Did Someone Turn This Newsgroup Off?
(too old to reply)
2013-07-11 19:26:27 UTC

Let there be an occasional coughing throb.
2013-07-15 18:23:34 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
You're just now noticing? :) There hasn't been meaningful conversation
in here for over a decade!
2013-07-16 13:05:36 UTC
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by m***@gmail.com
You're just now noticing? :) There hasn't been meaningful conversation
in here for over a decade!
Who cares about meaningful conversation? ;^)~

I was going by GG views being zero on posts you'd at least think someone dropping by would glance at (of course, GG can only log the views of GG _users_, so there's one source of sampling-error right there, sort of like going by AOL stats).

We've seen a number of classic group/composer releases lately, XMtP, SP, FLA, Covenant . . . .

And fuck-all here about 'em (I'm broke, haven't bought a CD in at least three years, so that kinda cramps my own reviewing style, hence also my exploring of YT offerings for the "femmes electro" I've favored of late).
Throbbing in the last ditch? brekekek-koax-koax . . . .
2013-07-16 13:47:08 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I was going by GG views being zero on posts you'd at least think someone
dropping by would glance at (of course, GG can only log the views of
GG _users_, so there's one source of sampling-error right there, sort of
like going by AOL stats).
I read everything that gets posted here (which isn't hard) but I don't read via
GG so it wouldn't show up :)

Look at it this way, when 20-something years ago when I first poked at
usenet there were thousands of groups with about as much as life as RMI
has now - but RMI had that 10 year or so long heyday! Hey, there was even
that website with pictures of regular posters and such.
2013-07-16 14:03:47 UTC
Post by j***@hehxduhmp.org
Post by m***@gmail.com
I was going by GG views being zero on posts you'd at least think someone
dropping by would glance at (of course, GG can only log the views of
GG _users_, so there's one source of sampling-error right there, sort of
like going by AOL stats).
I read everything that gets posted here (which isn't hard) but I don't read via
GG so it wouldn't show up :)
Look at it this way, when 20-something years ago when I first poked at
usenet there were thousands of groups with about as much as life as RMI
has now - but RMI had that 10 year or so long heyday! Hey, there was even
that website with pictures of regular posters and such.
I don't remember that, since I only popped by about the turn of the century--rmi started its decline a bit after that, although I don't think I'm entirely to blame . . . .

Ou sont les rmiers d'antan?

Two at least have gone on to play, Per (Void Prototype) who posted a lot and the great Erica Dunham (Unter Null) who posted a few times; I imagine there're others, as well as players to begin with who chipped in occasionally.

A lot of electro-EBM players are on FB and Twitter, so it's not like there's some pro bias against social media:



Ah, well, Myspace has fallen, and FB is falling, so once Twitter folds (as a CIA/NSA sting/op from the start) we might get some peeps back.

And we even have some-a the fastest file-downloads around! (next to actual FTP.)
Let there be slow deep throbbing in memoriam.