LIED FOR and LIBELED FOR and have now
yourself in a whole HEAP OF SHIT FOR?

Awww. You two predators have had a falling out, eh?

What's that matter? Not enough blood for you sickos to splatter
around, eh?

Remember this bit of libel you peddled in
Ha remember me??? When we met on a certain web site I was Gothic Tears. I
eluded to you that I was having suicidal thoughts and you posted the old
Xanthia Site for all to see. So how many are dead because of you??? said you
thought it was beautiful how I would cut listening to a certain band music.
How beautiful it was to die bleeding. And you call me a stalker. You fucked
with a suicidal girls head !!! You sick bastard and now Grace may be dead
because of you. Me and Grace may not get along but I never wished her dead.
And I never would have got caught up in ASH if it wasn't for you. If Grace
is dead you should be in jail for murder.
.... and then you smeared MY GOOD NAME in

I remember it well.

Well Cori W, you fucking liar -- let's get a few facts straight, shall

What web site did you post under the name "Gothic Tears? What is the
URL of the site?

What was the EXACT DATE of this alleged post?

Or, was it one of Patrick M. S's manufactured sites created to smear

What "suicidal girl's head" did I "mess" with?

Names and dates, Cori W! POST THEM NOW!

And you lie that "Grace may be dead because of [me]"?

Well Cori W: why don't YOU admit that YOU were part of a conspiricy
with Patrick M. S, Jeffery L, Lenore L, Louis C J, and Douglas
R W, to manipulate Grace R A (a woman diagnosed with both bipolar
and boarderline personality disorder) into betraying to one Patrick M.
S, my
name and personal info? That YOU and they conspired with a shitbag to
VIA ANONYMOUS REMAILER and then have S play on her feelings and
slander me
insessantly, so S could THEN MANIPULATE HER into handing over my info,
convincing that stupid dupicitus drama queen that I had done that?

How do you dismiss Patrick M. S's ABUSE of another person close to me
as a "JOKE", when Grace R A didn't have all the info you scum wanted?

Oh yes -- of course you can quote the EXACT TEXT where you FALSELY
ALLEGE how I "thought it
was beautiful how [you] would cut listening to a certain band music"?

Or.. is is just another libelous lie from Cori W the mad bitch of

Did Douglas W tell you to post this slander? After all, you and
Douglas Wiser were
fellow preditors, weren't you? That's why Wiser gave you his
news.CIS.dfn.de account to
post through... Right?

Like you pal Shagger Bint: do you deny your own posts?

Let's jog your sieve like memory, Crazy Cori:
aca0a2a1.ipt.aol.com (

And now, *I* have a confession to make:

I intend to SUE YOUR FUCKING FAT ARSE OFF for that!

I also intend to sue you and pursue criminal charges against you, Cori

Feel free to contact my attorney, if you're in any doubt:

Coudert Brothers LLP
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York
Phone: 1 212 626 4400


It's not a long walk from there to 212 West 20th Street, is it?

You pathetic, illiterate, child slalking moron!

I wonder if Toffer L wants to come along to watch the fun?

Did you invite Toffer L up to your apartment to have sex with him?

I refer to his post of Friday, 24 Jan 2003 21:04:52 EST, where Toffer
leave us the hell alone, especially the
damn child molesters like patience that try to lure young adults into their
nyc apartment and try to rape them.

Is this why you tried to get Toffer L into trouble, Cori W?

Or, was it to diffuse his allegations of you stalking both Toffer L
and his girlfriend, which
he claimed in a post made on Saturday, 18 Jan 2003 at 07:52:19 GMT?
And my
girlfriend didn't get any laughs out of it, she thought you were annoying
bitch that called her every hour when she was in class. Never got any laughs
out of it, just got pissed of for wasting her minutes. Don't fucking call
her cell again, she's already pissed enough and she is pretty unstable. Any
more comments?

Is this why you reported Toffer L to the Littleton Police, to counter
the claim where he alleged you tried to "lure young adults into their
nyc apartment and
try to rape them"?

Did you tell the New York State Police about *that*, Cori W?

Or, did you file a false report to the New York State Police about
to stop ME revealing your history of perverted predatory conduct
towards minors?

Gee, you better have lied about that! See, filing false reports to
police in New York is a

If you did make such a report: don't worry; I'll make sure to press
charges, then sue you
for that, too! :)

Who is just another liar, like her former "hero" Douglas W and
current "hero" and fellow preditor, the self-admitted jailbird,
Patrick M. S?

Well, Cori W?

Guess we will find out, won't we, puddin'?

See you in court, bitch!

In this above "NUKED" posting, Bob Griffin clearly stated that there
was some sort of conspiracy at work against him. This is completely
false. And this conspiracy only exists in the mind of Bob Griffin.
Bob Griffin has wrongly libeled the people mentioned in his posting.
Bob Griffin has made mention that Cori W. is a child molester and this
is false and libelous, as well as harassment. There was no conspiracy
directed at Bob Griffin, which Bob claimed there was. And it should be
noted that the information that Bob Griffin has posted has been added
to police files in various parts of the world. Bob Griffin also posted
the name of his ex girl friend, labeled her as being a mental
defective, then later stated that he is going to sue her. Bob Griffin
made the claim that his is going to sue four ASH posters, including
Patrick, Cori, Sugar and Grace. However, no court in the land would
recognize such frivolousness, after Bob Griffin has posted such hatred
as he has done in the below postings:


It was continued threats like the above that got Robert Griffin an
open file with the NYC police and other legal agencies. And please see
the links below which show Robert Griffin's true feelings about women
on Usenet and off of Usenet:

"But your hellhole sounds far too much like a place I worked in, right
down to the office slut, the petty pilfering, the daycare centre and
the singing chipmunk singalongs ... LOL."
Which reminds me... LOL... A friend and I went into a smut shop in NYC
for one after dinner not so long ago... oh yes; 'twas a fellow ASHer.
We were thinking of suitable titles to send off to someone... like
"Butch Jail Sluts" http://groups.google.com/groups?q=We+were+thinking+of+suitable+titles+to+send+off+to+someone...+like+%22Butch+Jail+Sluts%22+smut+shop+in+NYC&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&selm=3F641BB1.73D06F1F%40hushmail.com&rnum=2
Sugar Bitch, the filthy old scrubber just proved how totally fucking
gone in the head she is.... Can you say "quote"? Can you say "read"?
That retarded old scrubber is so stupid she probably expected to get
condoms out of a gum dispenser!!!! Small wonder the only way the worn
out old hag could make money was on her back!!! And not much at
that... 10c the hour or 20c the night, ay Sugar???
I'd condone almost anything that would shut this stupid, trolling,
whining bitch up. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=I%27d+condone+almost+anything+that+would+shut+this+stupid,+trolling,&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&selm=3ECEB024.318FF268%40hushmail.com&rnum=2
Used when Sugar Bitch makes yet another stupid statement, and shows
she doesn't jack shit (not the poster... but things like 'how do ya
load ALL the barrels of a gun').
It's perhaps time Patience made her own attempt -- with luck though,
this scum won't be back -- and when the whining mad bitch comes back I
will enjoy serving her a lot of her own medicine.
especially when this psychopathic bitch still can't back up her
"claim" with any proof?
http://groups.google.com/groups?q=especially+when+this+psychopathic+bitch+still&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&se m=3F14B849.591A1977%40hushmail.com&rnum=2
I never wrote "LOL" following the colon, you stupid mad bitch.
Can't break what doesn't exist.. a mad heartless bitch like you has no
heart...You are scum, and will be treated with the contempt that scum
like you deserves. http://groups.google.com/groups?q=a+mad+heartless+bitch+like+you+has+no&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&selm=3EDA6163.9224BF9B%40hushmail.com&rnum=2
So, screw you. If you don't like it: use a killfile, you stupid, mad,
sanctimonious bitch.
Who'd want a mad interventing bitch like you?
Too late. Douglas Wiser is already the Arsehole Of ASH, while the
Patience nutjob, as Wiser's sidekick, is just a mad, spamming, whining
bitch and easily dismissed as such.
So; who hit you? Are you going to run to the police and tell them I
hit you? LOL. Wot a stupid mad bitch.
No one is really fooled; I mean... FFS: can anyone take this mad
whining bitch with any degree of seriousness?
Mind you, if the 'quality' of conversation is like Purple's, Slug's,
sugar bitch's or the 15 other fuckwads in the KF... what a damn
fucking shame that'd be...
Douggie and his whore spend the nite in JAIL!!!

Bob Griffin claims to be some sort of Usenet freedom fighter, chasing
away the "TROLLS", as he calls them. But Bob Griffin's posting history
on Usenet seems to suggest that it is in fact Bob Griffin who is the
"TROLL" Please see these three links posted below:




These three links above are all pseudonyms of Bob Griffin. And these
three links above clearly show to anyone a pattern of cyber stalking
and harassment of anyone who disagrees with Bob Griffin on Usenet.

Bob Griffin's insane behavior has caught the attention of other people
on Usenet in a not so flattering way. The link below shows that Bob
Griffin has been added to a Usenet poll called "The Bobo Award"

Understand, that the above ""Bobo Award" is a satire which is not
meant to be taken seriously. But what the "Bobo Award" does show is
the frustration that many people feel regarding certain Usenet posters
like Bob Griffin and the havoc that has been reaped on Usenet by
people like Bob Griffin.

If you become a victim of Bob Griffin (AKA MAGNUS PYM) and you find
yourself on the receiving end of libelous comments, the exposure of
your personal information, such as real name and home address being
posted on Usenet, then print out the posting, with full headers, and
contact your local police and perhaps your lawyer. For many years, Bob
Griffin has made the claim that he cannot be touched and that he is
anonymous. Yet, at the same time, Bob Griffin has stripped away the
security of many Usenet posters by posting all their personal
information on the Internet and on Usenet in a libelous fashion,
something that has now caught the attention of Federal authorities in
the USA. And one of these people that Bob Griffin has harassed,
relentlessly, is a female in the Eastern seaboard of the USA. This
woman has many health concerns that could be fatal if not monitored.
And avoiding stress is extremely important for a person in her
condition. And Bob Griffin has taken away her ability to cope with
stress, by creating an element of fear in her life. Bob Griffin is now
threatening to sue her. However, after Bob Griffin's insane rants
regarding her on Usenet, no lawyer in the land would be foolish enough
to challenge this issue. And there were many witnesses to Bob
Griffin's attacks on her. Once again, Bob Griffin has created an
element of fear for this person and this has added to the difficulties
she is currently enduring. This person has stated that she is often
afraid to be alone in her apartment at any time of the day or night,
as Bob Griffin has stated that he knows where she lives. And Bob
Griffin has stated that he would condone almost anything to have her
shut up. Also, Bob Griffin did indeed post her home address and
telephone numbers on Usenet.

This text is not complete. There will be an addendum to this text in
the future if the need arises.

Bob Griffin
Rob Griffin
Robert Griffin
Magnus Pym
Sydney Australia
Cyber harassment
Cyber stalking
Usenet harassment
Email Harassment
Coudert Brothers LLP
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York
Telephone: 1 212 626 4400
http://www.coudert.com HOME PAGE
Robert Griffin's ISP:
Customer Service Telephone Number is:
1300 85 11 85 Australia

Former Oakalla Prisoner Number 283163 Patrick Michael Sullivan, the cyberstalking
scumbag gutlessly hiding behind "Captain Kearsley" babbled in
This is Usenet and ANYTHING can happen here.
And you frequently make ANYTHING [sic] happen, don't you, Patrick?
Why don't you tell usenet about your times trolling and stalking posters on Canadian
newsgroups including van.general and can.general, with your pal, Barbara Amaro?
Gonna repost some flames I've made to fuckwit trolls like you to "defend"
yourself, Patrick?
Why don't you tell ash how you've used over 20 names and nicks on ash and
pretended to be different people, to stalk and abuse depressed and suicidal people?
Why have you morphed *again*, Ping Mail inbox? Or should I say: "ASH Monstermash"? "Francis
Begbie"? Or who are you in your fucked up little mind today? Who are you stalking
I don't need to morph. See? Here I am, using the same usenet access I have used for years --
using the same ISP and the same working email address I have had for years -- despite
your pathetic efforts to spam bomb the email addy and your pathetic attempts to LART
my providers -- who dismissed your claims for the frivolous shit they are.
No, Patrick; I don't cower behind anonymous remailers and proxify.com like your scumbag
partner in crime, the so called "Ted Smith", does... Or your pal, Brad Jesness.
See, I have a copy of the email your fellow predator, Cori Wasserman, sent to Jesness.
Hmmm! Some pretty libelous bullshit there, Patrick!
I also have spoken to some of the lists you forged subscribed me to, Patrick.
By spam bombing me, you thought that I wouldn't get that email from a Crown
Coroner in England about the death of Chris? Well, I did.
I got that email, all right. Seems Douglas Wiser's postings were handed by the Coroner to
the CID.
You pal, Douglas Wiser: a subject of police investigation, related to the death of an ash
poster. Well, well, well. It puts all that UK media activity and the search for predators
in ash in a new light...
Predators like you, Patrick. Predators like your pal, Cori Wasserman.
Predators like your pal Louis the wannabe pimp. Just like you, and
your "Bud", Wiser. Oh? He's not your pal anymore? Awww! LOL! Well, seems you and
the other scum have yourselves to blame for committing crimes to support that predator,
Care to libel Karin Spaink again about Chris' death, Patrick Michael Sullivan?
Gonna libel me and say I "abuse women" -- with the flames I've directed at
deadshit predators like you, Patrick?
Better still, Patrick: tell ash how you stalked the ash poster "robin" by
crossposting her joke about dog recipes into a whole lot of unrelated newsgroups,
and followed it up on NANAU with one of your whiny, lunatic rants.
Tell everyone how you emailed that woman with traceroutes and pings, and threated to
have her account pulled if she didn't accept your "peace offering".
Tell everyone all about how you and the predators got together to post Grace's name
and her obsolete address to get at me, you shitbag stalker.
Tell ash all about why you wanted to meet a usenet poster on the corner of Hemlock and
*Another* nick of yours, eh, you psychotic stalker?
Patrick, why don't you tell AUK have you swallowed the lies of renowned kook and stalker
Brad Jesness, then spammed this crap to sci.psychology.psychotherapy and other places?
Patrick: why don't you admit to AUK about your crawling to Just Taylor under your
"Ping Mail Inbox" persona?
Or, are you going to email threats to other posters again, demanding they send you
personal info about others?
Small wonder, then, you wanted *me* out of the way, eh, Patrick, you stalking,
abusive shitbag? Didn't want your dirty past being exposed, do you?
"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!"
Salvor Hardin, "Foundation" (Isaac Asimov)
"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
Jesus Christ, "The Bible" -- Matthew 10:45 (various)
"We came to wreck everything... and ruin your life. God sent us."
Sonny Jim, "Romper Stomper" (Geoffrey Wright)