A favour from RMI
(too old to reply)
2003-11-21 01:22:06 UTC
I've just finsihed reading "This Is Uncool" by Garry Mulholland

and would love to have a go at making something similar for Industrial
(and all related sub-genres) bands.

The book is fairly subjective, the author identifies 500 of the
most influential singles from 1976 up 'til '99 and has a brief
descriptive paragraph for each single. Usually the description
contains some bit of insider, only-a-true-fan-boy-would-know
information or quirky, interesting anecdote. And that's exactly
the sort of thing I would be interested in obtaining for our
illustrious genre (even if I don't get it published).

For example:

The film-clip for F242's Headhunter has got a bunch of people running
around with eggs on their head -- the reason being: a mishearing of
the song title by the video production crew. They heard "Egghunter"
in stead of "Headhunter" (Source: Band interview by [unknown])

The name of the Ministry/NIN/Butthole Surfers(?) sideproject, 1,000
Homo DJs was created when Danny (surname forgotten) from Wax Trax!
made a comment to Al that only about "a thousand homo DJs" would have
heard the abortive bootleg remix of some Ministry material.
(Source: Wax Trax! Black Box Booklet)

Haujobb roughly translates to "Hit Job" but the band origianlly called
themselves "Skin Job" in hommage to the movie Blade Runner. A mixup in
the translation by their record company saw their debut material released
under the name Haujobb (Source: Daniel Meyer interview by [unknown])

NIN's x-rated, banned and "not commercially" released "Broken" video
found it's way into the hands of the public, where it was met by a small
storm of public outrage at the simulated Snuff scene (perceived to be
genuine), which eventuated in the video being banned even before it's
official public release (Source: Either A NIN or THE NIN homepage)

Jeffrey Dahmer/Richard Ramirez attended a Psychic TV concert hours
before/after committing another sick crime (Source: possibly a post
on RMI and my fuzzy memory)

Nick Cave Quotes: "They're too gay for me" [after seeing a Coil concert]
"He's the only truly evil man I have ever met" [in reference to
Blixa Bargeld] (Source: possible post on RMI and interview by [unknown])

That's all I can think of at the moment, they're not really all that
scintialting, but being at work in not really condusive to that type
of thought process (unless that was your actual job).

Anyway, it's just a shame that so many of the regulars have left us
(I've been a lurker here, with the odd infrequent post since '92) since
this sort of info and album/single reviews were the most interesting
and entertaiing things I would read here. So if anyone can contribute
some new annecdotes and/or clarify my examples, you'd make me, and hopefully
others, very happy.
Sound Mirror
2003-11-21 01:29:36 UTC
Post by Hunter
NIN's x-rated, banned and "not commercially" released "Broken" video
found it's way into the hands of the public, where it was met by a small
storm of public outrage at the simulated Snuff scene (perceived to be
genuine), which eventuated in the video being banned even before it's
official public release (Source: Either A NIN or THE NIN homepage)
dude, wayyyy off topic here. i mean seriously, wtf are you thinking? wrong
newsgroup! duh! just ask many of the regulars. DOES NOT BELONG HERE. NOT
2003-11-21 08:11:21 UTC
Post by Sound Mirror
Post by Hunter
NIN's x-rated, banned and "not commercially" released "Broken" video
found it's way into the hands of the public, where it was met by a small
storm of public outrage at the simulated Snuff scene (perceived to be
genuine), which eventuated in the video being banned even before it's
official public release (Source: Either A NIN or THE NIN homepage)
dude, wayyyy off topic here. i mean seriously, wtf are you thinking? wrong
newsgroup! duh! just ask many of the regulars. DOES NOT BELONG HERE. NOT
Heh, yeah, I know, what WAS I thinking? Must've been that 8 kilo
weed bulb I ate in one go. But honestly, this is an issue that has
circulating here since the daaaawn of time:

*sniff* Al, where are you now? Where's ACRA2?
And while I can appreciate the merits of both sides of the argument,
and I
realise your comment was said in jest, rmi, as we're all aware (or
been reminded of) is either slowly dying or going through a slow patch
(the current state of world affairs may soon change that, though) -
I did offer the qualifier: "related sub-genres"

Anyway, it was just a thought... a stray, young thought, full of
and naivity in it's youth, carefree and blind to the bitter and cruel

Plus rmi isn't the only source of industrial info. It won't damage me
me TOO
much if you're the only one who replies to this thread (in cyberspace
no one
can see you cry).
rahim naelquaed aziz abdullah
2003-11-23 06:39:14 UTC
Post by Sound Mirror
dude, wayyyy off topic here. i mean seriously, wtf are you thinking? wrong
newsgroup! duh! just ask many of the regulars. DOES NOT BELONG HERE. NOT
god you suck at sarcasm, troll.


"Not to mention the brilliantly titled "Untitled". It's like, whoa, it was
supposed to have a title, but then they gave it, like, an untitle. That's

_josh hammonds
2003-11-21 08:55:33 UTC
Post by Hunter
The book is fairly subjective, the author identifies 500 of the
most influential singles from 1976 up 'til '99 and has a brief
descriptive paragraph for each single. Usually the description
contains some bit of insider, only-a-true-fan-boy-would-know
information or quirky, interesting anecdote. And that's exactly
the sort of thing I would be interested in obtaining for our
illustrious genre (even if I don't get it published).

KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode

I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.

-paleophile (ask for e-mail)

"Nature doesn't do things by 'accident'. She accomplishes things by
trial and error; there's a difference."

Wesley Clark for President!
Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
2003-11-21 12:17:59 UTC
Post by paleophile
Post by Hunter
The book is fairly subjective, the author identifies 500 of the
most influential singles from 1976 up 'til '99 and has a brief
descriptive paragraph for each single. Usually the description
contains some bit of insider, only-a-true-fan-boy-would-know
information or quirky, interesting anecdote. And that's exactly
the sort of thing I would be interested in obtaining for our
illustrious genre (even if I don't get it published).
KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
actually, it's "Kind Men Feeding Dainty Mice"

get your facts straight, yo
np: nothin'

AIM: WhoKilledtheJAMs
dukncovr at kmfdm dot com

"i wish i could go see kmfdm. boo.
at least i get to see paul BIG PENIS yancy"
Todd Clayton
2003-11-22 00:19:55 UTC
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
Post by paleophile
KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
actually, it's "Kind Men Feeding Dainty Mice"
Oh how 1996.
| Todd Clayton aka DJ Todd | Real Synthetic Audio |
| http://www.industrial-radio.com | Electro-Industrial-Synthpop |
| irc.habber.net #rmipeople | radio for the net-generation. |
| ***@synthetic.org | Unlicensed, Unregulated, and |
| ICQ: 56785153 | Unconventional. |
"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor
will he ever receive either. " - Benjamin Franklin
Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
2003-11-22 00:49:00 UTC
Post by Todd Clayton
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
Post by paleophile
KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
actually, it's "Kind Men Feeding Dainty Mice"
Oh how 1996.
pretty much!
np: Future Bible Heroes - I'm A Vampire

AIM: WhoKilledtheJAMs
dukncovr at kmfdm dot com

"i wish i could go see kmfdm. boo.
at least i get to see paul BIG PENIS yancy"
Marian Try Slaughter
2003-11-22 20:07:43 UTC
Post by Todd Clayton
Post by Paul's penis is HELL, boy.
Post by paleophile
KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
actually, it's "Kind Men Feeding Dainty Mice"
Oh how 1996.
Doesn't that pretty accurately describe RMI, anyhow?

"It's like that old saying: A conservative is a liberal who's been attacked
by aliens."
Simon - mhm27x5
Todd Clayton
2003-11-23 02:19:06 UTC
Post by Marian Try Slaughter
Post by Todd Clayton
Oh how 1996.
Doesn't that pretty accurately describe RMI, anyhow?
Only if a coke machine fell on it.
| Todd Clayton aka DJ Todd | Real Synthetic Audio |
| http://www.industrial-radio.com | Electro-Industrial-Synthpop |
| irc.habber.net #rmipeople | radio for the net-generation. |
| ***@synthetic.org | Unlicensed, Unregulated, and |
| ICQ: 56785153 | Unconventional. |
"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor
will he ever receive either. " - Benjamin Franklin
2003-11-21 14:21:31 UTC
Post by paleophile
KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Ahhh, my faith in humanity is now restored :)
2003-11-24 07:19:28 UTC
Post by Hunter
Post by paleophile
KMFDM stands for: Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Ahhh, my faith in humanity is now restored :)
Here's another good one: ;-)

I once heard that Bill Leeb made Rhys Fulber cry prior to a gig because Bill
wouldn't let Rhys use a transformer to plug his synths into because Bill
needed it for a hairdryer.

-paleophile (ask for e-mail)

"Nature doesn't do things by 'accident'. She accomplishes things by
trial and error; there's a difference."

Wesley Clark for President!
Eray Ozkural exa
2003-11-26 19:10:37 UTC
Post by paleophile
Here's another good one: ;-)
I once heard that Bill Leeb made Rhys Fulber cry prior to a gig because Bill
wouldn't let Rhys use a transformer to plug his synths into because Bill
needed it for a hairdryer.
LOL Bill is a big hair rock star hahaha. You made my day :)
