song with Videodrome sample
(too old to reply)
2018-12-19 02:55:23 UTC
Front 242 - Masterhit
2022-12-29 00:47:32 UTC
I saw the movie Videodrome the other night, and it had a part in it that
has been sampled and put in to an industrial song. I know I have heard
"You know me, and I sure know you...every one."
I think it's in a Skinny Puppy song, but after listening to all the
Skinny Puppy I own, and most of what the radio station owns, I still
don't know what it is. So, maybe it's in a song that is by a band that
sounds a lot like Skinny Puppy, and that's why it's stuck in my head that
it is in a Skinny Puppy song.
Somebody please help me! Not knowing this is really bothering me!
Thanks so much.
*Kim | This world is just too full of stupid *
The song you're thinking of it called Masterhit by Front 242
