VNV Denver
(too old to reply)
Scott Pointe
2004-11-06 19:35:13 UTC
Howdy, I'm in Athens, GA; I'm wondering if rmi folks would help me get
ready for the Denver show, January 8, 2005. Never have seen VNV, own
Empires, begun listening to Praise the Fallen on Real Rhapsody, which
has everything released by Cyberactif which is lovely music. What
songs would you expect at an advance/mini-tour? I am contemplating
buying the PastPerfect DVD, which has two versions. Is it worth the
$25-30? Cordial thanks for your opinions,
Girl <last name>
2004-11-07 23:59:31 UTC
Post by Scott Pointe
Howdy, I'm in Athens, GA; I'm wondering if rmi folks would help me get
ready for the Denver show, January 8, 2005. Never have seen VNV, own
Empires, begun listening to Praise the Fallen on Real Rhapsody, which
has everything released by Cyberactif which is lovely music. What
songs would you expect at an advance/mini-tour?
Lots of new stuff, as Ronan has a lot of material written for a new album and
the current tour is to try it out. I don't know what you should expect,
either, as futurepop is pretty much dead and, if they have sense, they'll do
like Covenant did with "Northern Light" or what Stephan Groth tried Fairlight
Children and try something different. They might well be returning somewhat to
the darker styles of the early stuff you mention, or they could be still
ploughing the furrow of "Futureperfect" - more trance, less EBM.

2004-11-08 17:32:59 UTC
Post by Girl <last name>
Post by Scott Pointe
Howdy, I'm in Athens, GA; I'm wondering if rmi folks would help me get
ready for the Denver show, January 8, 2005. Never have seen VNV, own
Empires, begun listening to Praise the Fallen on Real Rhapsody, which
has everything released by Cyberactif which is lovely music. What
songs would you expect at an advance/mini-tour?
Lots of new stuff, as Ronan has a lot of material written for a new album and
the current tour is to try it out. I don't know what you should expect,
either, as futurepop is pretty much dead and, if they have sense, they'll do
like Covenant did with "Northern Light" or what Stephan Groth tried Fairlight
Children and try something different. They might well be returning somewhat to
the darker styles of the early stuff you mention, or they could be still
ploughing the furrow of "Futureperfect" - more trance, less EBM.
I saw them this saturday, but I wasn't exactly paying attention to what
they did.
Scott Pointe
2004-11-09 02:06:10 UTC
Post by Girl <last name>
Post by Scott Pointe
songs would you expect at an advance/mini-tour?
Lots of new stuff, as Ronan has a lot of material written for a new album and
the current tour is to try it out. I don't know what you should expect,
either, as futurepop is pretty much dead and, if they have sense, they'll do
like Covenant did with "Northern Light" or what Stephan Groth tried Fairlight
Children and try something different. They might well be returning somewhat to
the darker styles of the early stuff you mention, or they could be still
ploughing the furrow of "Futureperfect" - more trance, less EBM.
I saw Covenant in Cleveland, OH back in 2000. VNV and Apop were
supposed to play but all we got to see was Noxious Emotion. You had
to be quick I guess. Now that I'm in Athens I do not know if there a
single place doing EBM or anything like it. Boneshakers is the
faggot/drag dance spot. I just watched Talk To Her, an Almodovar
film. I"m laughing cause a character said that Americans use the
'sensitive' name which must be 'men oriented'. It feels cool to write
faggot and not have to worry about it. Still, hard to find a
goth-industrial night - as far as I know there isn't one. I just
listened to Neuroactive's Fiber Optic Rythym. . .tell me what this is
supposed to be? I listened and found it passable. I really like VNV,
maybe i'll just forget about the music and concentrate on some
favourite costume ideas, just to enjoy myself. Oh, Cleveland reminds
me of Furnace Street. Anyone here like their music? I heard
Ladykiller as well, sh*t, as Thou Shalt Not's first offering while in
Cleveland. I tell you I miss that gritty anti-metropolitan cityscape.
Perfect for industrial fans ;) . buzz
Scott Pointe
2004-11-10 04:48:13 UTC
Boneshakers is the
Post by Scott Pointe
faggot/drag dance spot. I just watched Talk To Her, an Almodovar
film. I"m laughing cause a character said that Americans use the
'sensitive' name which must be 'men oriented'. It feels cool to write
faggot and not have to worry about it.
Jesus, I'm watching Irreversible and its bothering the living
daylights out of me that 'faggot' can carry so much negative energy.
I think I brought it up because I have had drag friends who liked
industrial, like Leaetherstrip for example. I always thought that a
men-oriented club played sappy techno and nothing 'intelligent'. Is
that false? I think I've been to a few clubs just looking to dance
and always got hit on instead. Sure I danced sometimes but I never
liked what I was dancing to. Course I stay out of atlanta and the
south in general is not all that sophisticated in my eyes. scott,
who realizes he has shifted topics 180 degrees.
Scott Pointe
2004-11-12 18:38:47 UTC
Post by Scott Pointe
Boneshakers is the
Post by Scott Pointe
faggot/drag dance spot. I just watched Talk To Her, an Almodovar
film. I"m laughing cause a character said that Americans use the
'sensitive' name which must be 'men oriented'. It feels cool to write
faggot and not have to worry about it.
Jesus, I'm watching Irreversible and its bothering the living
daylights out of me that 'faggot' can carry so much negative energy.
I asked around and this pejorative comes from Mussolini's use, in
part, of a bundle of sticks tied around an axe. Was this a symbol of
the Italian fascist state? Strength through belligerent central
government? And, one might say, to accuse someone of being a 'fag'
suggests that group of which same person is a member should be burned
at the stake, where faggots are the fuel. I have the common decency
to be more careful next time I use this word. I used it carelessly.

Is PTF the most EBM of VNV's? I can't get ahold of the Northern
Lights at the moment. I have only listened to Covenant's Dead Stars
single/ep, which I thought was good. Thanks for responding, buzz.
2004-11-13 12:13:03 UTC
Post by Scott Pointe
Is PTF the most EBM of VNV's? I can't get ahold of the Northern
Lights at the moment. I have only listened to Covenant's Dead Stars
single/ep, which I thought was good. Thanks for responding, buzz.
I'd say 'Advance and follow' - the 1995 edition was even more


np: SaVaK - 444 days
