Japanese Industrial Scene
(too old to reply)
Jamie Rosen
2003-07-29 17:59:24 UTC
Does anybody have any insight into the scene (if there is one) in Japan. I
know that there is definitely I noise scene, but otherwise...? I'm
especially interested in stores and clubs in the Kansai prefecture. I'm
moving to Japan for at least a year on September 9th, and it looks like I'll
be in either Osaka or Kyoto.
I believe Yann from Iszoloscope just got a multi-band demo from Japan...
the only name that springs to mind right now is, IIRC, Ordinateur.

Can't help you with the whole store/club thing, though.

np: The Tear Garden _To Be An Angel Blind, the Crippled Soul Divide_


Jamie Rosen's e-book _Vessel of Heaven_ is now available from Jintsu Etexts
Check it out at http://www.eggplant-productions.com/jintsu
amaro airhorn
2003-08-02 00:21:57 UTC
Does anybody have any insight into the scene (if there is one) in Japan. I
know that there is definitely I noise scene, but otherwise...? I'm
especially interested in stores and clubs in the Kansai prefecture. I'm
moving to Japan for at least a year on September 9th, and it looks like I'll
be in either Osaka or Kyoto.
There will be only one: DISSECTING TABLE
Their last album "Groping in the Dark", is pure genius, the best
aggressive industrial album of the last few years. Blew me away at
first listen.
There's quite a few bands operating in the Tokyo area that are worth
checking out... they regularly play live. The following two are the
most interesting to me.

Der Eisenrost is fronted by Chu Ishikawa, previously responsible for
the Tetsuo: The Iron Man soundtrack among other Tsukamoto films.
Musical content is somewhat similar to the soundtracks, only far more
energetic thanks to the addition of live metal percussion and standard
rock instrumentation. Stay aware of their upcoming performances at
http://www.dereisenrost.com/ .

CHC System is an electronic/EBM group that features several of the
musicians from Der Eisenrost (no Ishikawa here). It's highly
structured and very musical... and appeals to me a lot more than
similar European stylings. Stay updated on performances and events
through http://svastika.tripod.co.jp/ .

In addition to the above, there are many other acts ranging from metal
to cybergoth... I'm not very familiar with these, but if you're
interested, Solomon Grundy has set up an excellent resource at
http://www.solomongrundy.net/Japan.htm. He was also director of an
excellent 5-hour radio special on Der Eisenrost which is necessary

Sorry that I'm not more specific with Osaka-area events, but any sort
of travel would be worth it to see Der Eisenrost perform... I'll be
traveling from the USA to see such a thing if my schedule allows. They
recently played a show with Ruins... holy shit, that must have been
mandatory viewing for anyone in the area.

Previously unreleased tracks from Dissecting Table, Der Eisenrost, and
CHC System will be available on Mile 329's upcoming compilation CD due
to go into manufacture very soon. http://www.mile329.org/ .

And yeah, the latest Dissecting Table album is great stuff. Be sure to
check out "Power Out Of Control" released on Triumvirate...
"Naturalism" (offered as free mp3 download on www.citadel-gate.com) is
one of my favorite DT tracks.

-stag ejector
