FA: Meira Asher, Dead Hollywood Stars
(too old to reply)
2005-09-04 06:41:29 UTC
Meira Asher - Spears Into Hooks CD:
("Spears Into Hooks" presents itself in the shape of an electronic
opera, which will appeal simultaneously to the young fan of The Aphex
Twin and to the more mature admirer of Penderecki. There exists no
musical category to describe the music on this album. A
free-association test performed on a panel of initial (and initiated)
listeners has shown a recurrence of the following words, in no
particular order: Industrial Drill'n'Bass, Captain Beefheart, Autechre,
Public Image Limited, London's neo-noise scene based around Harder
Faster Louder, Kurt Weill/Lotte Lenya, Post-Illbient, Avant-Rock meets
Electro Dub Infection.)


Dead Hollywood Stars - Gone West CD:
(Despite the celluloid imagesry suggested by such a name, Dead
Hollywood Stars are anything but stock or predictable musical material.
Members John Sellekaers (Xingu Hill, Urawa, Ambre, Moonsanto, Ammo and
Snog), C-drik (Ambre, Moonsanto and Ammo), and Herve Thomas (Urawa and
Hint) have met with plenty of success as experimental musicians and
artists, having recorded for such esteemed labels as Ant-zen, Hymen,
Sub Rosa, and Foton. Now, the three collaborate on Dead Hollywood Stars
in an effort to render the very essence of a uniquely American art
form: classic country and western music.)

2005-09-09 09:31:08 UTC
Last Day!
