Bob Larson travelling the world fighting domons. Can't stop him, haterz.
(too old to reply)
2010-11-30 00:52:33 UTC
Moe:   Writes a novel-length response to a four sentence post on
 Thanks for the complement Yukkie.
  If you are afraid of me actually explaining who and what Larson IS
to people who, naturally, would not know athing about this
televangelist shyster, then you have the freedom to pass mypost by and
ignore it. The fact that you choose not to shows  more about you than
about me.
I've already heard everything you have to say about Bob. I've done my
own research and concluded you're nothing but bunk.
 BTW i deleted a few of your usual spamming crossposts because they
are not relevant to the topic. You are free to re-crosspost and be the
asswipe you are, OC.
I am cross-posting to relevant groups. I am sorry you are scared to
be seen in real newsgroups.
Bob:  Still travelling the world battling Satan.
Well he claims he's battling Satan though Satan seems to be his best
ally. BTW he went to Latvia around Thanksgiving, which pretty much
tells me he doesn't want to spend a family holiday WIThhis own family.
Thanksgiving is a pagan holiday based on injun rituals. For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey. So, when you eat turkey on
Thanksgiving you are symbollically eating a virginal human female,
giving ample opportunity for domons to enter you. No serious Christian
celebrates it.
 Bob Larson's priorities have always been about Bob Larson, no one
As if travelling to a poor, third-world hellhole like Latvia is a
barrel of fun. Its not a vacation, Moe. Its a tour of duty for
Like I said, can't stop him, haterz.  Can't stop him!  It must eat you
up inside that you devoted your life to a failed cause.
 Aside from your atrocious spelling, Yukkie, the simple fact is I
don't " hate" Larson. I despise what he does and I know he really
doesn't give a crap about the people he uses and mentally abuses to
feed his ego and his bank account. For me tp hate Larson would be for
me to give him power over me, which I refuse to do.
 Long story short, I will speak out about this shyster online as much
as I wish if for no other reason than for someone searching online to
find out about another side of " Pastor" Bob Larson.
 But thank you for giving me another opportunity to talk about Larson.
Thank you for helping my spread the Word of Jesus and his servant Bob

yours in Christ,
2010-12-03 23:40:45 UTC
 For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey.  
 Oh really? Where's your proof?
 Man that girl must have been one happy gal! Imagine having a number
of braves cunnilingusing you to pleasure--and you don't even have to
such a dick !
 Hey, do ya think maybe a lesbian female may have waited in line at
one of those?
Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.

yours in Christ,
2010-12-03 23:47:08 UTC
Post by yumhuyk
Post by yumhuyk
For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey.
Oh really? Where's your proof?
Man that girl must have been one happy gal! Imagine having a number
of braves cunnilingusing you to pleasure--and you don't even have to
such a dick !
Hey, do ya think maybe a lesbian female may have waited in line at
one of those?
Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.
yours in Christ,
Never heard of sessual fantasies. Are they fantasies about eating turkey
2010-12-03 23:58:08 UTC
Post by Dakota
Post by yumhuyk
  For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey.
  Oh really? Where's your proof?
  Man that girl must have been one happy gal! Imagine having a number
of braves cunnilingusing you to pleasure--and you don't even have to
such a dick !
  Hey, do ya think maybe a lesbian female may have waited in line at
one of those?
Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.
yours in Christ,
Never heard of sessual fantasies. Are they fantasies about eating turkey
Turkeys don't have pussies, they have cloacas.

yours in Christ,
2010-12-04 03:01:32 UTC
Post by yumhuyk
Post by Dakota
Post by yumhuyk
Post by yumhuyk
For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey.
Oh really? Where's your proof?
Man that girl must have been one happy gal! Imagine having a number
of braves cunnilingusing you to pleasure--and you don't even have to
such a dick !
Hey, do ya think maybe a lesbian female may have waited in line at
one of those?
Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.
yours in Christ,
Never heard of sessual fantasies. Are they fantasies about eating turkey
Turkeys don't have pussies, they have cloacas.
yours in Christ,
If you want to get technical, women don't have pussies either.

Are you saying that sessual fantasies refer to eating turkey cloacas?
Kabuki Bob
2010-12-04 20:25:32 UTC
Post by Dakota
Post by yumhuyk
Post by Dakota
Post by yumhuyk
   For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey.
   Oh really? Where's your proof?
   Man that girl must have been one happy gal! Imagine having a number
of braves cunnilingusing you to pleasure--and you don't even have to
such a dick !
   Hey, do ya think maybe a lesbian female may have waited in line at
one of those?
Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.
yours in Christ,
Never heard of sessual fantasies. Are they fantasies about eating turkey
Turkeys don't have pussies, they have cloacas.
yours in Christ,
If you want to get technical, women don't have pussies either.
Are you saying that sessual fantasies refer to eating turkey cloacas?
Well as Confucius said: " he who eats only roosters likes to suck

Kabuki Bob
2010-12-04 20:23:56 UTC
Post by yumhuyk
 For example,
the Iroquois used to eat a virgin girl for their autumnal festival but
this was later changed to a turkey.  
 Oh really? Where's your proof?
 Man that girl must have been one happy gal! Imagine having a number
of braves cunnilingusing you to pleasure--and you don't even have to
such a dick !
 Hey, do ya think maybe a lesbian female may have waited in line at
one of those?
Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.
" Sessual"? Is that like Dr. Seuss or something?

Dude, you were the pone who brought up the bullshit about the
Iroquios " eating a virgin", from whatever you got that line of
garbage from.

I just had some fun at your mistake.

Post by yumhuyk
yours in Christ,
2010-12-05 00:54:03 UTC
KBW (y) > Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.

Moe > " Sessual"? Is that like Dr. Seuss or something?
Moe >
Moe > Dude, you were the pone who brought up the


Moe > bullshit about the Iroquios " eating a virgin",
Moe > from whatever you got that line of garbage from.
Moe >
Moe > I just had some fun at your mistake.

"at your mistake"? You mean "at your expense" right?

As if it wasn't stupid enough to begin with,
Now it's illiterates trying spelling lames on other illiterates.
Kabuki Bob
2010-12-05 20:53:28 UTC
Post by Greegor
KBW (y) > Stop talking bout your sessual fantasies.
Moe > " Sessual"? Is that like Dr. Seuss or something?
Moe >
Moe > Dude, you were the pone who brought up the
Moe > bullshit about the Iroquios " eating a virgin",
Moe > from whatever you got that line of garbage from.
Moe >
Moe > I just had some fun at your mistake.
"at your mistake"?  You mean "at your expense" right?
Since you claim Yukkie is Kent as a sock then for me, a supposed ally
of Kent's to have some fun "at (his) expense" as you claim would be
deriding Kent, would it not-- if Yukkie was Kent.

If Yukkie is YOU using a sock then for me to have fun at the absurd
Iroquois " eating" virgin women claim would be mocking you--which to
be honest I can do anyway, and have done so.

Frankly I don't care who Yukkie is or is not. You are free to pretend
otherwise and to continue playing your dumbass little games.
Post by Greegor
As if it wasn't stupid enough to begin with,
Now it's illiterates trying spelling lames on other illiterates.
Speaking of illiterates.....
" Spelling lames"?

(( grinning))
