Now is the only thing
(too old to reply)
stevie seven
2005-02-09 00:54:02 UTC
Since I have begun visiting RMI I have seen many a strange thing but
never have I seen such lack of activity. Usually there was someone
bitching about something and I suppose as a natural writer (and a
pioneer) it is in my blood to
shoot first. Maybe "the scene" is dead. Maybe Pigface can't even get
people to show up at their gigs without even charging them. Or maybe I
am just getting old, but it seems like there's a lot of people, namely
us Americans that are busy burying our head in the sand while our
culture and future takes a nosedive.
Personally, I am not all that proud to be from the US; even being
a veteran and I don't blame the rest of the world for veiwing us the
way they do. First and foremost, I am an artist and a writer and this
is what I do. I have learned from hard experience that just doing and
saying nothing is worse than making a mistake; because it is from our
mistakes that we learn.
It is exciting (still) to me that people all over the world can
read this message and I can practice freedom of speech for whatever its
worth. But, if this is a newsgroup that centers around an artform
which basically was born from individuality and freedom from
[commercial] tyranny then it seems to me that we are failing in our
real attempt to break out of the mediocrity and stupidity that is
offered to us every day as "preferable".
Maybe we do not heed the pioneers of thought that have come before
that basically had the same message- whether christian, agnostic or
satanist: that we have a responsibility as beings with free will to
determine our own destiny and not to be simply led to slaughter out of
fear of treading our own way.
Let us not be deluded by prejudices and conformity to sterotype:
it is the 21st century! If there was any time in modern history that
power resides in the hands of the people it is now. The days of large
corporations and labels making decisions for us what is aesthetic or
important are over. The days of pop idols and images also deteriorate.
People even begin to question what is their meaning of existence and
what it is they work for every day: for it is not material acquisition
of social status, but something sacred and intangible- is it beauty?
Many have come and gone; through the gates of sanity to cross the
threshold of their own humanity to find "the truth". But truth is no
longer a consensus idea and we can no longer exist as a herd species,
as mindless automatons. We espouse the idea of industrialism only as a
gateway to a more real nature of chaos and spirituality- something that
cannot be regulated, edited or controlled.
I hope that we, as the human family can prove science, prophecy
and even ourselves wrong and truly live in spite of circumstances-
because artistry indeed thrives in conditions of adversity.

Stevie Seven
2005-02-09 14:19:17 UTC
your post was too long.
