PING Johnny Depp
(too old to reply)
2011-07-26 20:18:12 UTC
I think you should make, and take the lead role as Void Captain Genro
Kane Gupta in, as lush a production as possible of Norman Spinrad's
_The Void-Captain's Tale_, with Shikhee of Android Lust as the very
unusual Void Pilot Dominique Alia Wu, and God only knows who as the
willowy red-haired blue-eyed black-skinned Domo Lorenza Kareen Patali.

Let Shikhee do the sound-track, and put her "Fall to Fragments" over
the closing credits, and Bob's Comet's your uncle:

Instant, moving, hilarious, eye-filling classic.


"Certainement, it would ill serve as a moral fable for the social
edification of children."


Try counting how many times
the word "unwholesome"
is used in that book.
2011-07-27 14:27:20 UTC
Post by mimus
I think you should make, and take the lead role as Void Captain Genro
Kane Gupta in, as lush a production as possible of Norman Spinrad's
_The Void-Captain's Tale_, with Shikhee of Android Lust as the very
unusual Void Pilot Dominique Alia Wu, and God only knows who as the
willowy red-haired blue-eyed black-skinned Domo Lorenza Kareen Patali.
Let Shikhee do the sound-track, and put her "Fall to Fragments" over

(See what I mean? image-wise and musically? perfect.)
Post by mimus
Instant, moving, hilarious, eye-filling classic.
"Certainement, it would ill serve as a moral fable for the social
edification of children."

While still hating that psychosociobabbling plutocratic "cultura",
I've come to love the refectory (C6) and first "pillow talk" (C8)
