LOT OF 150 ROCK TAPES-Ebay-ONE CENT opener !
(too old to reply)
2007-05-11 18:09:36 UTC
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Report this illegal (and most likely off-topic) eBay spam to:


Google Groups users:

Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
The Cyclops
2007-05-11 22:37:16 UTC
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!
2007-05-12 01:18:38 UTC
Post by The Cyclops
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them! <snip>
Don't butt in when you don't know the particulars.

This guy is a confirmed petty thief, Usenet spammer, eBay rule
violator and tax cheat. He's getting his just desserts. Anyone who
bids on one of his auctions does so at their own peril. Fraud and
deception are his claims to fame.
2007-05-12 17:08:29 UTC
Post by DeserTBoB
Post by The Cyclops
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them! <snip>
Don't butt in when you don't know the particulars.
This guy is a confirmed petty thief, Usenet spammer, eBay rule
violator and tax cheat. He's getting his just desserts. Anyone who
bids on one of his auctions does so at their own peril. Fraud and
deception are his claims to fame.
suuuure he is....that's not what his feedback says...
2007-05-12 17:16:41 UTC
On 12 May 2007 10:08:29 -0700, duty-honor-country
Post by DeserTBoB
Post by The Cyclops
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them! <snip>
Don't butt in when you don't know the particulars.
This guy is a confirmed petty thief, Usenet spammer, eBay rule
violator and tax cheat. He's getting his just desserts. Anyone who
bids on one of his auctions does so at their own peril. Fraud and
deception are his claims to fame.
suuuure he is....that's not what his feedback says... <snip>
Quit referring to yourself in the third person. Your deceptive shill
accounts and other slights of hand are well recognized by those who
are successfully pummeling your eBay scams to smithereens.

Your feedback on 66-catalina was massaged and manipulated by every
means possible, including having eBay remove negatives and neutrals,
and the use of bribery and intimidation. See:


Note the one about intimidation...that's one he could NOT buy off.
2007-05-12 02:14:31 UTC
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.
2007-05-12 17:09:55 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
this from the guy that tried to off himself, by slitting his wrists in
the Navy- now he's on Prozac daily

I rest my case !
2007-05-12 17:17:52 UTC
On 12 May 2007 10:09:55 -0700, duty-honor-country
Post by duty-honor-country
Post by Rick
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
this from the guy that tried to off himself, by slitting his wrists in
the Navy- now he's on Prozac daily
I rest my case ! <snip>
Another case of a psychotic sociopath using imaginary slander to try
to overcome real grievances about his own behavior.


2007-05-12 17:37:15 UTC
Post by DeserTBoB
On 12 May 2007 10:09:55 -0700, duty-honor-country
Post by duty-honor-country
Post by Rick
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
this from the guy that tried to off himself, by slitting his wrists in
the Navy- now he's on Prozac daily
I rest my case ! <snip>
Another case of a psychotic sociopath using imaginary slander to try
to overcome real grievances about his own behavior.
heads up people- "DeserTBob" is the same guy that had 2 of his own
Ebay usernames banned, for auction harassment- they were "voxpopper"
and "xcaliber44"

see it here:

DESERTBOB (not its real name) is a troll.
It regularly frequents at least twenty news groups,
including many rabid/sex/racist/liberal idiot/wannabee mechanic
Normally, it starts off with reasonable, even witty lines,
but rapidly drifts into lies, abuse and stupidity.

It had 2 Ebay usernames, both banned due to abuse, auction
interference, and harassment- they were VOXPOPPER and XCALIBER44- see
them here- search history of VOXPOPPER to see how it left (8) negative
feedbacks for a seller, for items that cost only a penny each !



It is a sad creature, deserving of pity, not anger.
Any direct response simply feeds it,
but it will go away if you ignore it.

It is also unemployed, faked an injury, so it could get fraudulent SSI
benefits, which it now collects, instead of working- so it's basically
sucking off the government cash cow. In reality, it worked for Bell
Telephone, and its job was axed and outsourced, due to the troll's

It drives a 1978 Honda- need I say more ?
2007-05-12 17:39:55 UTC
Post by DeserTBoB
On 12 May 2007 10:09:55 -0700, duty-honor-country
Post by duty-honor-country
Post by Rick
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
this from the guy that tried to off himself, by slitting his wrists in
the Navy- now he's on Prozac daily
I rest my case ! <snip>
Another case of a psychotic sociopath using imaginary slander to try
to overcome real grievances about his own behavior.
question for "DesertBob":

aren't you the SAME GUY that had (2) of your own Ebay usernames BANNED
to TOS Ebay violations ? As I remember, that was AUCTION HARASSMENT.

Yes, you were.

your Ebay names that were banned, were "voxpopper" and "xcaliber44"
2007-05-12 17:56:38 UTC
On 12 May 2007 10:39:55 -0700, duty-honor-country
Post by duty-honor-country
aren't you the SAME GUY that had (2) of your own Ebay usernames BANNED
to TOS Ebay violations ? As I remember, that was AUCTION HARASSMENT.
Yes, you were.
your Ebay names that were banned, were "voxpopper" and "xcaliber44" <snip>
What about your THREE user names banned for FRAUD?




Feckless moron...you'll never escape your bad rep.

Nice try by having 66fourdoor removed to try to escape. However, all
the documentation linking Charlie Nudo, 160 Bear Run Dr., Drums, PA
15222 to those names exists in droves.

2007-05-12 18:00:41 UTC
wow, guys- check this out...


most polluted cities, right ?

Bob's from L.A.- and Ricky is from Pittsburgh...

too funny !
2007-05-12 18:31:19 UTC
Post by elkhound
wow, guys- check this out...
most polluted cities, right ?
Bob's from L.A.- and Ricky is from Pittsburgh...
too funny ! <snip>
Oops! Noodles ran out of posting space on Goo Goo Groups...had to
come up with yet another phony account, eh, Noodles?
2007-05-12 19:50:35 UTC
I just realized something. Bob lives in "Smog Angeles". But Ricky
lives in Pittsburgh- and look who's city is NUMBER 2 after LA in air
That's so funny except I've never lived in Pittsburgh.
now there's a trend- these 2 shitbirds suffer from CLASS ENVY- they're
both slummin' it !
Speaking of slumming it, read about the high class life where Charlie
Nudo lives, just don't step in dog shit!


And class envy:

2007-05-14 10:51:27 UTC
Post by DeserTBoB
Post by elkhound
wow, guys- check this out...
most polluted cities, right ?
Bob's from L.A.- and Ricky is from Pittsburgh...
too funny ! <snip>
Oops! Noodles ran out of posting space on Goo Goo Groups...had to
come up with yet another phony account, eh, Noodles?
ooops ! tapes sold, DeserTBob ends up sucking stale asswater with a

2007-05-12 17:13:13 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
listen to Ricky: "wimper, wimper, waaahhh"

whatsamatter, Rick- your pussy hurt ?

2007-05-15 12:05:01 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
here's a good comparison- contrast Ricky's post above, with this email
he sent me a few months ago below

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick White" <***@atlanticbb.net>
To: <***@epix.net>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 1:35 AM
Subject: Please leave me out of your feud with Bob.
Post by Rick
Please leave me out of your feud with Bob. I quit posting
back in Nov. but it seems everytime someone posts some
anonymous crap you have to bring my name up or post
something about my first marriage (which was over 20 years
ago and my only child from that marriage is an adult now).
I don't care what you are doing on Ebay or in any groups,
I have been minding my own business and not bothering
anyone so why do you have to keep bringing me into it?
Please leave me out of it.
2007-05-15 12:18:41 UTC
Post by elkhound
Post by Rick
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
He never left me alone, he never left my wife alone, calling her at
work over a Usenet post. He's just reaping what he has sown.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
here's a good comparison- contrast Ricky's post above, with this email
he sent me a few months ago below
What does that have to do with you working at King Fifth Wheel?

William W Western
2007-05-12 02:50:22 UTC
Post by The Cyclops
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!
That *is* a tonne of pretty decent tracks and artists.
2007-05-12 17:05:15 UTC
Post by William W Western
Post by The Cyclops
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!
That *is* a tonne of pretty decent tracks and artists.
yessir !

but Boob and Little Wick-y can't afford those tapes....they have no
expendable income

you know, with the Hondas and all...

2007-05-12 17:14:39 UTC
Post by William W Western
Post by The Cyclops
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!
That *is* a tonne of pretty decent tracks and artists.
you got that right, WWW !
2007-05-12 17:04:00 UTC
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
good post- the 2 trolls need a kick in the skull once in a while...
2007-05-12 19:42:02 UTC
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
good post- the 2 trolls need a kick in the skull once in a while...- Hide quoted text -
You couldn't lift your fat leg that high.
2007-05-13 12:08:17 UTC
tapes sold- Ricky and Boob bite dust
2007-05-13 13:10:37 UTC
Post by elkhound
tapes sold- Ricky and Boob bite dust
Oh boy, looks like Jenny is going to be treated to McDonalds for
Mothers Day, WHOOPIE!

If your wifes black eye has healed you may be able to go inside and
eat instead of using the drive-thru.
2007-05-14 10:50:29 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by elkhound
tapes sold- Ricky and Boob bite dust
Oh boy, looks like Jenny is going to be treated to McDonalds for
Mothers Day, WHOOPIE!
If your wifes black eye has healed you may be able to go inside and
eat instead of using the drive-thru.
now, now, Ricky....

there really is a God- Ricky has to breathe smog !

AND drive a #7 Honda...

2007-05-14 23:58:48 UTC
Post by Rick
Post by elkhound
tapes sold- Ricky and Boob bite dust
Oh boy, looks like Jenny is going to be treated to McDonalds for
Mothers Day, WHOOPIE!
If your wifes black eye has healed you may be able to go inside and
eat instead of using the drive-thru.
now let's contract Ricky's last post, with this email he sent to the
same person a while back

which personality is he using today ?

cybil-ibbil-bibbil ?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick White" <***@atlanticbb.net>
To: <***@epix.net>
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 1:35 AM
Subject: Please leave me out of your feud with Bob.
Post by Rick
Please leave me out of your feud with Bob. I quit posting
back in Nov. but it seems everytime someone posts some
anonymous crap you have to bring my name up or post
something about my first marriage (which was over 20 years
ago and my only child from that marriage is an adult now).
I don't care what you are doing on Ebay or in any groups,
I have been minding my own business and not bothering
anyone so why do you have to keep bringing me into it?
Please leave me out of it.
2007-05-12 17:42:35 UTC
Post by The Cyclops
Post by DeserTBoB
On 11 May 2007 10:27:54 -0700, duty-honor-country
auction will start tonight at 6:30 PST- 9:30 EST
BEST OF THE <snip>
Click "More Options" on his spam message.
Click "Report Abuse"
Report msg as "This Message is Spam"
For Crissakes,
Leave the guy alone and let him sell his 8-track tapes! who cares!
Some people may even want them!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Cyclops- check your email- re: DeserTBoob