new iszoloscope website!!!!
(too old to reply)
Yann (iszoloscope)
2005-08-12 05:05:38 UTC
Hello everyone,

It's that time of the year again... the time I entirely redesign my website!

There are 2 new sections on the new version: I have a new section with
pictures (after over 2 years of absence) and a FAQ page. I added a new
review of "Camanecroszcope" in English in the "press" section along 13 new
articles in the "encyclopaedia" page. The links... well, I spent a whole day
on them, nearly doubling the amount of bands and projects that I have
linked. So, I hope you'll enjoy the retarded amount of work I put on it.

Last, but not least, I have posted dates of upcoming shows for this late
summer / early fall that are confirmed: Chicago, New York City, Ithaca,
Lowell, Copenhagen, London, Maschinenfest... the list should get longer in
the next week or so.

Yann (iszoloscope)
2005-08-13 03:19:45 UTC
looks really nice, yann (i cant blv you're on wikipedia:

looking fwd to the chgo show!

