Does Trent Reznor *ever* have an original idea in his head?
(too old to reply)
2015-10-24 09:27:49 UTC
While channel-surfing late last night, I came upon some old geezer whose last
vital record was released in a decade that isn't the current or most recent,
sitting on a chair with silly horn-rim glasses on and saying "Here's the new
Nine Inch Nails video, `Closer'" ...
With that, we plunge head-long into Trent's newest video opus, and immediately
several things become evident; the most telling is that this guy wouldn't
know a new video idea if it kicked him upside the head.
Can we play "Name that influence"? Let's ...
First up, we've got a monkey on a cross! Good, Trent, my wife's album cover
("Stereotaxic Device", Kk Records) only beat you to that concept by, oh, 4
years now. Next?
Oh look, a severed rotating pig's head! Been hanging out with Foetus, I see?
Hey look! A still-life with Trent's head depicted in a gross fashion as if he'd
been decapitated! The general sepiatone etched-plate motif! Guess you really
liked that Joel-Peter Witkin exhibit that's in L.A. now, eh Trent?
Why look, the whole thing's filmed in sepiatone with lotsa dust and then
there's the creaky pulley bit ... guess the video store finally got that
Brothers Quay compilation video in for Trent to rent ... and I'm sure watching
those Tool videos didn't hurt, either ...
The scary thing is that some kids out there might actually think this stuff
is "new" and "original" or something ...
Not amused,
- Greg Earle
Phone: (818) 353-8695 FAX: (818) 353-1877 [Call # again if
wow nerds
2015-10-24 09:37:31 UTC
Trent was originator of #YOLOswag culture later revived by Drake. Expect Ministry to make YOLO concept album next reunion
2015-11-27 11:46:42 UTC
Cloaca live at San Antonio Harsh Noise & Power Electronics Fest

2015-12-01 14:21:16 UTC
Cloaca - Birddeath Experience

For Phone
2023-09-20 01:45:37 UTC
While channel-surfing late last night, I came upon some old geezer whose last
vital record was released in a decade that isn't the current or most recent,
sitting on a chair with silly horn-rim glasses on and saying "Here's the new
Nine Inch Nails video, `Closer'" ...
With that, we plunge head-long into Trent's newest video opus, and immediately
several things become evident; the most telling is that this guy wouldn't
know a new video idea if it kicked him upside the head.
Can we play "Name that influence"? Let's ...
First up, we've got a monkey on a cross! Good, Trent, my wife's album cover
("Stereotaxic Device", Kk Records) only beat you to that concept by, oh, 4
years now. Next?
Oh look, a severed rotating pig's head! Been hanging out with Foetus, I see?
Hey look! A still-life with Trent's head depicted in a gross fashion as if he'd
been decapitated! The general sepiatone etched-plate motif! Guess you really
liked that Joel-Peter Witkin exhibit that's in L.A. now, eh Trent?
Why look, the whole thing's filmed in sepiatone with lotsa dust and then
there's the creaky pulley bit ... guess the video store finally got that
Brothers Quay compilation video in for Trent to rent ... and I'm sure watching
those Tool videos didn't hurt, either ...
The scary thing is that some kids out there might actually think this stuff
is "new" and "original" or something ...
Not amused,
- Greg Earle
Phone: (818) 353-8695 FAX: (818) 353-1877 [Call # again if
Not to mention "Closer" sounds musically pretty similar to Severed Heads' "God Song"...hmm...

Coming from 30 years in the future
