There is Insufficient Bad Language and Hostile Imprecation. Further...
(too old to reply)
Tiny Human Ferret
2005-08-26 00:21:49 UTC
In these newsgroups, there is insufficient bad language and hostile
imprecation. Further, this can only be remedied by aggressive
importation of the rhetoric of complete, well, how do you categorize
people who would be trolls if they weren't intelligent and thoughful as
well as being disagreeable as well as unfashionable? A certain AGSF-57
comes to mind, and of course we all miss his chauvinistic persian

In his absence, I find it necessary to spark up the engines of dissent
and moral outrage. Thus, something with which to disagree:



Posted by Uncle Al on May 08, 2003 at 13:09 (

Re: Neuroethics......A New Science ? (Mike Kremer)

Boys are inherently aggressive, destructive, rowdy, dirty, mechanically
inclined... They violently test each other to establish rank and respect
that rank until physical challenge overthrows it. "Lord of the Flies."
Add puberty and you have monsters who create the world. Guys sweat and
stink and whore and revel in it all.

Feminized society wants polite tea parties and cleaned starched dresses
while invisible Daddy dumps in money without limit or compensation and
protects his little perfumed babies from real world horrors. Women don't
recognize rank. Women scheme and whine and cry to get their way.

Contrast Adolph Hitler with Neville Chamberlain, or Saddam Hussein with
Jacques Chirac. It's manly men vs. girly men. The girlies always lose,
then they whine to secure value post-conflict. It isn't fair! A done
deal signed and sealed is barely the start of negotiations if you are a

Men respect powerful objective achievement. Women giddily nurture runts
while heartlessly sending out the strong kids to bring home money. The
First World currently stinks of soured breast milk and filled diapers.
We are effete. Manly males must be destroyed, cripples must be
compassionately embraced. This process is called "social engineering."

Ritalin is obsolete. Aderall is now therapeutically fashionable (big
doses of straight methamphetamine). Male children who don't caponize are
further blasted with a smorgasbord of major antidepressants,
anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics until they vegetablize into good
little girlies. "Some experimentation is usually necesssary..." Yeah.
MKULTRA is now practiced in our grade schools. Don't ever let them do
that to your kid.

There is no doubt that more extreme mentalities - the extreme right tail
of the Bell Curve wherein all the really important human beings quiver -
are flat out weird compared to the common man or woman. The Far Right is
almost all males. We should be playing to their strengths and allowing
for their hard landings. Life is an ass kicking contest bloody and
sincere. Don't invest in one-legged men.

It is a clinical fact that extreme mentalities benefit from the
administration of **small** amounts of speed. It acts like magnifying
glass, focusing their prodigious attentions to a single task. The
intensely strange and utterly brilliant mathematican Erdos found a
*little* benzidrine to be a remarkable comfort fostering profound
productivity. There is a difference between drinking a glass of water
and drowning.

The Gifted, the Severely Gifted, and especially the Profoundly Gifted
are not pleasant people by any measure. Who gives a damn? They certainly
don't. Let them do their work, and provide a brothel for them to get
their rocks off. If all the Daddies disappear proper girlies have no
choice but to become whining streetwalkers (social activists). Girlies
have no other talents.
Uncle Al
(Do something naughty to physics)


For those who don't "get it", I suggest y'all seize on the phrases
"MKULTRA is now practiced in our grade schools" and "[m]ale children who
don't caponize are further blasted with a smorgasbord of major
antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and antipsychotics until they
vegetablize into good little girlies"

Thus, the fundamental dichotomy between Punk and Goth. As Uncle Al would
express it, even the girliest of female Punks is an expression of manly
man-ness, in a manly way and let's not forget the whole manly-man thing.
Arr. Goths, by contrast -- with the exception of Pirate or Ninja Goths
who are actually more manly than most, no matter how gendered is their
bender or bendered is their gender -- are the girliest girlies of the
girly men. Arguably, as Goths are the modern revenant of the Matriarchy,
Goth women are much more manly than the most manly of male Goths. See
also remarks about MKULTRA and society's failed experiment attempting to
produce a sexless and non-threatening caponized alpha-prowess
intellectual in good heritable physical health; the results of which are
men in fishnets who can argue your brains into mush on any subject
within the arts and sciences, yet who can weep with the best of them
when the eyelets on their stompy Docs catch on their SO's stripey tights
and put a run in the nylon. Are all of those antidepressants necessary?
Hey! You're not sick, the world really does SUCK. Why fake yourself into
thinking you're the one with the problems? It's the pharmacorps, it's
the industry, you're not fucking CRAZY -- ahem um um but for YOU I make
an exception to that remark -- unless you accept the world as it is.
You've got to FIGHT THE POWER unless perhaps you'd prefer SLACK.

If you can't out-rant me in an even more skewed and rambling manner with
even less of a conclusive summation, don't even TRY to respond. But I
can feel, yea, I can verily even feel, I can feel even coming upon us
now, yea verily, from a Republican in Richmond it cometh, from a Male
Nurse in Florida, yea verily it cometh with unseemly and insulting
remarks about natural foods and overweight in the modern generation of
the mothers-of-tomorrow. Yea, it cometh. Gather ye now the Kleenex or
other absorbent materials for indeed it cometh: the verbal and unwanted
spooge of the manly men who are silly enough to engage the girlie-men in
debate, rather than being the sensible sort of manly-man who chains
himself to a bedpost to be beaten with a velvet whip by a goth-grrl for
a low low hourly rate.

When will they ever learn!

we demand an EDUACTION!

and slack.
nam primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur.
2005-08-26 21:15:32 UTC
have you been going to the church of the subgenius? slack man. very
