Nivek Ogre = Kevin Ogilvie?
(too old to reply)
2017-05-04 22:24:07 UTC
Been searching forever and can't figure out if Ogre is married or has a girlfriend, and the only thing I can did up from google is a post from goddamn 1993 which makes mention of Ogre's girlfriend at the time, possibly named "Cyan". Well, damn.

If Ogre is Kevin Ogilvie, and not David then why isn't
Kevin Ogilvie listed on the CD credits?
Damn, everyone is still perplexed about this? :)
OK, I met Ogre while he and his girlfriend Cyan ( or whatever here real name
is) were touring haunted houses. They made a pitstop on the South Side of
Pittsburgh, where I friend of mine lives. They stayed there for a few days.
In conversation, I heard one of my friends call him Kev. Then, (dumb me) it
clicked in my head that he spelled his name backwards. He said it saves he and
Kevin Cromwell ( if I got his name right ) confusion.
And it explains the credit being given to K.Ogilvie for the song "Breathe".
Ok? Any more questions?
2017-05-11 00:13:49 UTC
Okay, I've read this in the FAQ and read it in many posts.
If Ogre is Kevin Ogilvie, and not David then why isn't
Kevin Ogilvie listed on the CD credits? I have last rights,
12" anthology, Too Dark Park, and Rabies. On all of these disks
I only see David Ogilvie, Cevin Key, and the occasional Al..
Why no Ogre or Kevin?
"Prepare for rejection, you'll get no direction from me..."
How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? ;)
